Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 709 Extraordinary Knife Skills
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Chapter 709 Extraordinary Knife Skills

“Ah! Aah! You are Maximilian, aren’t you? OMG, I can’t believe I meet Maximilian!”

Diana was quite excited, then she directed the camera at herself and said in a loud voice, “I meet

Maximilian, a legendary man in H City. I’ve heard a lot about him and I’m his fan!”

Maximilian was no longer a nobody now. After experiencing so many things in H City, although many

people here had never met him, they had heard of his name.novelbin

Victoria and Flora looked at each other, at the same time, feeling that Maximilian was shining like a

bright light in the darkness and he would attract people’s attention wherever he went.

Flora pursed her lips, pricked Canaan who was grinning with chopsticks, then winked at Canaan and

pointed to the beautiful anchor who was photographing Maximilian with excitement.

Canaan got her idea immediately, then he patted his chest and said, “Don’t worry. I’ll deal with it. I’m

good at it and I’ll ensure Maximilian won’t be molested by others.”

Canaan squeezed into the crowd, stood between Diana and Maximilian, smiled sweetly to Diana,

“Young lady, I’m an agent of Maximilian. If yo want to have a further communication with him, you can

talk with me. He is busy cooking the puffer fish sashimi. Please don’t disturb him.”

Diana glared and made a face at Canaan, “Leave me alone, fat ass! Don’t disturb me. I’m focused on

my idol. There are 100 thousand viewers in my channel now. Behave yourself, or I’ll ask them to deliver

you blades.”

Diana was quite pleased. She had used to be an anchor whose live broadcast had never viewed by

more than 10 thousand people, but now there were 100 thousand people watching her live broadcast,

which provided her a chance to be promoted as a B-list anchor.

Realizing that the increase of the viewers owed to Maximilian, Diana even considered cooperating with

Maximilian in live stream.

As long as Maximilian would agree, Diana thought it was okay even if she had to be subject to the

hidden rules. After all, Maximilian was quite handsome that she was kind of attracted by him!

Canaan patted his chest and said, “Not to mention blades, I’m not afraid even if you deliver me bullets.

I’m an envoy to maintain peace and uphold justice.

“Come on. Leave me alone.” Diana had no interest in talking with Canaan. She came round Canaan to

shoot Maximilian.

Maximilian held the puffer fish in his left hand then poked and scratched the belly of the puffer fish with

his right hand. The fish got angry and its belly bulged into a ball.

The globular puffer fish looked very cute, but Diana only gave a look at it then fixed her eyes back on

Maximilian, feeling his profile was so attractive that she couldn’t help staring at him.

Maximilian took a long knife with a thin blade from the knife holder. The knife turned in Maximilian’s

hand, which won the crowd’s praise.

“Gosh! What is his way of using knives? It looks awesome!”

“It’s kind of like the way in the film The God of Cookery. It seems that the guy is not an ordinary man.”

When the chef noticing Maximilian’s way of turning the knife, his face went grim, “It’s just a gimmick. Do

you think you can cook the puffer fish only by turning the knife?”

“Then you just see.” With a quick flick of his wrist, Maximilian used the knife deftly and the light of the

knife flashed like lightening.

No one saw clearly what Maximilian had done. Being in doubt, the crowd saw Maximilian holding the

head of the fish that was still alive with one hand, then he put forth his strength with the other hand,

then the thick and elastic skin of the fish was peeled off.

“Gosh! How can he do it? He peeled off the skin so easily? How agile he is.”

“Shit! The man is the legendary super chef, otherwise how can he have such an excellent skill of using


“Fuck! Look at the fish. Its mouth is moving! The fish is not dead yet!”

The Japanese chef was grim-faced. Looking at the skinned puffer fish, he didn’t say a word.

In terms of what Maximilian’s performance, he was faster than any of the top chefs the Japanese chef

had ever seen. The scene of Maximilian’s using the knife fast and deftly was flashing in the chef’s


Maximilian smiled and said, “Can you do this?”

“Well...” The chef was so embarrassed that he didn’t know how to respond.

Maximilian didn’t continue embarrassing the chef but turned the knife in his hand and said, “The next

step is to deal with the puffer fish. The liver and blood of puffer fish are toxic, so the liver should not be

broken but remain intact when taken out, which tests the proficiency of the chef.”

After some explanation to the crowd, Maximilian used the knife to cut apart the belly of the puffer fish.

Then with a flash of light, the viscera of the fish were taken out wholly.

“Alas, I’m not as proficient as before since I haven’t done it for a long time. It takes me 0.5 seconds

more than that of my zenith to finish it. I suppose I spent one second this time. Failure.” Maximilian

shook his head and said.

The onlookers were astonished that Maximilian should say he failed with such a good speed, thinking

Maximilian was too demanding of himself.

“If you call it a failure, what about me? It will take me at least half an hour to kill fish at home.”

“You just spent a second taking out the viscera. Are you a surgeon? You are quite familiar with the

biological structure of the puffer fish?”

Diana gave the puffer fish which was opening its mouth helplessly a close-up shot, “I’d like to be this

fish. Then I can have close contact with Maximilian.”

“Well, do you have any mental illness?” Canaan stared at Diana with sympathy on his face.

“You don’t understand it. Just get out of here.” Diana looked at her mobile phone with delight, since

many viewer gave her gifts in her live broadcast channel.

With a gloomy face, the chef looked at Maximilian in surprise, “How can you be so fast? It’s impossible.

This is beyond the reach of human power!”

“The fact is obvious and you saw it. Don’t you believe it?” Maximilian tilted his head and asked the chef.

When he was saying, Maximilian dealt with the fish swiftly with the knife, then the meat on both sides of

the puffer fish had been cut off.

Then the puffer fish had only an intact head, a spine and a fish tail.

Without Maximilian’s controlling with his hand, the spine and tail of the fish were swinging, which

looked quite wired.

“Oh my god. It’s horrible that the fish can still move when its meat has been removed.”

The swing of the fish’s spine and tail triggered the crowd’s exclamations. They had never seen it


Maximilian explained with smile, “The reflex arc of the fish is kind of long. If it doesn’t die completely, its

body will have a nerve reflex response. Its swing now is kind of such response.”

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