Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 819 Pedantic Concept
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Chapter 819 Pedantic Concept

Samuel had lost his patience and said to Andrew, “Give me the stick. Today this incident happened

because of you three.”

Andrew was taken aback for a moment, then chuckled to himself. He had been dissatisfied with

Victoria. If Victoria could catch it, it would be better.

Andrew quickly handed the stick to Samuel. Samuel took the stick and was about to beat Victoria first.

Victoria pulled a long face, but she was not afraid at all. Instead, she felt very uncomfortable, so did Iris.

It was a bit too much for Samuel to do this.

When Samuel’s stick fell, Maximilian decisively raised his hand to block it.

The stick in the hand of Samuel suddenly broke in half. Samuel subconsciously lost his balance, took a

few steps back, and flopped down into the sofa.

Samuel looked at the broken stick in surprise. He felt both distressed and annoyed. Then he looked at

Maximilian angrily but couldn’t say a word for a long time.

Seeing this scene, Andrew sucked in a breath. The stick was made of special branches, which could

be said to be harder than steel.

They never thought that the stick would break so easily. If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, they

couldn’t believe that it was true.

“Maximilian, do you know the significance of this stick? How dare you break it?” Andrew questioned

Maximilian. In fact, Andrew was also very disgusted with the stick, but he said this to please Samuel.

Maximilian said indifferently, “This stick shouldn’t have existed.”

He felt sad that Samuel always punished others with the stick. This method was too pedantic. A

teacher could use a ruler, but the stick was not very useful.

Samuel’s face sank. It was obvious that Maximilian was challenging his authority. Andrew began to stir

up trouble, “Dad, he is too arrogant. You should drive him out of the Griffith family.”

“Brother, not right now. If you drive him out of the Griffith family, then he can not take the responsibility.

When Gail comes, what shall we do? We can’t let Maximilian off lightly.” Darian quickly waved his hand

and said with a sinister smile, “How about handing him over to Gail?”

Andrew considered it carefully and also thought that Darian was right.

At this moment, a young member of the Griffith family ran in and said, “Gail comes with his father.”

“What? Gail is here?” Hearing this news, all the relatives present of the Griffith family turned pale and

didn’t respond to it immediately.

They didn’t expect that Gail would come with his father. They felt panic in their hearts, thinking that the

Woods had begun to look for trouble.

Everyone immediately fell into despair, thinking that the Woods was finished.

Samuel couldn’t care too much. To protect the Griffith family, he waved his hand and said, “Teach

Maximilian a lesson. This can prove our Griffith family’s sincerity.”

At this moment, Samuel just wanted to disassociate himself from Iris and Victoria. Only in this way

could he protect the Griffith family.

The security guards of the Griffith family looked at each other, and no one took action. They also saw

what happened just now. As soon as Maximilian raised his hand, the stick broke in half.

They knew exactly how strong the stick was. They were afraid that Maximilian would break their arms if

they hit Maximilian.

Seeing the security guards hesitating, Samuel couldn’t help scolding, “Hurry up!”

The security guards of the Griffith family gritted their teeth and forced themselves to encircle

Maximilian. At this moment, Gail just saw this scene. When he saw that Maximilian was in danger, the

smile on his face instantly turned frozen. He immediately shouted, “Stop.”

Samuel wiped his cold sweat. Then he quickly walked over with a cane and said, “Gail, the matrilocal

son-in-law of the Griffith family has been rude to you, so I am teaching him a lesson. Besides, we will

agree to all your requests. You can take Victoria and Iris away, and we won’t stop you.”

Samuel knew that Maximilian was not easy to deal with, so it would be better to leave the mess to Gail.

In this way, he didn’t have to teach Maximilian by himself, and he could also get rid of his


If it had been in the past, Gail would laugh with delight. However, since Gail knew that Maximilian had a

good relationship with Connor, he didn’t dare to laugh when he heard this. Instead, he panicked at


“Go away. Who allowed you to be rude to Mr. Maximilian?” Gail quickly pushed the security guards

beside Maximilian away to show his favor to Maximilian.

The security guards were speechless after being pushed away. They looked at each other and could

not figure out what happened.

Andrew et al. were all dumbfounded. They also couldn’t figure it out and wondered if they had

misheard. It was so polite for Gail to call him Mr. Maximilian.

After all, Samuel, the most venerable one in the Griffith family, was called old guy by Gail.

Samuel asked, “Gail, what’s wrong?”

“Old guy, out of my way!” Gail irritably pushed Samuel. Anyone, who was unkind to Mr. Maximilian, was

against him.

When Samuel was pushed away, Maximilian held Samuel and said to Gail indifferently, “How did yournovelbin

father teach you? Is your quality so low?”

Although Samuel was very mean in daily life, he was still Victoria’s grandfather, and also his

grandfather. No matter how outrageous Samuel was, Maximilian would not allow him to be bullied like


All the people present sucked in a breath and cast sympathetic glances at Maximilian. Old Mr. Woods

was right behind him. Maximilian’s words scolded not only Gail but also Old Mr. Woods.

“Sorry, I was a little impatient just now.” After Gail apologized to Samuel without emotion, he turned to

Maximilian and said, “Mr. Maximilian, don’t be angry.”

Maximilian knew their purpose in coming. Connor might have explained it. All the people shifted their

sights to Old Mr. Woods and concluded that Maximilian was screwed.

They obviously saw that Old Mr. Woods didn’t look well, but what happened next caught them by


Old Mr. Woods stretched out his hand to Maximilian with a smile, “Mr. Maximilian, what happened

today is my son’s fault. You must not take it to heart.”

Andrew et al. couldn’t help but pinch their own muscles, wondering if they had misheard. Old Mr.

Woods was never a reasonable person and would not admit his mistakes even if he was wrong. But

what happened today was different from what they had thought.

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