Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 747 Think Twice Before You Speak
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Chapter 747 Think Twice Before You Speak

Tate was scared into tears and she covered her mouth with her hands, daring not to make a sound, lest

she should attract the attention of Vinnie and get herself into trouble.

Seeing Gardner and others were too startled to stand up, Vennie sneered, “Someone take them.”

A group of men flooded into the box and took Gardner and others out.

Vinnie swept over the present women in the private room with his cold eyes and said ruthlessly, “Which

one is Tate?”

Hearing Vinnie calling her name, Tate trembled and was about to run out in a hurry, but the weakness

of her legs made her stumble by the chair.

“What...what are you going to do? I didn’t do anything. I... Don’t come over.” Tate was crying out innovelbin


“You are clear what you did. Bring her to boss Davies.” Vinnie waved his hand, then two men came

over and dragged Tate out.

“No. I don’t go. Let me go!” Tate struggled and shouted desperately.

A man punched Tate in her stomach, then Tate felt sick and threw up. In this way, there was no crying

and shouting, but her disgusting sound of vomit.

Gardner and others were taken into the private room in the top floor. When they saw Maximilian and

Nevaeh were chatting and laughing, their face turned ghastly in a sudden.

At the moment, Gardner wailed in his heart, feeling that he must be insane just now that he should take

Tate’s advice to let Nevaeh seduce this mysterious young man.

‘It seemed that now Nevaeh not only hooked up with this young man, but spoke ill of me to the man. I

might encounter a miserable situation.’ Gardner thought.

When his hands were free, Gardner bowed deeply to Maximilian.

“Sir, I’m so ignorant to offend you. It’s my fault. Please forgive me.”

Other young rich men also bowed and apologized in a hurry.

“Sir, it’s our fault, and we can compensate for it.”

“Please forgive us for the sake of our fathers.”

Tate was surprised when she saw Nevaeh, then there was resentment in her eyes. However, when she

saw Gardner and others begging for mercy, the resentment in her eyes turned into fear instantly.

Seeing these young rich men making an apology, Nevaeh was astonished.

Then Nevaeh turned around and stared at Maximilian. There was a light flashing in her eyes.

Connor’s face darkened, then he looked at these young rich, “Idiot! This is Master Maximilian. You

should call him Boss Maximilian! Since Nevaeh is Mr. Maximilian’s sister, you should call her

Distinguished Nevaeh!”

Nevaeh was so surprised by the appellation of Distinguished Nevaeh that she opened her eyes wide.

With her head down, Nevaeh touched her hot face and felt bashful about the appellation of

Distinguished Nevaeh.

Gardner didn’t care about it and called Boss Maximilian and Distinguished Nevaeh, behaving like he

were a good grandson.

Maximilian smiled and looked at Gardner and others, “You keep saying that you realize your fault, so

what have you done wrong?”

Gardner and others looked at each other, then looked at Maximilian with flinching.

‘The fault must have something to do with Nevaeh, but we didn’t do anything to her. What should we

say about the fault? We didn’t even hit her and just scolded her a few words. If we say our fault is that

we scolded Nevaeh, will Maximilian feel that we are avoiding the important but dwelling on the trivial?’

The more Gardner thought about, the more uneasy he felt, and he dared not to say anything for a long


Maximilian reached out to point to Gardner and said, “You tell me what’s your fault.”

Gardner’s lips trembled and he said after a while, “We... we have bullied Distinguished Nevaeh. Well,

it’s because of Tate! Tate brought Distinguished Nevaeh and said she was beautiful and good to have

fun with.

I didn’t think much about it, thinking it would be okay to have another girl to have fun with. But it was

only after Distinguished Nevaeh came that we knew she remained chaste, so we didn’t do anything but

scolded her.”

When hearing that Gardner shifted the blame to her shoulders, Tate felt a burden suddenly dropped on

her shoulder and she almost could not bear it.

Tate knew she couldn’t bear such a blame on her own, since Gardner shifted it to her, she must gave it


“You can’t talk so, Gardner! It was you who took a fancy to Nevaeh and asked me to bring her to you. I

put forward asking Nevaeh to seduce Maximilian, but you also agreed. How can I ask Nevaeh to do so

if you didn’t agree with me?”

“Bitch, just shut up, or I’ll teach you a lesson.” Gardner shouted at Tate then he turned his head and

looked at Nevaeh with imploring eyes.

“Distinguished Nevaeh, it’s all my fault, but I didn’t do anything terrible. I just scolded you. You can

scold me in turn now or you can even spit on me!”

Nevaeh blushed because of Gardner’s calling her Distinguished Nevaeh. She lowered her head and

laughed, “Maximilian, they really... didn’t do anything to me. They just spoke impolitely. It’s not a big


Maximilian patted Nevaeh’s arm gently, hinting that she didn’t need to talk, then he looked at Gardner

with cold eyes.

“You are so majestic that you dare to shout at others. Which is true about what Tate said just now?”

Gardner was so scared that he had no strength to support himself. He sat on the ground and sweat so

profusely that his clothes was drenched soon,

“Um.. well, Tate told the truth. I just want to spend some money for fun, but I don’t want to force

anyone, and I... Boss Maximilian, Distinguished Nevaeh, please forgive me. I’ll never do that again.”

Maximilian smiled and shook his head, “It’s impossible. One should be punished when he does

something wrong. Connor, let your men teach them a lesson, besides, gave each 30 slaps to let them

know they ‘d better think twice before they talk next time.”

“Yes.” Connor echoed then gave his men a hint.

Vinnie and Alan then slapped Gardner and others on their faces.

After a burst of sound of slapping, Gardner’s mouth swelled like a sausage with blood oozing.

“Thank you, Boss Maximilian. I’ll never dare to do it again.” Gardner had one of his front teeth knocked

out, so he couldn’t speak clearly.

Maximilian waved his hand, then Vinnie and Alan took Gardner and others out.

Connor prepared for a dinner to treat Maximilian and Nevaeh.

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