Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 866 Furtive Behavior
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Chapter 866 Furtive Behavior

After thinking about this, Maximilian rubbed his forehead and couldn’t think of a solution for now. It

seemed that it was better to confess at the moment, after all, he had no choice at that time.

He thought about it and believed that Jude would understand it.

After thinking about it, Maximilian pretended to sleep and soon fell asleep. About a few hours later,

Jude woke up and froze on the spot when she saw a bloodstain on the bedsheet.

Suddenly Jude let out a scream, and Maximilian was awakened immediately. After he saw Jude and

realized she was panicked, he understood what was going on. He rubbed his forehead and thought he

was doomed. Jude was definitely going to be angry with him.

He subconsciously explained, “I'm sorry, it was an accident.”

When he finished, he felt that his answer was so idiotic that no one else would believe it.

“An accident? Would you expect me to believe that?” Jude snorted, “I expect more of you.”

The corner of Maximilian’s mouth twitched slightly. It looked like Jude obviously did not know what

happened in the first place, so he began to explain to Jude.

Jude listened and went dumbfounded completely. She couldn’t remember what happened at the

beginning, only pieces. She then fell into contemplation, and finally believed that she and Maximilian

were set up by others.

But who should be blamed? She hated that man, if it wasn't for that man, this wouldn't have happened!

Jude suddenly realized an important thing.

That man seemed to be no longer here. Jude subconsciously asked Maximilian, “Where is the big


“He must run away,” Maximilian explained.

Jude was very depressed after she heard it. Not only did she not catch the big guy, but she lost her

virginity. But after thinking about the fact that she gave her first time to Maximilian, she felt much better.

Because she thought that Maximilian was a good guy. It’s not that bad to give him her virginity.

Jude temporarily got over with this matter, and Maximilian couldn’t help but cough a few times, “Well,

now you know I'm innocent, right?”

He was actually giving a hint to Jude to apologize to him.

“You took advantage of me anyway.” Jude hugged herself muttered, then couldn’t help but complain

about Maximilian in her heart.

Maximilian rolled his eyes and laughed bitterly, “I’m the one who did the hard work, and I’m a bit

exhausted now because of you.”

Jude understood what he meant and was blushed instantly. She then murmured, “I’m sorry, I've

wronged you.”

Maximilian also felt that he’s a little pushing, but he felt complicated when he saw Jude, and he didn’t

know how to face Jude.

Jude felt even more complicated. She did like Maximilian, but she hadn't figured this out yet, and

because of what happened just now, she felt her heart skipped a beat when she looked at him.

The atmosphere became unbearably awkward, the two of them look at each other and did not know

what to say.

Finally, Jude said, “Well, let’s just pretend that nothing has happened and don't tell anyone about it.”

Maximilian did not have any objections and nodded to Jude.

Jude suddenly said, “The big guy must be gone, how could you let him run away?”

He then said to Jude, “I can't help it. Under that circumstances, if he was knocked out and then woke

up later, wouldn't it be awkward? Besides, he’s not stupid.”

After hearing Maximilian's explanation, Jude didn’t know what to say, and she began to felt that what

Maximilian said made sense after thought about it.

Jude couldn’t believe that she didn’t succeed the first time, and when she stood up, she did not stand

firm because she’s weak. She complained and looked at Maximilian, thinking that it was all his fault.

After Maximilian felt her gaze, he scratched his head.

“You lie down well first, I'll have someone send you something to eat.” Maximilian looked at Jude and

said. He had sex with her after all, it would be very inappropriate if he just left her like that.

“Okay.” Jude wanted to stand up again, but when she found that her body was weak at the moment,

she had to do what Maximilian wanted.

Maximilian learned the big guy's location, then immediately acted without saying a word. If he couldn’t

get it done, then he would feel shame when he faced Jude.

He promised to catch the big guy in the first place. If he still couldn’t, he would feel sorry.

After learned the big guy’s location, Maximilian then set out to catch the big guy. The big guy thought

he could escape again, so he was quite comfortable at the moment, crossing his legs and humming to


“Yes, give me a massage here.” The big guy said with a grin.

After those women saw the part the big guy pointed to, they blushed.

If it was before, these women would certainly get him turned on. But since he saw Jude, he can never

forget her anymore because Jude was so breath-taking. Suddenly, he had no interest in those women.

At this time, the door of the room was suddenly kicked open and a black shadow appeared in the

doorway. When he saw the black shadow, the corners of his mouth twitched. How did Maximilian get


The person who came was Maximilian, and the big man was scared of Maximilian. How could he have

imagined that Maximilian would appear here? He completely went dumbfounded.

Maximilian directly dragged the big guy out of the room. When the big guy was dragged out, he barely

resisted, because he knew what kind of person Maximilian was.

He had suffered at the hands of Maximilian. If Maximilian really wanted to make a move on him, he was

no match.

Those women were also startled and thought Maximilian was here to arrest them. Maximilian said to

those panicked women, “I’m looking for him, and it has nothing to do with you girls.”

After hearing this, those women were much more relieved, and they immediately left as if they had not

seen it.

The big guy began to panic and begged for mercy, “Hey man, just let me go.”

Maximilian laughed coldly, “Let you go? You're so naive to think that.”

The big guy kept begging for mercy, just at this time, a trace of coldness flashed through his eyes, andnovelbin

he furtively put his hand in the trouser belt. Maximilian naturally noticed this furtive behavior of the big


When the big guy just wanted to strike, Maximilian clasped the wrist of the big guy, and with a little

force, the big guy immediately let out a scream, and almost cried out because of pain.

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