Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 823 Real Ability
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Chapter 823 Real Ability

On the high mountain not far away, a handsome man was lying in the grass. E Warehouse was in front

of him. When he saw Maximilian enter E Warehouse, he immediately took out his walkie-talkie, "He has

already gone in."

"Very good. Let’s wait him to die.” Harley's voice rang from inside the intercom.

The handsome man lit a cigarette and said, "When I finish this cigarette, we'll go in and collect the


"Good." The men around the handsome man nodded. They didn't expect that today's task would be so

easy, and they didn't need to take action at all.

The handsome man sneered, "That one is a silverback gorilla, and it's specially trained to have a desire

to attack people. That guy is dead."

"What if that guy comes out alive?" One of the companions couldn't help but ask.

When the handsome man heard the words, his look immediately became insidious, and he yelled,

"Shut up. That is the silverback gorilla. No one can survive from the silverback gorilla. Silverback gorilla

is so much faster and stronger than a man that he can't get out or fight."

After hearing the words, the companions realized the horror of the silverback gorilla. They thought of

the dozens of men dragging the silverback gorilla's chains to let it get into a room with an effort just

now. They would never forget how powerful the silverback gorilla was.

After Maximilian saw the monster in front of him, he frowned. This fur monster was different from the fur

monster he had seen last time. The fur monster he saw last time was brown. But the fur monster in

front of him was silvery-white, and its chest should be pectoral muscles. That sturdy pectoral muscle

was full of explosive power, and just lying on all fours, it was already two meters tall.

Maximilian did not guess what species the fur monster last time was. When he saw the silver-white fur

monster in front of him, he thought of a creature, the silverback gorilla.

The silverback gorilla was a strong species among the gorillas. But Maximilian did not expect to meet

the silverback gorilla here. He thought that someone deliberately did this, and their purpose was to let

him die under the silverback gorilla's hand. He connected this matter with Harley. Harley's Jettown

base had gorillas, and now there was another silverback gorilla. Things would never be so coincidental.

The silverback gorilla seemed to be very disdainful of the human in front of him. Its nose sprayed out

white mist, and its mouth had long fangs, which made people daunting. If Maximilian was bitten, his

arms would probably be broken.

Maximilian subconsciously made a fighting posture. He could see that the silverback gorilla wanted to

kill him. If he turned around and left, he would be targeted.

The silverback gorilla let out a weird cry and slammed into Maximilian like a cannonball. If Maximilian

was hit by the impact force, the consequences would be disastrous.

Maximilian didn't dare to be careless and subconsciously dodged over. Fortunately, the silverback

gorilla was cumbersome and not very strong, which made Maximilian dodge easily.

After seeing Maximilian dodging, the silverback gorilla seemed to be furious, and his voice was

deafening. And every time it ran, it left cracks on the ground.

Maximilian could see that the silverback gorilla in front of him was much stronger than the fur monster

last time. Maximilian punched the silverback gorilla. It might be that the silverback gorilla had thick fur,

so Maximilian's punch only made the silverback gorilla take a few steps back. Of course, this punch

also completely enraged the silverback gorilla.novelbin

In the eyes of the silverback gorilla, Maximilian was just a weak human, and Maximilian was impossible

to hurt it. When Maximilian saw this silverback gorilla underestimated himself, he could not help but

laugh bitterly in his heart and did not expect that even animals would despise people.

Although the silverback gorilla strength was good, it failed hitting Maximilian, and instead, it was hit to

be wailing by Maximilian. Maximilian wanted to estimate his strength versus the strength of a silverback


Then during the stalemate for a while, Maximilian slammed hard, and the silverback gorilla kept

retreating, and then fell to the ground.

The silverback gorilla no longer yelled strangely at this moment but made a stern voice. Although

Maximilian did not understand animal language, he could see from the pitiful eyes of the silverback

gorilla that this big guy was afraid of him.

He finally relented. But unexpectedly, that the silverback gorilla suddenly roared and made a strange

noise. Maximilian put on a long face. The beast was a beast, and he couldn't influence it.

This time, Maximilian exerted his full strength and punched the silverback gorilla heavily. And at the

same time, it stimulated his dark energy. If he hadn’t broken the silverback gorilla’s defense just now,

then dark energy was enough to make the silverback gorilla was in pain.

The silverback gorilla kept screaming, fell to the ground, and was almost unable to move. Maximilian

didn’t show any mercy this time. In case the silverback gorilla attacked again, he stepped on it.

"No sound?" The handsome man put out a cigarette. And at this time, there was no silverback gorilla's

roar, so he subconsciously concluded that Maximilian was abused to death by the silverback gorilla.

After thinking about this, he patted his butt, then stood up from the ground and said to his flunky, "Let's

clean the site."

His men followed, and they were all mentally prepared in advance. After all, the scene must be bloody.

When they went in, they were dumbfounded. The one who lied on the ground was not Maximilian but

the silverback gorilla. And at this moment, Maximilian was walking out to the door.

The handsome man and others met Maximilian on the spot. The atmosphere became embarrassing.

After seeing Maximilian’s domineering aura, the handsome man couldn't help but broke out a trace of

cold sweat on his forehead. This look was the most terrifying he had ever seen.

Those smiling little brothers, who were ready to collect the corpse, were dumbfounded when they saw

Maximilian unharmed. And after seeing the silverback gorilla's dead state, they felt incredible about it. If

they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed that what they saw in front of them

was real.

"What is this situation? This is too exaggerated. That silverback gorilla actually died." Those little

brothers said incredulously. Just now, they heard the handsome man said how powerful the silverback

gorilla was. But didn't the scene in front of them prove that Maximilian was stronger than the silverback


They used a lot of power to pull the silverback gorilla over with a rope. But the battle between

Maximilian and the silverback gorilla ended within a few minutes, and the ending was different from

what they expected.

With a solemn expression on his face, the handsome man shivered as if he was looking at a monster,

"Are you a mortal or a ghost?"

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