Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 896 Critically Ill
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Chapter 896 Critically Ill

Maximilian smiled and said to the masked guy, “You are free to go now.”

The masked guy nodded obediently and walked out to meet up with his companion. Seeing his glassy

eyes, his companion made fun of him, “Well, you’ve done a good job.”

He immediately pressed the button. All of a sudden, he heard the cracking sound of parts. Terrified, he

subconsciously tore off his companion’s clothes and hurriedly switched the power to the minimum level.

But he had no idea that even if he had switched the power to the minimum level, they would have been

blown away in such a short distance. He was so nervous that he forgot to run away. The abnormal

explosion, though not loud, appalled the people throughout H city.

In Dragon Queen’s room, after taking a call from his subordinate, Adviser Ashton burst into laughter,

“Haha! It’s on the news. Looks like we’ve made it.”

“What if they blew up Maximilian? I need him to tell me about a treasure before he can die,” said

Dragon Queen.

“Take a chill pill. It’s a flawless plan. He won’t be able to recover in a short time. He is sure to suffer

from the mental breakdown once his beloved is dead,” sneered Ashton who was rather confident with

his plan.

Dragon Queen was thrilled to hear that and complimented, “That’s brilliant. You are way more

competent than Harley.” She was concerned about Maximilian only because of the key secret of

Dragon Sect, which she must obtain before tackling Maximilian.

Adviser Ashton gloated, “Tell me about it. Harley is a chicken guy. It takes resolution to be successful.”

Then he got another call from his subordinate. After learning the truth, he was shocked. He hung up the

phone and his smirk was gone. At the sight of this, Dragon Queen knew that something must have

happened based on her experience of observing over years.

Ashton managed to smile at her in the hope that Dragon Queen wouldn’t smell a rat. Dragon Queen

pushed him away coldly and sneered, “Don’t tell me that it failed.”

Weak and slim, Ashton was pushed down all of a sudden. He was embarrassed looking at Dragon

Queen. Words failed him. “Dragon Queen, I really didn’t expect that Maximilian would have come back

so fast. Not only did he save Topyuan Group, but also he killed my two subordinates.” He started to

complain subconsciously trying to make Dragon Queen empathize with him.

Dragon Queen was angry and she wouldn’t cut him some slack just because of what he just said.novelbin

Instead, she said, “Don’t jerk me around. There’s no excuse. Knock it off.”

Ashton didn’t dare to say anything with his head down. He didn’t expect it to turn out the other way


“You really let me down. Ge out of here now. I don’t want to see you again.” Dragon Queen was so

disappointed with Ashton.

Ashton only dealt with Dragon Queen for a few times. Seeing how changeable Dragon Queen was, he

felt a chill down his spine and hastily rushed out. He was depressed and lay on the couch smoking

unhappily. He couldn’t figure out why his perfect plan would fail, so he was annoyed. At the same time,

his subordinates standing behind the couch sneered at him, whom reminded them of Harley when they

first saw him. They had held a grudge against Ahston long before. When he took over Harley’s position,

they hoped he could be nice to them but he turned out to be more difficult than Harley.

Ashton couldn’t help thinking of what Harley had ended up with, and he started to worry that he might

end up like Harley who had been fired by Dragon Queen finally. He was gloomy. He felt that he must do

something to make sure that wouldn’t happen to him. He had made up his mind to tackle Maximilian


Maximilian didn’t pity the masked guy and his companion after they were exploded, because they

asked for it. It would have caused great troubles to others if they had had their way with it.

Suddenly, he got a call from Victoria. He picked up the phone and headed towards her home. On the

phone, Victoria told him that her grandpa Samuel was critically ill, which seemed to be getting worse.

He was not sure whether he was happy or sad when learning about this. Although Samuel was his

grandpa in name, Samuel hadn’t appeared to be like a grandpa to him since he and Victoria got

married. As a result, he didn’t feel sad or anything about it. But it wouldn’t do him any good either if

Samuel was critically ill. After all, Theo and Darian were coveting Samuel’s position in the company. If

Samuel died, Theo and Darian would benefit from it and use it to deal with Victoria. In short, it was a

disadvantage rather than an advantage that Samuel fell ill because he was the one to maintain the

Griffiths at that moment.

Victoria’s eyes were red because of weeping when Maximilian arrived. Victoria knew her grandpa cared

her a lot before she got married with Maximilian, although she also knew he favored his two sons and

turned his back against her sometimes. She only remembered how nice her grandpa was to her and

paid no attention to his selfish motives. She understood that her grandpa favored his two sons over her

but he didn’t do anything way out of line to her. After all, she was his granddaughter.

Maximilian came up to comfort her, “Don’t worry. Grandpa is gonna be okay. Let’s go check on him.”

“Okay.” Victoria nodded and went with Maximilian to the hospital.

The news that Samuel was critically ill soon went viral in the Griffiths, each with his own axe to grind.

Coincidentally, Samuel was in one of Damen Doyle’s hospitals in H City. Maximilian was not surprised

at it because it made sense that Damen, the most famous and skilled doctor throughout the country,

ran hospitals everywhere.

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