Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 579 Scared Out Of His Wits
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Chapter 579 Scared Out Of His Wits

Regan could clearly feel the envy and pain inside him to see such a beauty leaning against Maximilian.

The one who should be held by such a beauty was him, not someone like Maximilian.

"Hey! The gorgeous girl right there! How about we get to know each other? Leave that shabby guy with

his pathetic Benz so that I shall take you for a ride with my supercar."

Alluring girls with his supercar was a tried-and-true approach of Regan.

However, Flora gave him cold eyes and said, "I would rather like to ride on the back seat of

Maximilian's bicycle, which is much better than your rugged supercar."

Regan felt insulted. How dared she say that his supercar was not even comparable to a bicycle?

He said to Flora again, "Well, sweetie, I think there is a misunderstanding between us. Even the best

bicycle is a shit relative to a single wheel of my supercar."

"Don't count me as one of your female followers. I just love Maximilian’s honesty" Rolling her eyes in

disgust, Flora said.

Hearing that, Regan felt he would burst with anger and shame the next second. How could such words

come out from such a beautiful girl?

Glaring at Maximilian with his rounded eyes, Regan said, "You know what? I want your girl. Give her to

me and I will pay you ten million dollars."

"You want her? Well, I have to consider it." Maximilian said with a smile.

Hearing that, Flora pinched hard at Maximilian's waist and said to him, "Don't even think about it, even

if he wants to give you the whole planet!"

"Hey, that hurts! Take it easy, I'm just joking. I won't give you to anyone by chance. I would rather you

stay with us and count on me like always." said Maximilian with a grin.

Seeing this provoking intimacy between Maximilian and Flora, Regan could feel the fury burning insidenovelbin

of him.

"OK, now that you have finished your call, and there is nothing happening by now. I guess you have

something to say about that, don't you?" He said to Maximilian to change the topic.

Sensing the atmosphere was not right, those rich young followers around began to join Regan and

support him.

"Yeah! Nothing is happening, isn't it? What are you gonna do about that? Maybe we shall cut off one of

your hands or legs first!"

"Just hand over that beauty to Mr. Regan, you piece of shit! You don't deserve her, and Mr. Regan


"Hey, the beauty right there! Listen to me. Leave that shabby guy and be Mr. Regan’s girl. He can bring

you not only wealth, but also a brand new sensuality in bed!"

Stomping her feet with anger, Flora was totally riled by these men. She said to Maximilian, "Do

something, Maximilian! Just look at what they are doing!"

"Be patient, Flora. It takes time to receive an international call, and he will soon see what's actually

going on." Maximilian said in an unhurried manner.

Once again, Regan and the rich young followers burst into laughter again, thinking that his excuse


It was the moment when the young men were going to attack Maximilian with another round of

humiliation that the phone in Regan's pocket rang.

The ringtone silenced everyone at the scene, and shifted their attention to Regan.

Regan, slightly frowned, took out his phone and found that the incoming call was an international

phone number. Seeing that, he had a bad hunch.

He shouted to Maximilian, "Don't you ever try to find someone to deceive me via Internet telephony! I

will pick up the phone, and put it on speakerphone so that everybody can see your despicable

deceptive ally!"

"Hello..? Is there Mr. Regan?" said someone in stiff mandarin from the other side of the phone.

Hearing that, Regan couldn't help bursting into laughter and said to everyone, "Well, it really kills me!

Have you guys heard the one calling? Not only does he use an international call in disguise, he also

pretends to be a foreigner by using such a weird tongue!"

Those rich young men began to laugh with Regan, looking at Maximilian with a look of disdain and

thinking that he was such a shameful man.

Canaan came up to Maximilian with embarrassment, and asked in a whisper, "What's going on,

master? Are you the one who arranged the call?"

"To some extent, yes." Maximilian answered straightforwardly without any hesitation.

"Well." Canaan sighed and felt like a dumb.

On the other side of the phone was Mclaren fleet’s interpreter. He was annoyed by the noise made on

Regan’s side, and shouted with dissatisfaction, "Regan! Shut up and listen to me carefully now. I'm

here to inform you that you are expelled from our fleet according to the order from our boss!"

"Really! I think your saying is not convincing enough to frighten me. Let me tell you, I have just signed

the contract with the fleet and there is no way for them to expel me!" Regan sneered.

"Fuck! I'm Dominik, the interpreter of the fleet, you stupid idiot! I will repeat it again. According to the

order of President Maxwell, you have been expelled from the fleet! Moreover, since you have been

charged with improper behavior, which is against the contract, you will be sued for the liquidated

damages amounting to 50 million Euros."

Dominik cut off the line after the announcement immediately, leaving Regan on the other side of the

phone confused.

Regan ran over all his memory related to the fleet and found that the voice on the phone just now was

almost the same as Dominik.

Seeing that Regan was puzzled, the rest of the men dared not to speak a word and looked directly at


It was the moment when the scene was about to be caught in silence that Regan's phone rang again.

He picked it up and put it on speakerphone again, shouting, "And who the hell are you this time,

bastard! Don't you ever try to deceive me by any means! I'm not gonna be fooled!"

After his words, someone answered at the other end of the phone. Someone in the crowd could tell that

it was the language used in Europe, and the content mainly was, 'Greetings, is that Regan, with a

license number NO. 990050?'

"Yes, it's me. May I ask who you are?" asked Regan.

"I'm Brown, the auditor of ultimate racing license from the Ultimate Racing License Auditing

Department of the IAF Racing Commission."

"Oh! Greetings, Mr. Brown! We met each other not long ago. May I ask why you are calling, please?"

Regan asked again anxiously.

"Well, we do call you for something important. According to our second review of your application for

the ultimate license, you are not qualified for this license. So your license is not available anymore."

Hearing that, Regan was so astonished that he stood there as if he had been electric shocked.

However, that was not the end of it.

Brown continued, "Also, given the serious case of fraud, we have decided to sue you and already

handed over all related materials to the relevant authority. Personally, I suggest you should go and find

a proper defense lawyer as soon as possible."

At the moment, everyone was looking at Maximilian with fear, of course.

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