Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 773 The Difference Between Poker Cheaters
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Chapter 773 The Difference Between Poker Cheaters

All of Rory’s companions got drunk. If as usual, they certainly wouldn’t dare to challenge him, but today

they were driven by alcohol, and cursed, “Don’t be proud of yourself. Don’t think that we didn’t know

your plan. You just want to get him drunk. Put up or shut up.”

Rory gritted his teeth angrily. He felt terribly ashamed but didn’t want to walk away like this.

“Mr. Maximilian, I want to play a game with you. What do you think?” Rory suddenly thought of an idea

and said with a sinister smile. A pack of cards already appeared in his hand.

Maximilian smiled and said, “Well, what game do you want to play?”

“It’s very simple. We will pick three cards. Whoever has the largest total will win.” After Rory finished

speaking, he put the cards on the table.

“Is there a bet then?” Maximilian asked rhetorically.

Rory patted his hand, subconsciously looked at Victoria and Flora, and said, “Of course, there is. The

chips are the two beauties next to you.”

“I’m sorry. I won’t promise you.” Maximilian narrowed his eyes and suddenly lost interest in playing this


“Why? Are you scared?” Rory seized the opportunity to mock him.

Maximilian shook his head and said, “I just don’t want my wife and my friend to be our entertainment

tools. It doesn’t mean that I am scared. Apart from this, we can put a bet on other things.”novelbin

After Victoria heard these words, she was very moved. She didn’t expect Maximilian to say that. This

result surprised her very much.

Rory couldn’t help but feel pain in his head. To save his face, he had to yield a step and said, “Well,

how about one hundred thousand dollars each bet?”

“Okay.” Maximilian nodded.

Rory immediately raised a smile. This was a good opportunity. He was best at playing poker. He

believed that he could dissipate Maximilian’s fortune.

Rory picked three cards on the spot. Just then, he found that the total number of these three cards was

too small. He was not very satisfied, so he drew out three cards from his pocket.

Rory’s petty action naturally did not escape Maximilian’s eyes. Maximilian had already noticed that

Rory was playing a trick. Maximilian stayed unmoved and put his hand under the three cards.

Rory was very confident that the total number of his points would definitely be higher than that of

Maximilian’s points. Therefore, he couldn’t help but raise a smile, full of confidence in his heart.

Maximilian didn’t care when he saw Rory’s proud expression. He thought that Rory was too proud of it.

Maximilian also knew how to play poker. He had already changed his cards.

Rory smiled confidently, “This time, you lose. Show your card.”

After Rory finished speaking, he showed his cards, and the total number of points was twenty-four.

All the people present were surprised. They didn’t expect Rory to be so lucky. They couldn’t help but

applaud for Rory.

Rory sneered, “This time, you are bound to lose.”

Everyone held little confidence in Maximilian because they all knew that Rory was the Poker Prince,

and he rarely lost in poker.

Just then, Maximilian let go of his hand. When Maximilian showed the three cards one by one, Rory’s

expression changed. He found it unbelievable.

The points of these three cards were all ten!

And they had different suits. Number ten was the biggest.

Rory did not expect Maximilian to be so lucky to draw three ten-point cards from a deck of poker cards.

Seeing this scene, everyone immediately gasped and couldn’t help giving Maximilian a thumbs up. A

moment ago, they had been envious of Rory’s luck, but today they knew that Maximilian was the real

lucky one.

“He is so lucky.” everyone raved.

Canaan, who often paid attention to Maximilian, was also shocked. He didn’t expect his master to be

both a good driver and a good poker player.

Rory couldn’t afford to lose and said with teeth gritted, “You must cheat.”

Maximilian smiled without saying a word. His nickname was Card Shark, but today he didn’t cheat. The

method he used was a kind of supernatural ability.

Of course, Maximilian couldn’t say it out.

Everyone also thought that Maximilian had cheated. After all, Maximilian’s good luck was


When everyone was accusing Maximilian, Maximilian slowly said, “Do you have any evidence to prove


Hearing Maximilian’s words, Rory was immediately speechless. He indeed had no evidence and only

relied on feelings. He did not believe that one could be so lucky.

However, Rory had no evidence now, so he could only shut up obediently.

“If there is no evidence, don’t talk nonsense here,” Maximilian said indifferently.

All the people booed and hissed. They thought that Rory had found the evidence. At this moment, in

their eyes, Rory suddenly became a person that could not afford to lose.

“I’m not convinced. Let’s make one more bet.” Rory grumbled, feeling very shameless.

Rory believed that he would definitely win in the next round. He had to save his reputation.

Maximilian smiled and said, “Give me one hundred thousand dollars first.”

Rory’s face sank. He placed the bank card on the table and said, “It will be deducted from my bank


All the people could see that Rory was getting serious. They all looked forward to seeing the fun.

Canaan couldn’t help but step up close to see the fun. He was cheering for his master secretly in his


“Wow, Maximilian’s card skill is amazing.” Flora once again became Maximilian’s crazy fan and


Victoria glanced at Maximilian weirdly. Maximilian’s victory just now surprised her. She wondered if

Maximilian was also familiar with playing poker.

The sense of mystery brought to her by Maximilian was too much, which made Victoria think that

Maximilian was a little unpredictable.

Maximilian was not in a hurry. This time he deliberately didn’t use any trick but simply relied on luck.

Maximilian also saw that Rory was losing his mind. If that was the case, he wanted to let Rory taste the

sweetness first.

Rory still didn’t know that he had been fooled by Maximilian. This time he picked three cards with

relatively high points, 26 points in total.

Rory didn’t dare to directly get three ten-point cards of different suits because others may discover that

he was cheating.

As long as he maintained a total of more than 20 points, he would not lose. He confidently showed his

card, and Maximilian also showed his card without any delay.

All the people leaned over subconsciously. When they saw that Maximilian’s total points added up to

only a dozen points, they all showed contempt because the total number of his points was small.

They thought that Maximilian would be lucky enough to keep his total points above 20. But now it

turned out that all his good luck had been gone.

Canaan was also confused, ‘Did my master really rely on luck?’ Canaan knew that Rory was very good

at playing poker, and he started to worry that his master would lose his mind.

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