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Chapter 469

Chapter 469

Richard felt something was wrong when Pearl remained submerged in the water for an unusually long

time. He knew Pearl wouldn’t play such a prank, especially in deep water like this. She wouldn’t

intentionally stay underwater for so long.

Worried and sensing an emergency, he urgently waved his arms to get the camera crew’s attention.

Meanwhile, the crew members had discreetly averted their eyes when they witnessed the passionate

k*ss between Pearl and Richard. Esther, in particular, couldn’t contain her excitement and exclaimed,

“That’s so sweet! I can’t handle it. I ship this couple!”

Eric, on the other hand, wore a disappointed expression as he watched the couple’s intimate


Mobius, a bit exasperated, patted Esther’s head. “Can’t you have some decency, girl?”

“What do you mean decency? It’s not like I’m not getting k*sses. I have an on-screen k*ss with


Mobius, recalling the scene, couldn’t help but look annoyed. “Is that going to be your first k*ss?”

“Yes, my first on-screen k*ss was with Hanzel- Mmph!”

Before she could finish speaking, Mobius pulled her closer and k*ssed her.

“What are you doing!” Esther wiped her l*ps, flustered and panicked.

“I just wanted to help you get used to it by giving you a k*ss myself,” Mobius replied confidently.

He sounded very sure of himself which made Esther angry yet helpless. “Well since you k*ssed me,

does that mean you want to be my boyfriend?”

Mobius calmly answered, “We’ll see.”

Esther was infuriated and wanted to lash out, but then Derek suddenly exclaimed, “Oh no!”

Both Esther and Mobius immediately stopped bickering and leaned close to him to see what was going


“What happened?”

Derek stared at the black screen, his l*ps twitching in frustration. “The camera malfunctioned. I’m not

sure if we saved the footage we just shot.”

Esther shrugged dismissively. “Well, if we have to reshoot, it’s not a big deal. Those scenes weren’t too

difficult. I just need to see them together a bit more.”

Eric, overhearing the conversation, looked into the distance and contemplated, “Should we call them

back?” novelbin

“No.” Esther rolled her eyes. “We shouldn’t ruin their mood. They won’t disappear so there’s no need to

bring them back. Let them enjoy some time together. You’re too nosy.”

Eric nodded and quietly walked away. He decided to put on a life jacket and take a boat to reach

them. He wasn’t about to let them have quality time alone.

Meanwhile, Richard was hearing nothing but white noise from the camera, signaling that something

was indeed wrong with it. Pearl had disappeared barely a foot away from the boat. Determined, he

gritted his teeth, removed his shoes and coat, and jumped into the water.

With every stroke, Richard felt a growing sense of desperation. Pearl had seemingly vanished into the

lake, and he wasn’t an expert swimmer. The effort of swimming about six and a half feet had already

made his limbs start to feel numb.

Richard couldn’t help but wonder: Pearl jumped in, but how did she just disappear like that?

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