Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 834 You’re in Big Trouble
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Chapter 834 You're in Big Trouble

Maximilian had been holding back, but today, he gradually ran out of patience. He had been targeted

since he entered the parking lot. And his good mood was all ruined.

Everyone was shocked by Maximilian's words. The atmosphere turned incomparably awkward all of a

sudden, and everyone's expressions were complicated, but most of them cast teasing eyes.

"Yoo-hoo, you still dare to lose your temper with me. My arm is long. I tell you, this hotel is owned by

my good friend." After being startled, Vic then gave a grim smile, showing an expression that you

couldn’t beat me even though you didn’t like me.

Maximilian said impatiently, "I do not want to tangle with you now. You immediately get out of my way."

In Vic's eyes, the other party was just a poor pussy. And the poor pussy challenged his authority made

him extremely unhappy. Instead, he felt that he had suffered a loss, and his face gradually turned

gloomy. The other party had made him so humiliated, so he had to make the other party taste his


"I am powerful and famous in H City. Who are you? You dare you talk to me like that? I tell you, even if

I spit, you have to open your mouth to me." Vic pointed at Maximilian with an arrogant face and said.

Everyone also followed up and shouted, "Vic, you are domineering. We have to learn like you."

After hearing the praise around, Vic was enjoying such an aura.

At this moment, Canaan couldn't wait. He looked at the time and found it was half an hour passed, so

he couldn't help sighing. It seemed that the master would not come today. He didn't complain that his

master didn’t come. It was good that his master could promise him to come. No matter what, he still

had to call his master to ask about it.

When Maximilian's phone rang, he immediately answered it.

"Master, can't you come today?"

"No, I've arrived, but I was blocked by a few idiots."

"What? Who is so bold? Master, you wait, I will go out now." Canaan couldn't sit still right away. No

wonder the master never came. It turned out that because of this incident. He did not expect that there

would be a few idiots in his industry to look for trouble with his master. Were they deliberately against


He would like to see who was so bold to provoke his master. After Canaan stood up, he said, "My

master was stopped by a few idiots, you guys come out with me."

"There's still such a thing. Don't worry, we'll fix those little brats." The rich kids in the room were all

speaking with righteous indignation. They all wanted to befriend Canaan and Canaan’s master, who

they had never met before.

After Maximilian hung up, Vic said with an icy face, "You just called us idiots, didn't you?"

Just now, Vic also heard Maximilian's words. And when he knew that Maximilian called them idiots, he

immediately got annoyed.

Who was he? He was the powerful Young Master of H City. But he was treated like an idiot by an

ordinary person like Maximilian. How could he stand with this?

Not to mention him, even the young masters around him were also not calm. Because Maximilian's

words also summarized them. They all looked at Maximilian angrily as if they were about to eat


At once, Maximilian had committed the wrath of the people. The crowd all sighed for a while.

Maximilian provoked so many young masters in H City, and this time he was dead.

Vic squeezed his fist and made a crackling sound. After seeing Maximilian's thin physique, he didn't

care about him. In addition, he had practiced Sanda, so he was confident in himself.

"I'm going to personally clean you up." Vic grinned, then he punched over. When the fist moved, there

was a whirring wind, which was impossible for people to dodge.

Maximilian easily held his opponent's fist and smiled, "With this strength, you still want to fool around


Vic's face suddenly turned into pig liver color, and he pulled out his hand angrily. But Maximilian's hand

was just like a vise, and no matter how he moved, it did not have the slightest effect. He turned his

head to the others and said, "Don't be dumb, come and help me, I can't hold on any longer."

Only then did Vic's friends split up and all rush towards Maximilian. Maximilian narrowed his eyes and

immediately let go of Vic.

Because of inertia, Vic kept backing up and sat down on the ground. He happened to sit on the top of

the fallen treasure wine slag and cried painfully like a pig suddenly.

The scene became chaotic at once, and Vic cursed and shouted, "Hit him, harder."

But the next scene made Vic not calm down. His friends were knocked out one by one, and everyone's

condition was not very good.

Vic swallowed his saliva and began to doubt life. How could Maximilian be able to fight like this? It was

too abnormal.

Just at this time, Canaan came out with the rest of the people. After he saw the injured Vic, he asked,

"What happened?"

"Don't mention it. I was beaten by someone, and you help me too." Vic wailed.

Canaan said angrily, "You still have time to bully people here. My master is here, and he said that he

was blocked by some idiots."

"Huh? Where is he? I'm going over there." After Vic heard this, he picked up the treasured wine bottle

as if he was about to fight.

Just at this time, Canaan saw Maximilian, who was at ease among the crowd. He immediately said with

joy, “My master is inside."

Then his face gradually became ugly. This welcome ceremony was a bit too much. He grabbed Vic

angrily and said, "Don't tell me, that idiot is you."

"This …You can't be dazzled, right? Shouldn't your master be in his forties?" Vic gulped, took a deep

breath, hesitatingly said. He thought Canaan's master was very old, or at least a little older thannovelbin

Magnus, so he had never thought Maximilian was Canaan's master.

Canaan shook his head, feeling hopeless about Vic, and cursed, "Who said he was in his forties? You

really got into trouble!"

Vic shivered. He couldn't help slapping himself. If he had known that Maximilian was Canaan's master,

he shouldn't have dealt with Maximilian with that kind of attitude.

And at this moment, those young masters were all lying on the ground. And Maximilian stood in the

middle with his hands behind his back.

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