Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 855 Isolated
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Chapter 855 Isolated

Maximilian said goodbye to Vinnie and hurriedly got in. It had been a long time since Grace got in and

he could be sure that something was wrong.

Maximilian was dazzled after getting in because it was crowded with many people and it was noisy.

Hence, it was almost impossible to find Grace.

He could only call her and wished she could pick up the phone in this noisy place.

However, the bell kept ringing with no reply. Maximilian finally knew he had no choice but to find her

among the crowd.

The good thing was Grace was wearing elegant clothes and it was easy to distinguish her from ladies

in the H City.

Maximilian quickly recognized her. He passed through the crowd and found someone was talking with

her. It didn’t seem to be a pleasant talk because the middle-aged man suddenly began to fight with her.

The middle-aged man called a bunch of subordinates and quickly besieged her. Maximilian knew she

was in trouble.

Although she was a master specialized in using poisons. It was hard for her to escape in a short


Maximilian didn’t know whether it was a good idea to help her because he had warned her to wait for

him. However, she just burst in and got herself into trouble.

After thinking for a while, he thought the most important thing now was rescuing her. The middle-aged

man showed a greedy expression when finding Grace was trapped.

He smiled evilly when looking her up and down, “You’re really an aggressive girl, but I like it.”

Grace stared at him angrily. She was filled with anger just now to revenge and she regretted not waiting

for Maximilian.

When the middle-aged man was going to touch her, Maximilian suddenly showed up and grabbed his

wrist. He said with a smile, “Well, uncle, you are still fond of doing such a thing at this age.”

Grace thought the man was going to humiliate her. However, when she looked up and found Maximilian

was here, her last hope finally emerged. She couldn’t believe he eyes and it was out of her expectation.

She was so surprised that an illusion appeared with a sparkling light showed behind Maximilian,

making him look like an angel who would save her life.

Of course, in others’ perception, Maximilian’s extraordinary power was their disaster.

The middle-aged man felt his wrist was grabbed by pincers because it was so powerful that he couldn’t

move at all. He was sure Maximilian was Grace’s assistant when seeing he was coming to rescue her.

“You’d better let go of me, otherwise, I will teach you a lesson.” The middle-aged man tried to threaten


His words meant nothing to Maximilian. The middle-aged man was suddenly irritated when finding

Maximilian remained unmoved by force or persuasion. He hinted his subordinate to take action.

At this point, a muscular man appeared behind Maximilian and held him tightly, as if wishing to strangle

him to death.

The muscular man believed that he was powerful enough to make him pass over. However, there was

not a single painful expression on Maximilian’s face and he didn’t seem to be bothered by his arm.

When the muscular man thought it was impossible for Maximilian to escape, Maximilian suddenly used

great strength to twist his arm, making him feel his arm was going to be broken and he could only let go

of him.novelbin

The muscular man waved his arm in pain and couldn’t imagine what the consequence would be if he

insisted on holding round his neck. Maybe his arm would dislocate in such a great strength.

The other men all noticed that Maximilian was hard to deal with. They decided to let two men controlled

Grace, while the other would focus on beating Maximilian.

Grace was concerned about Maximilian because she didn’t know his true ability. She thought it was a

narrow place for him to escape with so many people surround him.

However, she soon found she didn’t have to worry when seeing what happened next. Maximilian was

flexible and fast in this narrow space and handled things properly and easily.

Those muscular men were all beaten and didn’t dare approach him anymore.

The muscular man was shocked when finding he couldn’t compete with Maximilian. He rubbed his eyes

with great astonishment and thought everything was his illusion.

He took a sip subconsciously because he never expected things would be so abrupt. He tried to calm

down and continued to rub his eyes.

Maximilian glanced at the two men, who was controlling Grace. The two men felt his glance and

swallowed in scare. They hurriedly let her go.

They were afraid if they didn’t, what happened to their partners would happen to them. Thinking of this,

they couldn’t stop trembling.

The middle-aged man was isolated when finding all of his subordinates were gone. He never expected

that they would be so timid and left him alone.

Grace looked at him with gloomy expression. She would take her revenge considering he was the

perpetrator who murdered her father.

The middle-aged suddenly became afraid when feeling her anger of trying to kill him.

However, he spat a mouthful of blood and fell on the ground, which really astonished people present.

They all screamed in scare. Someone even thought there was somebody behind who stabbed him

because only Maximilian knew what happened.

Grace was dumbfounded and then threw up her hands, proving she didn’t do anything. It really

confused her when the man suddenly fell on the floor.

Maximilian quickly calmed down and looked at the blood on the desk. The blood gradually turned from

red to purple, and then, black!

Grace also focused on observing the colour of the blood and couldn’t believe what happened.

Both Maximilian and Grace said in a same time, “He was poisoned.”

Maximilian was also dumbfounded. Was it possible that the middle-aged man was poisoned before

they came? Grace was an expert in witchcraft and had a knowledge of poison. She tried to find clues

from the spot.

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