Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 864 The Private Driver
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Chapter 864 The Private Driver

When things were done, Connor ran up to Maximilian’s side and expressed his thanks, "Mr. Lee, thank

you for coming. Otherwise, I would have died here."

Connor was grateful to Maximilian for coming to his rescue. If it weren’t for Maximilian, he would have

kicked the bucket today.

Maximilian smiled at Connor. "This is what I should do. After all, we’re friends."

Connor was moved. Although Maximilian regarded him as a friend, Connor was aware that Maximilian

was someone beyond his reach. Everyone would envy him having the young master of the Dragonnovelbin

Sect as his friend.

Connor snapped his fingers and Vinnie took out a briefcase. The briefcase was opened and it was filled

with cash.

Maximilian was slightly stunned, not knowing what Connor meant. Connor said with a smile, "Mr. Lee, I

have nothing to pay back. Please take the money as a token of my gratitude."

Maximilian smiled helplessly, not knowing what to do with Connor. Since Connor shoved the briefcase

into his arms, Maximilian could only take it.

Grace was totally stupefied at this scene. For the first time, she realized how easy it was to make so

much money. If it were her, it would have taken her at least over 20 years to make so much money.

Maximilian made small talk with Connor for a while before walking out with Grace.

"A certain amount of money in the briefcase belongs to you." Maximilian said.

Grace’s face lit up and then she waved her hands. "No. You take all the money, so that I can return the


"Alright. This is the extra money." After that, Maximilian took out a stack of money and thrust it into

Grace’s arms. In fact, Maximilian was thinking that once Grace took the money, she wouldn’t look to

him for help each time she was in trouble, so that it would save some trouble for him at least.

At the thought that she was poor, Grace didn’t refuse Maximilian and took the money.

Suddenly, Maximilian asked, "Have you got anything planned recently?"

"I don’t have many friends in Western Regions. I used to travel around with my father, and I find H City

quite good. I want to live in H City." Grace smiled beautifully. The reason she wanted to live in H City

was mostly because of Maximilian.

Grace had seen how powerful Maximilian’s background was, and it couldn’t be better if she had a

supporter like Maximilian. Therefore, she was very grateful to Maximilian.

Maximilian approved of what she said too. If Grace started her new life in H City, Maximilian would

welcome her at any time.

Grace poked her fingers together and said, "Well, can I stay at your home for some time? I’ll rent a

house when I get a steady job."

"Don’t bother. You may live in my house until you buy your own." Maximilian said generously.

Suddenly, Grace was touched and held Maximilian excitedly. When the passers-by saw this scene,

they mistook them as a couple. Some single passers were also enchanted by this scene.

At the thought of his beautiful wife at home, Maximilian pushed Grace away subconsciously. Her body

felt so good, though. However, the moment he had this idea, Maximilian shook his head and emptied

his mind. What was he thinking about?

Meanwhile, Grace thought nothing of it. Instead, she found it quite normal. Then she trotted back home

with enthusiasm.

Just at this moment, Maximilian got a phone call from Jude. Jude’s tone sounded very sincere and

frank on the phone. She was almost talking to Maximilian in a pleading tone.

Maximilian was a little stunned. He was not quite used to the way Jude talked to him, and Jude got

straight to the point on the phone.

It turned out that Jude was stuck in a case, and she wanted to ask Maximilian for help to look into the

case, but she was afraid that Maximilian would turn her down.

"Where are you? I’m coming over now."

Since Jude had been so helpful to Maximilian, and also helped him for so many times, Maximilian

couldn’t just refuse her. He didn’t want to disappoint Jude. Besides, it was the first time Jude had ever

asked him for help.

"Really? Come to my office to see me."

Now Jude sounded excited in an urgent and happy way.

Maximilian shouted at Grace in the distance, "Go home now. I have some other business to attend to."

Grace nodded. She knew where Maximilian’s house was, nodded obediently, and said nothing.

Maximilian stopped a taxi and went to Jude’s office. When Maximilian got off the taxi, he discovered, to

his surprise, that he might have seen the taxi driver somewhere before.

When Maximilian paid the taxi driver, the taxi driver said in surprise, "It’s you, God of Wealth."

It was now that Maximilian recognized the taxi driver. Last time, Victoria had an emergency. Maximilian

spent some good money renting his car, and that was how Maximilian solved the urgent problem.

"So you bought a new car?" Maximilian found that the car the taxi driver was driving this time was

much better. Apparently, the taxi driver got upgraded using Maximilian’s money.

The taxi driver grinned and said, "Well, I’m back on familiar ground. This ride is on the house, and I

won’t charge you. From now on, each time you want a taxi, call this number at any time. As long as

you’re in H City, I’ll come to you."

Maximilian was stunned a little. Now he got a free driver, and it was such a special feeling.

"Thank you so much." No matter what, Maximilian had to express his appreciation. Although he had

spent some good money back then, Maximilian didn’t feel regretful at all. At that time, as long as he

could save Victoria as soon as possible, it was worth it, no matter how much money he spent.

When he got off the car, Maximilian saw Jude waiting anxiously for him at the entrance. At this

moment, Jude was not wearing the uniform, but some casual sports wear.

Although it was some ordinary sports wear, it still looked great on Jude.

Maximilian couldn’t help but sigh. Jude was really like a fairy coming down to earth. As long as one was

beautiful, she looked great no matter what she wore. Especially her jeans, they looked decent but

somewhat sexy at the same time.

"What? Are you going on a date with me?" Maximilian asked bluntly.

Jude rolled her eyes, but was not angry at Maximilian’s joke. She said with a serious face, "We’re going

to do some investigations. This time we have to wear plain clothes and lay low."

"How sure are you about this case?" Maximilian teased with a smile, wanting to put Jude at ease.

"About fifty percent. But since you’re here, one hundred percent." Jude smiled, having confidence in


Maximilian smiled jokingly. "Don’t get your hopes up too much. Haven’t you heard a saying? The bigger

the expectation, the bigger the disappointment."

"Alright, that’s enough banter. Get in the car already." Jude found Maximilian was straying from the

point and changed the topic.

The private driver of Maximilian’s happened to be here. He called Maximilian, "Want to get in?"

Maximilian pulled Jude into the car. Later, the taxi driver suddenly asked Maximilian.

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