Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 675 Texting for help
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Chapter 675 Texting for help

“Do you think I can let you die so easily?” Maximilian said with no emotion, and his right feet already

stepped on Frankie’s right hand.

He used a great strength, and a series of clicking sounds heard from Frankie’s fingers. His bones were


It was said that fingers were connected with human heart and would let us felt great pain when they

were hurt. Now Frankie’s five fingers were broken and he could only yell painfully.

“Ah! Maximilian! Do you dare to kill me??”

“You can’t bear it when the game has just begun. If you answer my questions, I might let you die in a

less painful way.”

After saying this, Maximilian used a great strength on his right feet and stepped Frankie’s whole palm

into a pile of muddy flesh.

Frankie’s whole body was trembling, making his ugly appearance even fiercer. He raised his head and

looked at Maximilian in a vicious look.

“Just tell me do you want to answer me or not? If not, I will step every bone in your body to pieces and

let you have a taste of true broke bones.”

When speaking, Maximilian had already stepped on Frankie’s left hand.

Frankie couldn’t bare the pain that his right hand was smashed to muddy flesh. Now, seeing his left

hand was gradually stepped on, Frankie’s tears ran down from his eyes.

He couldn’t help trembling when thinking of the scene that all of the bones around were smashed and

was completely frightened with what was going to happen.

Frankie’s mind collapsed and he said when trembling, “Ok, I will tell you, I will tell you. Kacper and Inovelbin

sneak out of the research centre! We are afraid of that if we couldn’t manage to get out and take

revenge on you, they will do lethal experiments on us! It is true that Kacper was with me, however, he

ran away in the halfway! He is still fond of your wife and you’d better leave to protect her! That’s all I

know. Please kill me!”

Frankie closed his eyes and told Maximilian what he knew, which made Maximilian scared when

hearing the truth.

Maximilian figured that Kacper had enough time to catch Victoria from the time when he started fighting

with Frankie to questioning him.

“Dame it! Why don’t you fucking tell me at the beginning?”

“Ha, then it’s not funny! You said you are going to play a game with me. Then let Kacper play with you

on behalf of me!”

“Fuck!” Maximilian yelled and kicked on Frankie’s neck.

A clear sound of broken bones came from his neck and Frankie suddenly spat a mouthful of blood.

The broken neck bones had already cut off carotid artery and the weasand from inside. Frankie

struggled to breath, but blood kept running down from his nose, and finally, he was dead.

The phone suddenly rang and Maximilian picked it up without hesitation.

“Hello! This is Maximilian.”

“Maximilian, hurry up and go to the exhibition Hall! A nerd just came and took Victoria and Flora away!”

Marcus said anxiously.

“I will go back right now.”

After hanging off the phone, Maximilian pointed at Frankie’s body to Master Benedict and hinted him to

deal with it. Then he hurriedly rushed towards the Exhibition Hall.

He found everything was in a mess when he arrived and the guards Master Benedict arranged were all

beaten up, and several men were seriously injured.

Canaan held Marcus’s arm and rushed towards Maximilian.

Marcus grabbed Maximilian’s arm and said, “Please save her! Please find a way to save my daughter!”

“Don’t worry. I will try my best to save her. Canaan, could you tell me what happened just now?”

Canaan recalled and said, “After Master Benedict went away, we were taking a rest here. However, not

before long, a man with a strange appearance suddenly came and beat all of the guards. He left with

them and his speed was so fast, and he does like a normal human.”

Hearing Canaan’s words, Maximilian could assert that it was Kacper who took Victoria and Flora away.

“I see. Please take care of my father-in-law and I will go and save them right now.”

Maximilian hurriedly left the Exhibition Hall and looked around on the road.

He frowned when seeing so many cars and people were on the street and thought it would be

extremely hard to find them among the crowd.

When he was considering of contacting Connor and Chief Carr and letting them start searching, his

phone suddenly vibrated.

It meant that someone just sent him a text message. Maximilian clicked it and looked carefully.

It was from Flora, with only two words: save me.

Maximilian’s eyes squinted and he looked towards the cars in front of him.

Then text only had two words with no further clues. Maybe Flora sent it when she was trying to get


However, the text message didn’t mention about the exact location and Maximilian was not sure where

to find them.

Beep! The phone vibrated again and there was another text message.

Maximilian took a look and found this one was from Victoria, and the text message only contained two

words: help me.

“Interesting, it seems Kacper is texting me with both of their phones.” Maximilian thought for a while

and directly dialed Victoria’s number.

The phone was immediately picked up and there came a man’s deep voice, “Well, you’re smart. I

thought you were going to be clueless.”

“Just tell me what you want, and what can I do to let them go?”

“Hiss! I will wait for you in the Eastern Cemetery. If you fail to arrive at eight o’clock this evening, I will

kill them both. What a shame for such two beauties! You can hear their voice now.”

There came whimpering sound from the other side of the phone. It was evident that there was

something inside their mouth, stopping them from making a sound.

Maximilian judged from the whimpering that it was Flora and Victoria.

“I will definitely arrive on time. Don’t hurt them. If something happens to them, I will kill you!”

“Hiss! Kill me? I suppose you can’t manage to do that. Ha, I am here waiting for you.” Kacper hang off

the phone with a complacent smile.

“If Frankie listens to me, he won’t be killed by Maximilian so easily. Well, I am not better than him, as I

have to stay in this ugly body just for a woman.”

Kacper looked towards Victoria and Flora with a malicious look on his face and made a series of creep


Both Victoria and Flora were frightened by his creep smile and wished Maximilian could come here to

save them.

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