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Chapter 434

Chapter 434


After gathering more information, Pearl realized that the man she had just treated was none other than

Daniel Blumenfeld, the richest man in Hazelton. It became clear why he had generously rewarded her

with ten thousand diamonds.

Leah, on the other hand, was envious. While she was aware of Daniel’s status, she had treated him

coldly, believing he was on the brink of death and there was no need to be polite.

However, she never expected him to recover and even let Pearl take over his treatment. When she

addressed him, she tried to appear flirtatious “Mister Blumenfeld, are you feeling better?”

Daniel, who remembered that Leah had not been helpful and had even made things worse, responded

with a cold tone, “I feel much better thanks to the treatment the hospital provided.”

His response was laced with sarcasm, which made Pearl giggle and left Leah speechless and pale.

Pearl decided to intervene, gently pointing Leah toward the door. “Alright, Leah, you should continue

your rounds. Aren’t there other patients to attend to?”

Leah scoffed and stormed out, realizing that she couldn’t win over Daniel’s favor.

Even Daniel couldn’t help but comment on Leah’s behavior, “This woman is so arrogant. I can see why

she’s just a doctor making rounds”

Pearl was secretly delighted by this comment, hoping Leah heard it before leaving. She assured

Daniel, “I’ll take over your treatment after this so you don’t have to worry.”

Daniel looked at Pearl with increasing admiration. “You’re such a kind young lady. Here’s my business

card. Feel free to call me if you need any help. By the way, do you have a boyfriend?”

Pearl glanced at Richard, who had been quietly observing, and smiled. “Yes, I do.”

Daniel finally noticed Richard and smiled awkwardly. “I thought you were single and was going to

introduce you to my less- than-impressive grandson. But never mind, you youngsters have your own


Richard, who had been silent until now, stood up and sounded a bit confrontational. “I’m taking Pearl

back She’s still in recovery”

Daniel sensed the tension and nodded. “Of course, go ahead.”

Taking Pearl by the hand, Richard led her back to her room. In the corridor, Pearl sensed the coldness

emanating from Richard and remained silent

When Richard finally broke the silence, he called her name. “Pearl.” novelbin

Startled by his sudden address, Pearl replied, “Yes?”

“When can I marry you?”

Pearl chuckled. “Didn’t I say I’d consider engagement after finding my mom?”

Richard wasn’t entirely satisfied with that response. “Let’s get engaged first. When we find your mom,

we’ll get married.”

Surprised by his sudden urgency, Pearl asked, “Why the rush? Remember, you agreed to my terms


Richard lifted her off the floor and pinned her against the wall. “I don’t want others to covet you. I want

everyone to know that you belong to me.”

Pearl was stunned. Did Richard feel insecure about their relationship?

“Do you want to get engaged to me then?” In the dimly lit corridor, Pearl couldn’t see Richard’s face

clearly, but she could see the glimmer in his eyes.

Under the dim lighting, Pearl couldn’t clearly see Richard’s face, but she could see the twinkle in his



Chapter 434

“Then let’s get engaged ”


“And let’s do it before the new year.”

“Yes,” Pearl replied with a smile, and under the soft lighting, she k*ssed his l*ps.


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