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Chapter 467

Chapter 467

“You’re so naive,” Pearl teased.

“How?” Eric looked annoyed and turned to Richard. “What does she mean?”

Richard calmly said, “Expect the unexpected.”

Eric, not being fluent in Capleiner, became even more confused after Richard’s reply. “The way you

Caplainese speak is so weird. It’s always so mysterious.”

“You’re just not very bright.” Pearl rolled her eyes. “You need to stop talking when we’re in there, or I’ll

get someone to throw you out.”

Eric felt bullied. He was the son of an oil baron, and his family’s wealth surpassed the GDP of some

countries. Not only did Pearl not care about him, but she also wanted to kick him out.

He decided he wouldn’t play along with her anymore!


The director of “The Melody of the West” waited at the door, and when he saw Pearl, he walked over.

“Miss Pearl, you’re finally here! I’ve been waiting.”

Mister Derek scoffed at how the director was bootlicking. “Destined to be a servant.”

The director, named Nicholas, and Derek had attended film school in the same year but had never

gotten along. They were like water and oil, never mixing well together. Their working relationship

became even worse when it came to financial matters.

After hearing Derek’s remark, Nicholas also scoffed. “I wonder who begged Miss Pearl to work with


Nicholas was always annoyed at the thought of Pearl choosing to work with Derek. He wasn’t too bad,

so why would such a talented actress choose to collaborate with someone like Derek?

“Why didn’t you manage to secure her for your project? Maybe you should try to get her to work with

you. Even Mister Richard brought funds to the crew. Are you upset about that?” Derek had a knack for

getting under people’s skin.

Seeing Nicholas’s worsening expression, Pearl intervened. “Alright, let’s save this discussion for later.

Please, let’s not argue until after the shoot, alright?”

Derek looked away dismissively. “I’m not going to waste my time on him.”

Nicholas appeared somewhat relieved. “I have no interest in arguing with him either.”

“In that case, let’s go in and start the shoot.”

Derek nodded. “Alright, I won’t waste any more time on this talentless man.”

Nicholas, who had initially let it go, suddenly exploded. “What are you saying, Derek Fumero?

If you keep this up, I’ll tell everyone about the time you tried to woo the hottest girl in our

year and ended up being chased down by a group of thugs and stepping in dog poop!”

Eric chimed in, “But you just did.”

Pearl burst into laughter.

Derek rolled up his sleeves, ready for a fight, when Richard spoke, “If you two keep arguing, I’ll

withdraw the funds.”

The threat acted like a bucket of cold water being poured over them. Richard had invested several

million dollars in two shows. If he got upset and pulled out his investment, they

wouldn’t have a way to raise that much money in such a short time.

Derek and Nicholas immediately backed down, knowing it was in their best interest to do so. novelbin

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