Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 768 He Deserved It
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Chapter 768 He Deserved It

The crowd was stunned. What was the situation now? Aotem was knocked off his feet by a nobody. If

they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe it.

Vinnie had seen Mr. Lee's ability, but he was still shocked when he saw that Maximilian had beaten

Aotem so easily.

"Aotem." When his brother was knocked down, the stalwart image of his brother in Oudney's mind

suddenly collapsed, and he exclaimed in amazement.

If there was not a group of people below to catch Aotem, Aotem would have broken his whole body on

the spot. Aotem gritted his teeth in pain, "Do you know who I am? I am Master Connor's personal


"So what?" Maximilian’s word made Aotem’s stunned. When an ordinary person heard this, he would

be scared afterward, but Maximilian was calm and self-assured.

"Vinnie, please help me out to teach him a lesson." Aotem suddenly remembered Vinnie, whose kung

fu was above him, and if Vinnie helped him, maybe the problem would be solved.

Vinnie coldly smiled and slowly walked out.

Aotem was happy, and it seemed that Vinnie was still willing to help him.

Suddenly, Vinnie kicked Aotem in turn, and Aotem rolled out on the ground five or six meters away.

The men that Aotem brought were all confused. They used to be Vinnie's men, so they didn't dare to do

anything to Vinnie and could only pretend as if they didn't see it.

"Vinnie, what are you doing?" Aotem was extremely weak, looking at Vinnie with a bewildered face,novelbin

and asked. When they cane, Vinnie was still treating him well. Why would Vinnie be so cruel to him


"You dare to touch Mr. Lee, it seems you don't want to live anymore," Vinnie said coldly. No matter

what, he would stand on Maximilian's side. And he would tell Master Connor that he beat Aotem, and

he believed that Master Connor would not blame him. But if he made a move against Mr. Lee, his life

would be gone.

Aotem was slightly stunned, and his brain was in a mess for a while. He had recently worked for

Connor, so naturally, he did not know Maximilian's relationship with Connor.

Aotem gritted his teeth and had to tell Connor, but Vinnie had already told Connor in advance about

this matter, "Master Connor, I was beaten by someone, and Vinnie even blocked me."

"Deserved it." Connor smiled coldly, then hung up the phone.

Aotem swallowed his saliva. Connor's word “deserved it” made him immediately felt cold, as if he fell

into an ice cave. Did he make a big trouble? Of course, he could hear that Master Connor was angry,

and he couldn't help worrying about his future.

"Mr. Lee, I have nothing to do with him at all, I just came here for fun." Vinnie hurriedly clarified.

Maximilian waved his hand and said, "It has nothing to do with you."

Only then did Vinnie breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he did not provoke Mr. Lee, otherwise, he

would die with Aotem. And Vinnie hatefully glanced at Aotem. He thought Aotem was a god of wealth,

but he didn’t expect that Aotem was a jinx.

Aotem, who realized that something was wrong, hesitantly apologized to Maximilian, "Mr. Lee, I'm


Even Vinnie was so polite to Maximilian, so it was clear that Maximilian's background was definitely

beyond his imagination.

Oudney was a little unconvinced, "Aotem, why do you apologize to him?"

Aotem's eyes flashed a trace of coldness, and he slapped his brother's face, then Oudney's face

suddenly looked like a pig's head. Oudney covered his face and still did not understand what was going


"Hurry up and apologize to Mr. Lee." Aotem almost wanted to kill his younger brother. If Oudney had

not called him, such a thing would not have happened.

Although Oudney was not convinced, under Aotem's cold rebuke, he could not resist the pressure and

apologized to Maximilian and the others one by one.

"Mr. Lee, just now I was senseless. If you want to hit me or scold me, it's all right, as long as you take

your anger off." Aotem hurriedly said. He now only wanted to salvage back his fault, and maybe there

was still a chance.

Oudney muttered in a low voice, "Aotem, that jade bracelet thing."

Aotem was going to be furious. Oudney was still thinking about the matter of jade bracelet at this time.

This brother came to make trouble for him.

Vinnie sneered, "Mr. Lee is Master Connor’s friend. If you want the bracelet, you can go and ask

Master Connor for reimbursement."

After Oudney learned that Maximilian was Master Connor's friend, he immediately did not dare say

anything. How could he have the guts to seek reimbursement from Master Connor?

Aotem was even more remorseful. He had offended Master Connor's friend, no wonder Master Connor

was so angry.

"Master Connor is very disappointed with you." Vinnie's words made Aotem even more desperate.

Aotem was angry and took out his anger on his brother, "Why did you provoke Mr. Lee?"

"Aotem, I don't know either." Oudney shouted while being beaten and screaming in pain. If he knew

that Maximilian was Master Connor's friend, even if someone gave him ten guts, he wouldn't dare to

mess with Maximilian.

Everyone present was dumbfounded. Especially after knowing that Maximilian was Master Connor's

friend, they couldn't help but think highly of Maximilian. No wonder Maximilian was confident, and it

turned out that he was Master Connor's friend.

That counter waitress's face changed, and she was ready to run away. She wasn't stupid, and she

knew something was wrong after she felt Maximilian's stared at her.

She slapped Victoria just now, and the other party must be angry. That counter waitress finally couldn't

withstand the pressure of Maximilian's eyes and hurriedly apologized to Victoria, “Lady, just now it was

all my fault, I shouldn't slap you."

Saying that, she kept slapping herself, and a slap was louder than a slap.

"You are fired. From today on, you should not work here." Oudney didn't forget to show that he knew he

was wrong and directly drove the waitress away at the counter.

That counter waitress became freak out. She had been looking for this job for a long time, and she kept

begging, hoping that Oudney would give herself another chance.

Oudney did not even look at her. If he gave her a chance, who would give him a chance?

To please Maximilian, Aotem rubbed his hands, smiled, and said, "Mr. Lee, whatever you fancy, I can

give it to you for free, and it's no problem to pack all up and take all away."

As long as he could keep his position as Connor’s bodyguard, he couldn’t care so much. And this could

only be said to be a drop in the bucket.

Maximilian spoke, "You don't know the truth, and I don't blame you."

Aotem then sighed with relief, and it seemed that Mr. Lee forgave him.

"Vinnie, why didn't you say it earlier?" Aotem saw Maximilian walking away and showed a helpless

look. If Vinnie had told him earlier, he wouldn't have dared to offend Maximilian.

Vinnie smiled contemptuously, "Just now I gave you a hint, but you do not even know."

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