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Chapter 461

Chapter 461

Hearing that, the lady shook her head in terror. “I’m sorry for disturbing you.” After that, she quickly

walked away.

Pearl grinned, patting Eric on the head. “Don’t be scared, Eric. It’s just a woman.”

Richard commented calmly, “How boring!”

Enraged, Eric stared at Richard with dissatisfaction. “Could you take it if it were you?”

Pearl thought about it briefly and raised Richard’s chin, teasing him flirtatiously, “I have a little money.

Would you like to be with me?”

Richard chuckled. “Of course. But you can’t have more than one sugar baby.”

Pearl beamed, and she playfully k*ssed Richard on the cheek, even if they were in public.

Seeing that, Eric frowned sadly. “You guys were flirting, but I was harassed by that pervert. How could itnovelbin

be the same?”

After teasing Richard, Pearl was in a good mood. “Let’s go to the church now. It’s almost lunchtime,

and I don’t want to be late.”

Hiking up the mountain during winter was exhausting due to the low temperatures at the summit. Their

breath quickly turned into visible droplets in the cold air.

Eric, excited for his first visit to a Caplein church, forgot about the earlier incident and found the

experience interesting.

They hurried to the church, passing through its grand entrance.

At the door, an unusual stone statue caught Eric’s attention. “This statue looks quite ugly. Why is it

placed in such a prominent spot?” He reached out to touch it in confusion.

Suddenly, Pearl smacked his hand away. “Enough with the criticism! It’s an honored old man here. You

just have different tastes.

Feeling hurt by her unexpected reaction, Eric retorted, “No, we all think you’re pretty.”

His compliment earned him a glare from Richard.

Eric found Richard’s reaction petty, considering he’d praised Richard’s girlfriend.

Pearl was left speechless by their interaction. She decided to move on and walked over to a nearby

mimosa tree.

The tree, though not tall, was adorned with wooden sticks carrying written blessings. These blessings

were tied to the tree with red strings, creating a beautiful scene as they rang softly in the wind.

Pearl picked up a wooden stick with a red string, wrote some beautiful words on it, and carefully hung it

on the tree.

Richard and Eric were looking elsewhere. When Pearl found that they had not noticed what she did,

she left with relief.

Little did she know that Richard had been observing her out of the corner of his eye. When she

had left the tree, he went over and carefully looked for her blessing.

Finally, he found a blessing that wished for safety and happiness–Pearl’s words. Richard grabbed a

wooden stick, wrote something on it, and hung it next to Pearl’s. When the wind blew, his blessing was

revealed, and the ink quickly dried

[Richard wishes that Pearl can be safe and happy.]

After walking a bit further, Pearl realized that both Richard and Eric were no longer following her. She

didn’t mind the solitude, as they were usually noisy when together. Enjoying the tranquility, she

continued walking.

Suddenly, she heard a faint, pitiful cry. She listened carefully and soon located the source of

the sound. With urgency in her steps, she hurried in that direction.

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