Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 600 Beyond Imagination
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Chapter 600 Beyond Imagination

After a while, Euan came to the auction stage, shook hands with Pearce politely, and went to the

painting to have a look.

Interestingly, the staff handed him a magnifying glass, but Euan refused it.

Euan was carefully observing the ink painting "Two Galloping Horses" on the stage.

Usually, to identify a painting was real or faked, one needed to use a magnifying glass to carefully see

the texture of the canvas and the painter's brush in order to make a better judgment.

The young master of Tripod Wealth Pawnshop didn't take the magnifying glass prepared by the staff

before he went on stage. Instead, he went on stage to observe it with naked eyes.

This detail also aroused some discussion in the hall. Many people thought this young man was

arrogant and pretended to know something about this painting.

Maximilian didn't understand Euan's practice very well, and sat with a puzzled expression, waiting for

the result.

After a while, Euan seemed to have come to a conclusion.

He took out the bidding device from his pocket and pressed the keyboard. The big screen on the stage

instantly showed the number of "200,000 dollars".

Seeing Euan's offer, the audience burst out in a flash, and people's discussion became louder and


Euan seemed very calm and didn't say anything. He calmly stepped down from the stage and returned

to his seat.

Two hundred thousand dollars? Was it the same price Pearce spent on this painting?

Maximilian thought Euan would give a special answer, but he didn't expect him to do so. Maximiliannovelbin

was confused.

Not only Maximilian, but also other guests at the scene didn’t understand Euan's bid at all.

"Does this young man understand auction or not?"

"It shouldn’t be such an offer. Pearce just said he spent 200,000 dollars for this painting. Is this person

Pearce's trust?"

"Young man, don't pretend to understand..."

There were a majority of dissenting voices about Euan's bid.

Maximilian looked at Euan and saw that he was smiling and calmly looking at the paintings on the

exhibition stand. He seemed to be very sure of his own judgment and didn't feel guilty at all.

There was only one way to prove whether his offer was right or wrong, that is, to identify the painting


Facing the noisy crowd, Pearce picked up the microphone, waved his hand and said.

"Please be quiet, everyone. Thank you very much for the support of Euan, the young master of Tripod

Wealth Pawnshop, who raised the bid to 200,000 dollars at once. I am honored by his deed. But next, I

hope you won't bid immediately after watching the painting on stage. When everyone has finished

appreciation, we will enter the auction round. In order to maintain the order in the venue, please

cooperate with us."

With Euan in the lead, people were scrambling to the stage to have a look at this ink painting. It didn't

take long for a long line to form under the stage.

Maximilian, who was aroused by his curiosity, naturally did not want to lag behind. He got up from his

seat and joined the queue.

Maximilian, who was standing in the queue, was not idle. Instead, he observed the faces of everyone

who had seen the painting one by one.

He found almost everyone who had seen the painting looked satisfied. It seemed the painting was

really not ordinary.

After waiting for a long time, Maximilian finally came on to the stage. He took the magnifying glass from

the staff and strode to the ink painting.

Unlike others, Maximilian did not immediately raise the magnifying glass to observe, but just stood and

looked at the painting like Euan.

Maximilian concentrated on the painting in front of him, carefully bore the appearance of the two horses

in the painting in his mind, and then closed his eyes.

Maximilian opened his eyes suddenly, and then took a breath and stepped down.

This scene was clearly seen by Euan, who wasn’t on stage. He knew among all the views on stage,

including himself, Maximilian observed this painting with the shortest time.

When Maximilian returned to his seat, Amira said to Maximilian with a look of adoration.

"Maximilian, you are really good. You even don't need a magnifying glass, and you are really

impressed to see it in such a short time!"

Euan also called Maximilian, gave him a thumbs-up, and showed a smile.

After a long time, no one came on stage to see the painting anymore.

Pearce picked up the microphone again, went to the stage and announced it out loudly.

"Bidding starts now! Interested buyers of this ink painting, please take up your bidding machine and


As soon as his voice dropped, the numbers on the big screen kept rising

250,000... 290,000... 360,000... 400,000... 450,000

The sudden rise in the number shocked Amira.

Finally, the number on the screen is fixed at "680,000".

Seeing the bid, Maximilian and Euan looked at each other with understanding eyes, and both of them

smiled and shook their heads.

A middle-aged foreigner with took the painting from Pearce. After received the warm applause, he

stepped down.

Pearce stood on the stage, picked up the microphone and said with a smile face.

"Thank you very much for your support, my foreigner friend! I am very happy and gratified to see that

this painting can get such a warm response from all of you. Next, we will start the second round of

auction. There will be four pieces that are not inferior to the ink painting just now. Please look forward

to it"

After that, he walked off the stage and went back to his seat to have a rest.

Wow, in the blink of an eye, he made 480,000 dollars, and everyone was happy. Maximilian thought,

“Let me see how many treasures you have!”

Different from the first round of auction, on the second round, four auction items were brought to the

stage one by one, that is, the new auction item would be put on the stage only when the previous one

was sold.

This not only reflected the importance of the second round of auction, but also made the auction full of

uncertainty. In this way, it aroused the appetite of numerous bidders.

The two rounds of auctions in different forms fully demonstrated Pearce's outstanding intelligence as a

successful businessman, and made Maximilian realize that to become a top counterfeiter, he must not

only learn exquisite craftsmanship, but also learn how to use good strategies, so as to make a lot of


As the host announced the start of the second round, the first item was escorted to the booth by the


It was a gorgeous square box.

The host went to the booth and introduced it in details.

"The first item is a bronze horse sculpture from the Warring States period."

Then he slowly opened the square box.

In the center of the box, there was a bronze horse with texture, and it appeared vigorous and


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