Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 857 Rescuing Connor
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Chapter 857 Rescuing Connor

Maximilian received a phone call at this time. To his surprise, it was Connor.

Connor would not call Maximilian if he had nothing serious. Maximilian guessed that he might have an


Thinking of that, Maximilian did not hesitate and pick it up decisively.

"Hello, what’s up?"

"Mr. Lee, I am in trouble now. Someone wants me to go to the appointment, and the sniper was staring

at me. Once I do not go, I will be in danger. Anyway, I’ll die."

"Don’t worry. I’ll go with you in disguise."

Maximilian frowned and thought that Connor, who had always been calm, was so anxious now. There

were only a few people who could make Connor lose his cool throughout the city.

Maximilian decided to go whether the trouble was caused by Connor himself or Maximilian. Connor had

always been supporting him, so he would help Connor anyway.

"Believe me, I’ll figure it out," Maximilian said.

Connor said gratefully, "Mr. Lee, in that case, it would be great. Thank you so much."

"Well, don’t be so polite. You know me." Maximilian smiled and said.

Connor hung up and felt relieved a lot. He believed that Mr. Lee would help him to solve the trouble


Vinnie could not help saying, "Will Mr. Lee help us?"

"Alas. I’ll be so lucky if he can help me. I hope he will come." Connor was very confident in Maximilian.

Everything would be better once Maximilian came.

He had now put all his hopes to Maximilian. If Maximilian did not come to save him, he would die

definitely no matter how he was powerful in H City.

But compared with Maximilian, he was so inferior. Moreover, he could only be a pawn of Maximilian

that might be discarded easily.

"If Mr. Lee does not come, we’ll be in big trouble." Although Vinnie feared Mr. Lee very much, he

worked for Connor for a long time and could not help but sigh.

"By the way, where’s Casey?" Connor suddenly asked.

Vinnie replied, "He was arranging bodyguards."novelbin

"Forget it. Tell him to stop it." Connor waved his hand and said, "Just tell him to arrange a few at will.

They are actually useless because only Mr. Lee can save me."

"Sir, Anyway, we should take some bodyguards just in case."

Hearing what Vinnie said, Connor nodded.

Maximilian learned the news and was about to leave immediately. Grace subconsciously said, "I’ll go

with you."

"It's dangerous there." Maximilian said tonelessly. To be honest, he did not want to take Grace because

he had no time to protect her when they were in trouble.

"Don’t worry. I know myself. No matter how dangerous it is, I will go." Grace smiled charmingly.

Seeing that, Maximilian had no choice. He did not expect Grace to think so, which made him a little

shocked. He wanted to say no again, but Grace resolutely said, "If you do not let me go, how can I pay

back to you?"

Hearing that, Maximilian suddenly felt embarrassed, but he had no choice. He then said, "OK, but

maybe I can’t protect you at that time."

"I have my own way to protect myself," Grace said stubbornly.

Maximilian said nothing else. Since she would like to go there, maybe he should take her, so that they

could probably solve the problems more quickly.

Thinking of that, he did not refuse her anymore.

They first came to a clothing store because they were easy to recognize if they wear the original

clothes. Maximilian must dress in disguise.

Fortunately, it's winter, so they can wear a scarf so as not to be easily recognized. Maximilian and

Grace came to a famous clothing store.

They entered the store and the waiter was about to greet them. But when she noticed Maximilian in

inexpensive clothes, she stopped smiling.

She thought that rich customers were coming, but when she saw Maximilian, she did not want to treat

them enthusiastically and looked down on Maximilian from the bottom of her heart.

Maximilian did not directly ask the price but chose a set of clothes that could wrap the body, which

made him difficult to be recognized. He said, "How much are they?"

The waiter thought that Maximilian might take one of the clothes to ask the price. She did not expect

that he even directly asked her the price of all the clothes that he had taken.

The shop assistant looked at him with disdain and said, "You’d better not take so many."

"Why?" Maximilian asked.

The shop assistant sneered bluntly, "These clothes are at least 10,000 dollars. As for this one, let’s


She stopped, but Maximilian understood her implication. She wanted to say that Maximilian could not

afford these clothes.

It did not surprise Maximilian. When he came in the store, he had expected that they would look down

upon him. He smiled and said, "Just tell me the price directly. Stop talking nonsense."

Hearing that, the shop assistant froze and was extremely surprised at Maximilian’s confidence. Then

she said with disdain, "Do you have money? I think you are such a poseur."

Maximilian said faintly, "It’s none of your business whether I have money."

The shop assistant sneered, "This suit is 100,000 dollars or more. Can you afford it?"

Originally, Grace wanted to take a few sets of clothes, but she stopped after hearing that they were so

expensive. She felt it was too expensive.

She thought that it might be over one hundred, but actually, it would cost at least 10000 dollars.

When Maximilian talked with the shop assistant, a rich young man came in with a woman with a lot of

makeup on, wearing a marten coat.

After seeing Maximilian, the lady wearing a mink suddenly said with sarcasm, "Oh, I think it’s a famous

brand shop, isn’t it?"

The shop assistant hurriedly said, "Of course we are. Please look at this brand, it’s definitely genuine."

The lady sneered at Maximilian, "Since you are a regular brand shop, why is a peasant here?"

The shop assistant finally understood the lady’s implication and looked at Maximilian subconsciously.

She realized that Maximilian had influenced the image of their store.

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