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Chapter 529

Chapter 529

The next morning, Pearl was roused from her slumber by a ringing phone. She rubbed her eyes,

groped for her phone beneath her pillow, and answered the call.

Her eyes were puffy from exhaustion. After the guests departed the previous night, it was already ten

o’clock. By the time she finished her nightly routine and climbed into bed, it was midnight.

A familiar, cold, and slightly husky voice emanated from the other end of the line. “Pea.”

Pearl startled awake, sitting up in bed, the morning sun streaming into her eyes. She shielded them

with her hand. “Damian, you’re back?”

“Yes. I should have asked them to inform you yesterday. Still in bed? Have you grown lazy because I

haven’t trained you for too long?”

Damian’s voice was deep, clear, and carried a touch of drowsiness, as if he had just awakened. Itnovelbin

sounded good.

“No, that’s not possible. I woke up at five for my morning jog and only went back to sleep after that. I’m

not lazy.” Pearl was obviously lying as her eyes darted around.

However, when she spotted the hands of the wall clock, pointing to noon, her face turned pale.

“You slept long enough.” Damian couldn’t be bothered to expose her lie. He walked along the street,

dragging his luggage behind him, the wheels clacking with each step.

“Where are you? Should I come pick you up?” Pearl held the phone with her shoulder as she

rummaged through her closet. “Or you can tell me your location, and I’ll find you.”

Damian heard the sound of rustling clothes and knew Pearl was busy. He replied, “No need. I’ve

already found my rental place.”

Pearl paused. “But you have money. Why are you renting a place?”

While they were talking, Damian arrived at an old apartment building and entered a room. The room,

although small and covered in a thin layer of dust, was decent.

“I lived in this place alone when I was eighteen, determined to start working. Unfortunately…” Damian

trailed off, squinting as he reminisced. “Unfortunately, my parents passed away, and I never returned.”

Pearl sensed this was something close to his heart, so she didn’t say anything but just changed the

subject. “I’ll bring Wayne to see you later, after six. We can grab a drink.”

Damian set down his bag, sat on the couch, and crossed his legs. “Oh, is Mister Richard willing to let

his fiancee go out for drinks late at night?”

“You and Wayne don’t count as ‘men‘ in that context.” Pearl chuckled but realized she made a mistake,

so she covered her mouth.

“Enough of that. I’m going to take a shower, so you do whatever you need to do.” Damian had always

been direct, so he hung up promptly.

Pearl sat on a pile of clothes, feeling a jumble of emotions in her heart.

Chapter 529


Just then, a gentle knock sounded at the door. That was what Richard would usually do.

Pearl opened the door and found Richard standing there, lips pursed, with a hint of darkness in his


“Are you going out tonight?”

Pearl opened her mouth, but no words came out. Richard must have heard her conversation with

Damian and misunderstood.

“Yes, I’m meeting Damian to welcome him.”

It was a completely normal thing to do, but Pearl detected disappointment in Richard’s eyes.

“What’s wrong?” she cautiously asked.

Richard’s shoulders slumped, and he shook his head. “Nothing. Go ahead, but don’t stay out too late.”

Pearl gulped. “Are you jealous?”

“No.” It was a blatant lie.

Chapter 530

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