Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 643 A Fake Accident
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Chapter 643 A Fake Accident

Preston left angrily, but the melons, fruits, vegetables, poultry, eggs, meat were delivered to

Maximilian’s villa, and the cooks he brought were sent in.

The cooks began to cook in the kitchen, and soon the delicious food was brought onto the table. At this

time, Maximilian received a call from the manager of Lasdun.

The manager told Maximilian that the lecture would be started at eight o’clock this evening and they

hoped Maximilian would attend it and be the keynote speaker.

It was Thomas who set the time in a hurry.

He intended to take advantage of the opportunity to ask Maximilian be the keynote speaker tonight,

and would talk with Maximilian about something else after the lecture.

Thomas was worried about being watched by the Head of dragon lords, so he had to take such a hastynovelbin


After answering the call, Maximilian considered it, then felt Thomas’s arrangement was quite strange.

What puzzled Maximilian most was that Thomas asked the manager to inform him.

In light of the relationship between Thomas and Maximilian, it should be Thomas who personally called


As the saying goes, there must be something wrong when something abnormal happened. Maximilian

thought there might be some problems with Thomas, so he made up his mind to check it out on his


After agreeing to the invitation, Maximilian went to the dinner table and said to Victoria, “Victoria, the

manager of Lasdun invites me to be the keynote speaker in this evening. Would you like to come with


“Of course. Are you going now?” Victoria put down the bowl and chopsticks in her hands. She was

looking forward to seeing Maximilian as the keynote speaker.

“Then let’s go. Flora, please take care of my parents-in-law at home. I have something to do with

Victoria tonight.” Maximilian took Victoria’s hand and walked out happily.

Flora watched the two leaving, her cheeks bulging. The delicious food now was tasteless for her. She

really wanted to go with them.

But thinking of Maximilian’s words just now, Flora could not be so shameless to go with them. What

was more, she was afraid that Marcus and Laura would doubt her thoughts, and then she could not

stay here anymore.

After adjusting her emotions, Flora forced a smile and chatted with Mr. and Mrs. Griffith.

Maximilian and Victoria drove their newly bought Mercedes-Benz out of the community.

Not far from the community, just as Maximilian was about to speed up, an old lady suddenly jumped out

from nowhere and fell in the front of their car.

Maximilian hit the brakes immediately. The tires rubbed against the ground, making a piercing sound.

The car finally stopped steadily five meters away from the old lady.

Victoria, who sat in the passenger seat, was stunned, staring at the old lady lying on the ground. Then

she unfastened the seat belt instinctively and was ready to get off.

Maximilian grabbed Victoria and whispered, “Don’t rush. You can’t deal with such a situation. Even

people with a monthly salary of more than 100 thousand dollars can’t afford to pay the old lady.”

“What?” Victoria exclaimed, feeling that Maximilian was making a fuss.

Although it was popular now to be blackmailed by the elderly, Victoria thought it was unusual.

Seeing the old lady falling onto the ground, Victoria thought they should save her first.

“You’re over scrupulous. There are many kind people in the world...Ah! What is she doing?!” As Victoria

was about to reason with Maximilian, she saw the old lady rolling towards the Mercedes-Benz.

The elderly lying on the ground did not stand up and make a cry for help, but clenched her teeth when

she saw the car far away.

Then the old lady resolutely rolled her body under the front wheel of the Mercedes-Benz.

“Ouch! Help! I’m hit by a car! I’m dying! Is there anyone to help me?” The old lady posed and shouted

out the lines she had prepared.

Maximilian shook his head, “It’s not that the old become evil, but that the evil are turning old. You can’t

deal with such a faked car accident. Don’t worry. Just stay in the car. I’ll solve it.”

Victoria nodded blankly. She did not expect they would encounter it today, as it had been hotly

discussed on the Internet.

Maximilian got out of the car, went to the old lady and squatted down.

The old lady squinted at Maximilian and cried louder, “Someone helps me! You hit me with your car. My

arms and legs have injured. You have to pay for my medical expenses.”

“I earn three thousand a month. How much do you think I should pay you?”

“Three thousand? If you just have such a low salary, how can you afford a Mercedes-Benz? You’d

better not treat me as an ignorant woman. Those who can drive a Mercedes-Benz are rich. You must

pay me for two or three million dollars at least.”

After the old lady said these, she continued to cry and yowl.

“I really can’t afford it. Maybe I will think about it if you ask for thirties or fifties thousand. My driving

recorder has recorded what you have done just now. It’s a fake car accident.”

The old lady jumped to her feet immediately, her hands on the hood of the car and her head leaning to

the car light.

“How can you say so? I was hit by your car when I was crossing the street. How can you accuse me?

It’s so unfair. Someone helps me! The rich man doesn’t want to pay for medical expenses after he ran

to me.”

Her crying was actually a signal. Soon two people appeared and approached the Mercedes-Benz with

a compassionate look on their faces.

“What’s the matter with you, old lady. Just get up first. The ground is chilly.” One of them said to the old


The other looked at Maximilian and said, “I suppose this is a car accident. Dude, are you the driver? If

you hit this old lady, you should make some compensation; otherwise I won’t just stand by as an


“Well, what do you want to do? I’d better call the police to solve it.”

Maximilian took out his cell phone to make a call, while the man who was talking to Maximilian reached

out to snatch Maximilian’s mobile phone in a hurry.

“You are such a rude man! We just talk about it, how can you bother to call the police? Since you hit the

old lady, it’s reasonable for you to compensate her. When you can afford a Mercedes-Benz, you don’t

have to haggle with an old lady.”

“Get your hands off me, or I’ll teach you a lesson.” Maximilian looked down at his mobile phone, which

was grabbed by the man.

“You really want it the hard way? Since you hit others, you want to get away with it? There’s no way!”

The two acted to be easy-going and tough respectively.

When they saw Maximilian was immune to both soft and hard tactics, they rolled up their sleeves and

showed a ferocious face.

The old lady stood up, swearing, “You bastard. I hit Mercedes-Benz many time. You are the first one to

refuse me. Thirty or fifty dollars? How shameless you are!”

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