Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 859 Trust in Vinnie Forever
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Chapter 859 Trust in Vinnie Forever

Maximilian did not want to argue with the two guys, but they keep wasting his time. He remembered

that Connor was still waiting for him.

If he did not come in time, he would be so sorry for Connor. Although Connor was just a chess piece for

him, Maximilian also regarded him as a friend.

He thought that Connor was more important than other people that he could use. In addition, Connor

was the target of the Dragon Queen, so Maximilian should hurry up anyway.

Now it was too late to go to another clothing store. He subconsciously took out his mobile phone, andnovelbin

by coincidence, Connor called him.

"I want to buy clothes in disguise in a clothing store, but some people argue against me and do not

allow me to buy clothes here."

Maximilian said it simply and directly.

Originally, Connor was embarrassed to ask for Maximilian’s help again but he still did ask him because

it was a critical moment. When he heard Maximilian's answer, he suddenly had no worries.

The reason why Maximilian did not come turned out to be that he was delayed. Connor had thought

that Maximilian was perfunctory, so he immediately arranged his men to handle this trouble.

Vinnie stopped the car and went in hurriedly. He saw Maximilian and saluted Maximilian by holding his

fist with the other hand, "Mr. Lee."

"You are his friend, right? I don’t want to see you either. Get out of here." The nouveau riche man

looked down upon Vinnie also and said to him rudely.

Vinnie was a grumpy man. He came to complete the task this time. Seeing the man throw his weight

around, Vinnie became angry at once.

"Get out of the way, you such a hindrance." Vinnie waved his hand and then slapped the nouveau riche


There was suddenly a red slap mark on the man’s face, and the slap sound resounded in everyone's


Seeing her husband being slapped, the woman immediately turned into a shrew and waved her bag to

hit Vinnie. Vinnie looked at her coldly. It did not hurt; instead, it was a little funny.

He did not want to fight against women, or Vinnie would immediately slap the woman. He sneered,

"You two are making trouble for Mr. Connor and even dare to fight with me here. You are courting


The lady was dumbfounded at once. Connor was famous in H City. Even a five-year-old child was

afraid of and respect Connor, let alone them.

Seeing so many people behind Vinnie, the woman was scared by the crowd. She thought that even if

they were not Connor’s men, Vinnie must be a head of a large organization.

The nouveau riche man quickly realized something and hurriedly asked Vinnie for mercy, "I'm sorry. We

are blind. May I ask your name?"

"Mr. Vinnie. You can trust Mr. Vinnie forever."

Hearing the famous slogan of Mr. Vinnie, the man was so scared that his legs became limp and feeble.

He knew Mr. Vinnie, a right-hand man of Mr. Connor.

He dared to ask Mr. Vinnie to get out of here just now. He was so stupid to make trouble for himself. He

then slapped on his own face several times.

"Mr. Vinnie, I'm as blind as a bat. I’ve lost my eyesight. Please don’t be angry." The nouveau riche man

admitted his mistakes and cried out.

Vinnie glanced at him with disdain and said, "I won’t be angry because of you stupid jerk."

The man breathed a sigh of relief gratefully and then realized the most important point in Vinnie’s

words. He asked, "Mr. Vinnie, you’ve just said that we are making trouble for Mr. Connor. Why?"

It was his first time to meet Vinnie, and he had never met Connor before. He wondered why he made

trouble for Mr, Connor and became overwhelmed.

The lady also nodded to show her innocence. Since they knew Vinnie’s identity, she did not dare to

make a scene.

Vinnie then looked at Maximilian and said tonelessly, "Mr. Lee was Mr. Connor’s friend, and he invited

Mr. Lee to his home, but you were wasting Mr. Lee's time here."

Hearing that, the man and his girlfriend gulped in surprise as if it were considerable news. They never

thought that Maximilian would know Mr. Connor.

The nouveau riche man immediately noticed the key point - it was not Maximilian who took the initiative

to visit Mr. Connor. Mr. Connor invited Mr. Lee to his home and send his right-hand man to invite him in

person, which indicated Maximilian’s status.

Similarly, the shop assistant was so shocked that she almost teetered. Although she just followed the

instruction of the rich couple, she was still the main accomplice.

Now she extremely regretted talking rudely to Maximilian. She realized that she should never drive

Maximilian out to get the petty profits.

Although Grace did not know Mr. Connor, after seeing those people's fear of him, she got some

information about him. She looked at Maximilian with a surprised expression in her eyes. She did not

expect that he had such a high position.

"Mr. Lee, I'm sorry I'm late." Vinnie said sincerely.

Maximilian smiled, "I think you are so fast."

He had to admit that they came here so fast. It was more than ten kilometers away from Connor's

home, and Vinnie came here ten minutes in advance, which indicated that Connor thought him


Vinnie turned around and shouted to the nouveau riche man and his girlfriend, "Apologize to Mr. Lee

right now."

"Mr. Lee, I'm sorry. We won’t do so next time.” The couple had to admit their mistake and realized that

however strong you are, there is always someone stronger.

Vinnie stared at them angrily and said, "Next time? I don’t think you can live so long till that time."

"We said the wrong words. No, no, no. We’ll get out immediately." The nouveau riche man and his

girlfriend hurriedly waved their hands and ran out without stopping. They looked very embarrassed.

They thought that they could swell with pride after winning millions of lottery, but did not expect to be

snubbed when they bullied ordinary people for the first time.

Maximilian turned around and pointed to the clothes in Grace’s hand. He said, "How much?"

Realizing the friendship between Maximilian and Mr. Connor, the shop assistant did not dare to ask him

to pay the bill. Besides, she had offended Maximilian before, so she decided to do him a favor. She

waved her hand, "Mr. Lee, it was my fault just now and delayed your precious time. I should apologize

to you, so just take these clothes for free."

"Thank you." Although the shop assistant took sides casually to get the little money, Maximilian thought

it was human nature. After all, she gave these clothes to them for free. Maximilian thought that he

should say thanks to her.

The shop assistant suddenly felt happy. Although she lost some money, at least she did not offend

such a big shot.

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