Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 801 The Revenge
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Chapter 801 The Revenge

Now that Chief Carr was reproaching him, sweat kept streaming down Carol’s forehead. He fell into a

panic since he could also feel the anger in Chief Carr’s tone.

"Chief Carr, I did that in the heat of the moment. Now I know I’m wrong." Carol explained in haste,

hoping that Chief Car would give him another chance. It couldn’t be better if he was given another

chance by Chief Carr.

However, Carol was being too naive about this. Ever since Chief Carr had seen Maximilian in

handcuffs, he gave up the idea of giving Carol another chance.

Carol took a deep breath, feeling that he was probably doomed this time. Chief Carr said flatly, "You

don’t have another chance now. From now on, take a voluntary turnover and stay away from the

government office. I won’t leave anything bad on your record, but don’t you ever think of getting into the

government office again."

Hearing that, Carol was totally stunned. He had thought that Chief Carr would punish him, but never

expected that Chief Carr’s punishment would be so harsh.

"Chief Carr, I know I’m wrong. I won’t make mistakes again." Carol said hurriedly.

No matter how Carol pleaded, Chief Carr didn’t bother glancing at him. Carol felt that suddenly he

didn’t know what to do with his life, so he stared at his younger brother with an indifferent look.

If it weren’t for his younger brother, such awful thing wouldn’t have happened to him. Now, Carol

couldn’t be more angry.

Taking notice of his elder brother’s stare, Mell argued first, "Carol, I didn’t mean to drag you into this

mess. It’s just that I didn’t know he was on good terms with Chief Carr."

A hint of coldness flashed across Carol’s eyes. He gave Mell a kick subconsciously and snarled, "It’s all

because of you! Why did you ask me to come here? You could have dealt with the situation yourself."

Carol really regretted having a hand in the affair. If he could keep his job by breaking off with his

younger brother, he would cut off the relation with him right now.

However, Carol was aware that this was an impossibility. He was bearing resentment, and could only

vent it on himself. Suddenly, Mell was beaten up and kept writhing around on the floor.

Everyone sighed, but showed no sympathy at all. It could only be said that the brothers asked for it.

"Hello." Chief Car stretched out his hand to Connor with a smile and said.

Connor hesitated for a few seconds and offered his hand at once. In the past, his status was almost the

same with Chief Carr’s, but now, Chief Carr’s status was far higher than his.

However, Chief Carr should give Connor his hand first, which made Connor feel at a loss inevitably.

The reason why Chief Carr shook hand with Connor was rather simple, and it was because Connor

was Maximilian’s friend. Besides, Connor had saved Maximilian’s life again and again. In Chief Carr’s

opinion, such a friend was well worth making.

Something popped into Maximilian’s mind. Connor was always worried about his dark history. He had

given up the old business because he wanted to tone it down.

Maximilian also witnessed the moment when Connor got interested as he heard the claim raised by

Mell, so he decided to help Connor this time.

"Chief Carr, I have a favor to ask you." Maximilian said.

Chief Carr asked immediately, "Mr. Lee, if there’s anything I can do, please tell me. I’ll try my best to do


"Actually it’s a small favor. Connor has such a dark history. Since he has become better now, how

about just wiping it out?" Maximilian said flatly, "Even if you can’t wipe the slate clean, just wipe out one

piece or two would also suffice."

"Of course I can do it." Chief Carr appreciated Connor very much. Even if Maximilian didn’t mention it,

he would also be glad to do Connor such a favor when he got closer to Connor later.

Connor was so touched. If Maximilian hadn’t mentioned that for him, he wouldn’t know what to do.

Mell’s men had all left. Now, only Connor, Chief Carr and the big shots of H City brought by Chief Carr

were left.

Except for Connor and Chief Carr, everyone present started to talk about Maximilian’s identity. None of

them could figure out why Maximilian had such a good relationship with Connor and Chief Carr.

"Who is he? How come I’ve never heard of anything about him in H City?"

"Could it be that he comes from some established family of somewhere else?"

"This man must have a strong background. We can never provoke him in the future."

They thought of the fact that even Carol and Mell, who were some domineering creatures, stopped just

because Chief Carr told them so, and no one dared to offend Maximilian randomly, because they were

afraid that they would get into trouble.

"Gentlemen, do you still remember my promotion?" Hearing these people’s doubts, Chief Carr asked


Everyone was stunned slightly, and then kept nodding, saying, "Of course, Chief Carr captured,

Phoenix, the most fierce criminal in the northwestern territories."

"Exactly. Mr. Lee also helped me with it. He has made a great contribution." Chief Carr didn’t forget to

compliment Maximilian.

Maximilian smiled helplessly. Chief Carr was indeed quite good at joking, but fortunately, he didn’t

expose Maximilian’s identity. What Chief Carr disclosed was not a big deal.

Hearing that, everyone cast an admiring look at Maximilian. Now they finally understood why Chief Carr

would be so polite to Maximilian.

They thought of the martial arts Maximilian had done before. Probably, Maximilian was really able to

fight against Phoenix Robinson.

What the outsiders knew was that Chief Carr found Phoenix’ hideout and destroyed it with his men, but

what the insiders knew was that everything was done by Maximilian alone.

Chief Carr was embarrassed to take all the credit for the success, so he could only get Maximilian a

good name.

Chief Carr asked the other people to leave first, so that he could have a talk with Maximilian in private.

Now, only Maximilian, Chief Carr and Connor were left in the box. Chief Carr broke the silence first. He

got up and was about to kneel down in front of Maximilian. "Mr. Lee, if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have

been what I am today."novelbin

Maximilian gave a helpless smile, helped Chief Carr up and said, "Chief Carr, you don’t need to be so

courteous to me."

Chief Carr scratched his head, smiling with embarrassment. Maximilian made some small talk with

Connor for a while before saying goodbye. Chief Carr said suddenly, "Mr. Lee, I have to tell you

something. You need to watch out for someone."

"Who?" Maximilian asked.

"Phoenix’ brother."

"Is he coming to H City?" Maximilian was a little stunned. He got a rough idea of the whole picture. It

was quite normal for the elder brother to take revenge for his younger brother. Maximilian had thought

of this long ago, but it didn’t occur to him that Phoenix’ brother would come so soon.

"Yes, Mr. Lee. If you’re in danger, just call me. Although I can’t offer great help, I’m more than just a

name." Chief Carr just wanted to try his best to help Maximilian.

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