Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 795 An Uninvited Guest
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Chapter 795 An Uninvited Guest

"You guys are free to go now." Maximilian waved his hand and said. Personally, he got tired of all this

and didn't feel like messing with these ruffians anymore.

Hearing that, those ruffians sneakingly flapped their chests, breathed a sigh of relief and cheered inside

to be able to survive.

While superficially expressing their gratitude towards Maximilian, they were filled with hatred and rage

for him. If there were not Maximilian stepped out and were involved, they could have finished the task

and gotten the rewards now.

"You are amazing, bro! I couldn't believe that you have not only driven them away but also taken

money from them!" What Maximilian had done fascinated Carmen and stunned every bystander on the


It was at this moment that a well dressed gentleman with a gold rimmed spectacles stepped forwards

from the crowd, and sighed, "Sir, no means to offend, but do you have any ideas about those men? I

must to warn you that you're in big trouble now."

Maximilian laughed and responded, "Well, could you please tell me something about those guys?"

Though it might get him into trouble too, the gentleman could not bear to see these two men meet with

the terrible outcome waiting for them without knowing anything, and told them the background of the

group which had come for them.

In fact, Maximilian clearly understood that to involve himself in this affair of Carmen, while he still chose

to do so in consideration of the safety of his friend.

From the gentleman, both Maximilian and Carmen had learned the background of that collection

agency, and what struck Carmen even more was that the agency not only had truck with the

government but also had relationship with Connor from the underworld.

For Maximilian, that was not a big deal since he not only knew Chief Carr from the government, and

also was in a good relationship with Connor.

Carmen turned to Maximilian and said anxiously, "Dude, we are in trouble right now! They would

definitely come back for us, and hardly we could survive this time!"

"Don't worry, the situation is still under my control," Said Maximilian plainly. Such thing was not even a

thing after all the experiences he had gone through.

"I have told you everything I know about them, and that's the only thing I could do. Now, forget about

me, and leave me alone." The gentleman stepped backwards and was going to leave here in case ofnovelbin

putting himself into danger.

"Wait a moment. I know it is not much here, but please have this as my gratitude to you." Maximilian

picked ten thousand from the amount of money and was about to give it to the gentleman. He wanted

to express his gratitude for the gentleman's kindness and courage.

Such movement first dumbed the gentleman. The gentleman then refused the money and said with a

bitter face, "Save it for yourself, and how about buy yourself a few drinks before they come for you?" All

the rest on the scene were all looking at Maximilian and Carmen with pitiful eyes, but chose to keep

silent and did nothing.

"So, where are we going now, bro?" Asked Carmen, trying the best he could to ease the anxiety and

fear inside. The only thing he cared about now was his old mother in the hospital, and he continually

asked himself who could take care of his mom if he were really to be killed because of this.

From Carmen's trembling voice and uncontrollably twisted face, Maximilian could easily tell that he was

in extreme fear now. He then said to Carmen, "Of course, our next step is to have some fun and buy

ourselves a few drinks!"

"Are you serious, bro? After all this?" Maximilian's words truly stunned Carmen. However, seeing the

confident smile of Maximilian, he thought that everything was not so bad and decided to go together

with Maximilian and have some fun.

"Fine, I'm going with you, bro!" Said Carmen. Maximilian nodded his head, and afterwards led him to a

bar, where Carmen came for the first time.

Coincidentally, at this moment, those ruffians were also here together with their boss in a private room

of the bar. They told everything to their boss, and drove him crazy.

"You useless fellows, how dare you tell me that not only did you guys fail to take back my money but

also lost such a big amount of money on the contrary? That was bullshit! I'm really disappointed." The

name of their boss was Mell, and currently he was in extreme rage.

Those ruffians lowered their heads, thinking inside that it was because the man called Maximilian was

extraordinarily powerful.

One man raised his head and said, "Boss, it was by no means our fault. It was because that little piece

of shit got someone powerful on his side!"

Hearing that, Mell responded in a plain tone, "No need for any explanation. Now, pay for your failure!"

Those ruffians were really scared and started to kneel down and beg for mercy. Suddenly, one of the

ruffians came out of the toilet and reported to everyone, "Hey, everyone! The son of bitch with his fellow

is now in this bar!"

The report astonished everyone in the room, and those ruffians felt it unbelievable that the two men

even dared to step on the land that belonged to Mell after all this.

The leading man of the ruffians soon turned to Mell and said, "Boss, please allow us to go to them and

bring them back to you! I swear, this time, they will pay for everything they have done!"

Hearing his words, Mell glared at the ruffian and made him dare not to say a word.

"I will take care of you guys later." Mell turned to the door, snapped his fingers and yelled, "Guards, go

and get that son of bitch here for me!"

"Roger that, boss." Those men in suits outside the door answered and started to act accordingly.

The ruffians inside the room were relieved and felt lucky to be able to survive temporarily. And they

swore that they would teach Maximilian a lesson after he was brought into the room.

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