Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 777 Uneasy
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Chapter 777 Uneasy

The young man kept popping up to breathe to supplement himself. He didn't see Maximilian, and

suddenly thought that the guy was drowning and laughed, "Lifeguard, someone is drowning."

"Stop shouting, I'm here." Maximilian smiled and waved at the finish line.

The young man's smile suddenly solidified. What happened and when did he swim to the finish line?

The result surprised him a bit.

He couldn't believe it if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes.

When he was swimming just now, he didn't hear any sound behind. Now he felt very frustrated. Was

this a trap?

Flora excitedly ran to Maximilian and said, "Maximilian, now I know you can swim."

"Who said that I won't? Which retarded guy? " Maximilian said with a smile.

After the young man heard this, he became so angry as this actually was cursing him. He looked at

Maximilian angrily and said, "You win."

Everyone was dumbfounded. Maximilian was exactly like a shark, as he beat the splash almost like an

electric motor. He almost broke the world record.

Maximilian didn't have the mood to argue with them, and immediately left with Flora who had been

happy enough there. When he returned, he saw Victoria surrounded by some people, and the table

filled with all kinds of contracts.

Obviously, they came prepared with their contracts. They were looking for suitable partners, and there

was no doubt that they all regarded Victoria as a partner.

Victoria saw all the cooperation contracts on the table, and felt a sense of accomplishment. This would

be beneficial to the Topyuan Group.

Victoria stood up. As she had achieved her purpose, and she was a little sleepy, she said to

Maximilian, "Let's go."novelbin

Maximilian nodded, and at the same time gave Oudney and Canaan some words. After Canaan and

Oudney heard that Maximilian was leaving, they hurriedly sent Maximilian out.

Coby, who was driven out, got resentful and arranged a group of guys to ambush on the road to attack

Maximilian. When he saw Maximilian come out, he suddenly felt good.

But when he saw the two men who sent Maximilian out, and his expression became strange. It was

normal for Oudney to send Maximilian out, but why Canaan sent Maximilian out? What happened?

Was Maximilian so honored that Canaan needs to send him off?

"Coby, do you want to do it?" The gangsters didn't have much patience when they saw that Coby didn’t


"Don't do it, I will give you the money later." Coby did not dare to make a move. Even Canaan escorted

Maximilian, how strong Maximilian's background could be?

If he attacked him in front of Canaan, it would almost be a disaster for him.

Those gangsters were a little dissatisfied, but after hearing that they could still get the money, they

walked away happily.

Coby gnashed his teeth in rage, and began to let someone investigate the identity of Maximilian. It was

not late to do it after investigation. This was totally unacceptable.

"Let me drive." Victoria thought Maximilian drank a lot of liquor, and was a little worried, and

immediately said.

Maximilian knew it, but in fact, he had a big capacity for liquor. This would not get him drunk, but he still


After returning home, Laura inadvertently smelled the alcohol on Maximilian and sneered, "I didn't

expect you trash to drink."

"Mom, don't say it." Victoria whispered.

Anyone who was drunk would tend not to control his temper, and she was afraid that Maximilian did

something inappropriate.

Laura sneered, "This trash has caused me trouble. Look, what is this?"

At this time, Laura threw a letter to Maximilian.

Maximilian grabbed it. When he opened it, his brow wrinkled. It was obviously a threatening letter. He

subconsciously asked, "Where did this letter come from?"

"I don't know much about where it came from. As soon as I got home, I saw a letter on the table. "

Laura, the mother-in-law, said angrily, "It must be you, the jinx, who did something bad outside."

Maximilian said, "Mom, you can rest assured that they are afraid to come. At most, it is a prank."

Laura also took it with a grain of salt, but she was still in a panic. After all, how could she not be afraid

when she received such a threatening letter for the first time?

Maximilian clutched the letter in his hand, pinched it into a ball. These bastards threatened his family. It

was unforgivable. Family was his most beloved thing, and he couldn’t allow anyone to hurt his family.

Maximilian and Victoria returned to the room, and Maximilian asked, "Are you afraid?"

"Afraid of what?" Victoria didn't understand him, and said.

Maximilian said, "That threatening letter."

"I'm not afraid. Anyway, we've gone through many things, and we've all experienced them. With you,

I'm not afraid of anything." Victoria hugged Maximilian from behind, feeling that he was very secure.

Maximilian smiled, his hugged back around Victoria. Although he had been with her for so long, there

were few such intimate contacts, and the touch made him unforgettable.

Victoria felt the masculinity emanating from Maximilian's body and got red in the face.

"My mother is in the living room, don't do it." Victoria frowned.

"Don't worry, I have locked the door, no one will bother us." Maximilian smiled a little bit, he also

recognized her meaning. If she said not in such a way, that is to suggest that he can.

They hugged each other, kissed each other, and didn't separate for a long time.

Maximilian held Victoria on the bed. He looked at her beautiful face with a little shyness. Suddenly he

found that she was very charming, and it was almost unforgettable tonight. After the exciting sex, they

hugged each other and fell asleep.

On the other side, after Mark's mission failed, he hastily took a taxi and returned to his sect. He was

very upset and didn't know how to face the boss.

"Captain Mark, the boss just asked me to come to you. Go in quickly." A big fellow came out, and said

to him with a smile.

Mark smiled bitterly in his heart. He knew that he couldn't get through this. He braced himself to go in.

When he entered the office, the Killer God sat on the cowhide swivel chair with his back to Martin, and

the cigar smoke in his hand floated in the air.

"Is the task finished?" The voice of the Killer God sounded leisurely, with a magnetic voice and a cold

chill, making Mark feel like being in an ice room.

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