Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 808 Self-injury Trick
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Chapter 808 Self-injury Trick

Victoria persuaded her mother for at least ten minutes. To get her mother to agree with her, Victoria

promised to buy her mother a designer bag to take the edge off.

"By the way, you tell Maximilian to add your name to the property ownership certificate." Suddenly

Laura said.

When Victoria heard this, she immediately frowned. She couldn't help but say, "Mom, what are you


She thought that her mother was going a bit too far. She and Maximilian were married, but the reason

for them to have the house was Maximilian.

She couldn't just take it without doing anything. Even if Maximilian gave it to her, she wouldn't sign.

"Listen to me, you go out and tell Maximilian about it." Laura encouraged her daughter.

Victoria stood up without saying a word and decisively refused, "Mom, I am not going to do that."

When Laura heard this, she frowned slightly since she didn't expect her daughter to dare to disobey


"Do you still care about me?" Laura immediately began to show her acting skills of making trouble,

which made Victoria really helpless.

Victoria always didn't know what to do when seeing her mother like this, "Mom, don't do that. You are

making a fool of yourself by doing this."

"Didn't you see how Maximilian bullied me? If this house is yours, there is no way that he dares to treat

me like this. If it is yours, you can chase him out at that time."

Victoria frowned sadly and didn't agree with it, saying, "Mom, I can't do that, maybe it's Maximilian's

property for life, and besides, he won't kick you out."

Laura also sighed and didn't continue to make a scene after she knew that this trick didn't work.

Victoria rubbed her forehead as she walked out of the room and met Maximilian. Maximilian said to her

with a smile, "Honey, how did it go."

"My mom insisted on putting my name on the property ownership certificate." Victoria felt a headache.

Maximilian froze for a while and laughed, "That's fine, I'll take you to do it now."

"Not joking." Victoria thought that Maximilian was joking, so she said.

Maximilian said with a serious face, "I'm not joking. As long as you want, I can give you anything. Even

if it's the stars in the sky, I will find a way to pick them off for you."

Victoria blushed since she was pleased by Maximilian's words. At least, she knew that he was serious

and didn't lie to her.

"Well, have a rest. I will deal with Mom." Maximilian said.

He knew that Victoria was very tired, so he did not put too much burden on her.

He gave her a massage to help her relax. At the same time, he couldn't help but wonder how the car

bomb was at this time. Was it disabled?

At Jettown.

Harley got the call and rushed to Jettown in a hurry. He didn't expect that someone would infiltrate

Jettown and take someone away.

After he found out that it was Flora's parents that went missing, he paled. Could it be that Flora sent

someone to take her parents away? It couldn't be. This place was mysterious and seldom people knew

about it.

When he saw the fur monster he kept was beaten to death, Harley could not help but gasp in surprise.

He wanted to use this fur monster against Maximilian first. But now the monster was terribly injured and

was dying.

He didn't think of Maximilian at all. He just thought that it was an expert and he regretted not putting a

monitor in this place. In that case, he would know who it was.

Harley rubbed his forehead and he was caught off guard by everything that happened today. He was

angry and curious about who saved Flora's parents right under his nose.

"Go, get him up, and prepare first aid." Harley felt pity for the fur monster. Then he gave the key to his

car in Jettown to a security guard.

It took a dozen security guards to put the monster in the car.

Just when Harley thought that he could still try to save the monster, the car exploded when they tried to

start the car after putting the monster onto the car.

People of Jettown were all shocked. What happened? They didn't have anything ignite or explosive


Harley couldn't remain calm anymore. He was so shocked that his legs trembled and he couldn't close

his mouth.

If he was in the car back then, he would have died. He was glad for his good luck that he didn't get in

that car. Otherwise, he was dead at this time.

In case he was sitting in that car, maybe the dead is him, he is glad that his life is big, not in that car,

otherwise, he would have died.

Harley then remembered the fur monster. Just in time, the wheel of the exploded car rolled to Harley's

feet. His expression got gloomy and he shouted to the sky, " Damn it! I don't care who you are. I'm sure

to catch you."

The people around Harley signed but didn't dare to say anything since Harley was angry.

Harley asked someone to investigate the bomb. After determining that it was made by his good friend,

coldness flashed across his eyes and he went to his friend's with anger.

The middle-aged man was doing his research. Seeing how angry Harley was, he laughed and said,

"Don't be so angry. It's normal that a car bomb failed."novelbin

"Are you trying to kill me? Did you do it on purpose? Why did you put the car bomb on my car?" Harley

asked the questions aggressively and didn't give his friend any chance to explain.

The middle-aged man hurriedly said, "Didn't you ask someone to take it away? Why are you asking

me? Didn't it fail?"

Harley froze out of confusion. He had no idea what had happened. After careful thinking, he found that

he was tricked.

Seeing Harley leave with anger, the middle-aged man rubbed his head. He couldn't help but curse in a

low voice, "What's wrong with him? Why did he come to cause trouble in my place?"

Harley swore that he would find out the truth. What he was worried about now was how to explain to

Dragon Queen. The fur monster was used to deal with Maximilian. They spent a lot of money and

applied a lot of drugs on him.

Now the fur monster was gone, Harley dared not imagine how angry Dragon Queen would be. Harley

had no choice but to do a self-injury trick. He cut his finger off and went into Dragon Queen's room.

When seeing Harley's painful face and severed finger, Dragon froze and asked in a light tone, "What


"Dragon Queen, someone sneaked into Jettown and took Flora's parents. That guy also killed Mars."

Mars was the name of the fur monster, specially named by Dragon Queen. Harley was disgusted by

this name and felt awkward every time he called his name.

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