Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 853 Every Deed Have Its Consequence
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Chapter 853 Every Deed Have Its Consequence

Those guards knew that the man in suit was the son of the owner in Persimmon KTV. His words could

decide whether they would survive.

All of them trembled and showed a terrible expression, thinking that it was Maximilian’s fault.

If it were not him, they couldn’t be warned a second time.

Anyway, they knew it was the last warning and they all thought Maximilian should take the full


The man in suit suddenly raised up his hand and commanded, “Before driving him out, let him

apologize for me first.”

People showed Maximilian sympathetic look when hearing the man’s words. They were wondering why

did Maximilian’s trouble as he was the son of the boss.

However, Maximilian suddenly felt released after knowing that man turned out to be the son of the KTV

boss. An ordinary man would be arrogant if he was powerful as him.

The man in suit still raised up his hand up in the sky, waiting for Maximilian to apologize for him. He

had seen in his fancy that Maximilian was kneeling down for his mercy. He couldn’t help smiling when

thinking of this.

The guards also noticed that their young master got angry with Maximilian. They looked at Maximilian

fiercely because he had almost made them lose their job.

They decided to chase him out in order to behave well and apologize for the young master.

“Hurry up and say sorry for our young master. Don’t you want to live?” The guards shouted. They would

beat Maximilian until he apologized because all of them know if they didn’t be cruel to him, they would

be next.

Maximilian replied calmly, “I haven’t done anything wrong. Why should I apologize? Besides, it was him

who knocked me first. He is the blind one.”

People all held a deep breath when hearing this. They gave Maximilian a thumbs up for his courage.

They shook their head and thought he was searching for death by making the situation worse. He could

apologize to end things, however, he was provoking and trying to irrigate the man.

Although all of them had seen it was the man in suit who knocked on Maximilian on purpose, he should

still apologize because the man was the son of this KTV with noble status and complex background.

They thought Maximilian was being too na?ve and could already imagine his awkward look.

The man in suit heard Maximilian clearly and his expression gradually darkened. He always thought his

words were truth and nobody could do anything to repel him on his place. Even when he was wrong,

he thought he was right.

However, he never expected that someone dared challenge his authority, making him really

embarrassed if he couldn’t punish him and give him a lesson.

He decided to let Maximilian know who was the boss, otherwise, what kind of young master would henovelbin

be? Besides, with so many people present, he had to win his dignity.

“Well, you don’t want to apologize? How about breaking your two legs?” The man in suit squinted his

eyes and said in a cold manner.

Those guards were not stupid and knew young master was commanding them to break Maximilian’s

legs. They thought Maximilian was an ordinary man and the police wouldn’t find them trouble.

They began to approach him, looking for an opportunity to beat him. The man in suit sneered, “That’s

what will happen if you go against me.”

The woman with heavy make up tried to flatter him, “Young master, you are so brave. I love it.”

The man in suit burst out laughter when hearing this and thought no one could compete with him in the

world, while people around all felt despised of him.

They thought he was relying on his relation with the KTV boss by acting rudely. If judging from his

appearance and behaviour, he was nothing but a terrible man.

Vinnie passed by at this point. He lit a cigarette and didn’t seem to care about what happened. After

noticing him, the man in suit blinked his eyes and hurriedly greeted him, “Hi, long time no see. Why are

you here?”

Although he was son of the KTV boss and it was in his place, he didn’t dare be rude to Vinnie because

he was acquaint with many big names. He would have a promising future if Vinnie appreciated him.

The man in suit tried hard to please him, however, Vinnie simply nodded to without further action.

“Are you here to relax? Well, how about I take this charge and find you some beauties?” The man in

suit smiled and tried to be his friend.

However, Vinnie only glanced at him and replied frankly, “I should be free of charge every time I come

here. Besides, I don’t need you to select beauties for me. I believe in destiny.”

The man in suit was awkward because it seemed that his father had already offered Vinnie privilege.

“What’s going on?” Vinnie asked curiously.

Finally, the man in suit thought it was time for him to perform and replied with proud, “This guy is in my

way and refuse to apologize for me. Well, I am asking my men to give him a lesson. He should be

dying now.”

Vinnie was despised of him because he always followed the rule of trying to be humble even when he

was a big figure. He didn’t like to clash with others.

However, the man in suit was too immature and there would come a day when he would be kicked by

others for being too aggressive. He shook his head and didn’t want to interfere.

When Vinnie was going to get in, he noticed the man who was surround by the group looked familiar to


On the other hand, the man in suit was looking forward to seeing how hard Maximilian was beaten, but

what happened next really shocked him.

He couldn’t believe his eyes when finding Maximilian was standing safe and sound among the


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