Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 851 Innocent Smile
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Chapter 851 Innocent Smile

Maximilian glanced over the room and noticed that there was a tattoo with a wolf’s head symbol on the

man’s arm. He suddenly understood he was the man Grace looked for.

Grace seemed to be weak with blurring eyes and exhausted expression. Maximilian could find that she

was afflicted.

Every one was scared and then finally came back to consciousness. They showed a cold gaze at

Maximilian because they thought it was sir who broke in, or even a bunch of masters.

However, it turned out that Maximilian came aloe.

They all scoffed at him and didn’t scare of him, thinking he was simply a nobody.

Grace found Maximilian here and immediately cheered up, trying not to pass out and saying in a feeble

voice, “He force me to have tranquilizer. I can’t anymore.”

Maximilian figured the tranquilizer really had a powerful effect by making Grace couldn't even move.

The tattoo man looked at Maximilian and said in a cold voice, “You shouldn’t show up in such a place.”

“Give me the antidote and let her go.” Maximilian said calmly.

The tattoo man showed a disdainful smile when hearing Maximilian’s words. He said, “Who are you?

Do you think you’re my boss and can let me do whatever you want?”

He glanced at Maximilian in despise. The tattoo man was well-known and it would hurt his face if he let

go Grace easily.

He looked at Maximilian as if he was an idiot and laughed at him, “Let’s see whether you have the

power to save her. Come on, let’s fight!”

The subordinates around him tried to get close to Maximilian step by step. They all showed a ferocious

smile and treated him as a harmless prey.

Maximilian didn’t afraid of them at all. He moved in a quick speed that even made people hard to figure

out where he was. The tattoo man and his subordinated were shocked because Maximilian was

moving around like a ghost that showed anywhere and anytime.

His subordinated remained still and wanted to take the chance when Maximilian stopped. Maximilian

was smart by fighting when moving around.

Many people were attacked and a man even flew out by his punch.

The tattoo man took a deep breath when seeing this and had a really bad feeling. He stepped back

subconsciously and put hands in the pocket.

All of his subordinates were knocked down in a short time and they didn’t even realize what happened

because Maximilian moved so quickly.

Instead of being brutal, they all felt it was astonishing. They looked at Maximilian with startled face and

started to play dead on the ground.

The tattoo man gritted his teeth and suddenly grabbed out his gun when Maximilian was coming close

to him. Maximilian tilted his head easily and the bullet passed right beside him.

The tattoo man was startled because it was the first time for him to see that someone could dodge a

bullet. The speed of the bullet could not be measured simply by eyes in a moment.

However, Maximilian easily dodged it. His reaction ability was far beyond ordinary people.

Grace was getting more and more interested and didn’t feel sleepy anymore. She was like watching an

epic film when Maximilian was the hero.

The tattoo man found Maximilian was getting closer to him and didn’t know what to do.

“I can give you the cure right now.” The tattoo man hurriedly took out the drag after a few seconds of

hesitation and untied Grace.

Maximilian didn’t let Grace take the drug immediately because he was afraid that the tattoo man was

lying to him and took out poison. Hence, he decided to make the tattoo man try first.

In order to prove he was innocent, the tattoo man could only take the drug considering it had no side


Maximilian looked at the time when observing the man’s expression. He knew it was the cure when

finding he seemed to act normally.

The tattoo man smiled and said, “Look at me. Nothing happens. It’s the real cure.”

Maximilian finally gave Grace the drug and a bottle of water. Quickly, her eyes returned normal and she

didn’t feel sleepy.

Grace stretched her arms and immediately stood up. She grabbed out a green bottle and forced the

tattoo man to drink it.

The tattoo man was dumbfounded and didn’t know how to react. After he finally returned to his

consciousness, he found he had already taken the drug. He pushed Grace away and coughed hardly,

“What have you given to me?”

“You will know after a few days. Well, your whole body will rot and worms will crawl from inside.” Grace

replied with a smile.

The tattoo man took a deep breath when hearing Grace described such a creepy thing in a gentle

voice, which made him almost passed out.

He was so scared even by imaging what would happen to him. He hurriedly begged for mercy and

wished Grace would spare his life.

Grace looked at him coldly and didn’t feel sorry for him at all because it was him who killed her father

and almost humiliated her.

She didn’t want to show mercy to such a terrible man.

The tattoo man thought it was unfair and complained, “You can’t blame it on me. I am pushed by

somebody else.”

Grace frowned and asked coldly, “Who let you do this?”

“Will you give me the cure if I tell you?” The tattoo man couldn’t help asking.

Grace smiled and replied, “Of course.”

Maximilian noticed she was lying when finding her crafty smile.

The tattoo man suddenly became confident when seeing her smile and finally betrayed his master.

“It was Barnaby. He told me he would give me a million even things went on well. That’s why I

cooperate with him.” The tattoo man hurriedly said.

Continuance to ask, “Where is he?”

“He is still in Persimmon KTV.” The tattoo man replied.

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