Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 572 Housewarming Party
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Chapter 572 Housewarming Party

Seeing Zach flying out, the facial expression of the other two monks suddenly changed. They both

knew Maximilian was not easy to deal with.


Zach fell onto the ground, and another mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

He struggled to stand up but felt as if all bones in his body were shattered and he was unable to stand


The feeling of panic had filled Zach's heart. Zach was extremely regretful and he shouldn't have come

to Maximilian to avenge Wangji. Now he was ruined instead of getting his revenge.

"Go, hurry up and go!" Zach said weakly, failing to raise his voice.

The two junior monks had already panicked. Hearing Zach’s words, they looked at each other and were

about to retreat.

Maximilian said coldly, "Come and go as you please? What do you think of my house is? You must pay

for the damaged door."

"Yes, sure, we will compensate you. How much? We'll give it to you." The two monks retreated as they

said. They intended to retreat behind Zach and dragged Zach to slip away together.

However, Maximilian walked out of the room and looked at the two monks who were retreating step by

step, with a smile on his face, "Did Casper ask you to come?"

"No, no, we took the initiative to come and avenge Senior Brother Wangji."

Maximilian raised his eyebrows. He originally thought Zach and the other two were fooled by Casper.

"Oh, since you guys want to avenge Wangji, I'll send you all to lie in the hospital together."

The two juniors’ hearts were chilled, and they felt that what Maximilian said was a nightmare.

"We'll go back to see Senior Brother Wangji. And we will never come back for trouble again." A junior

said in a panic.

Maximilian shook his head with disapproval.

"You will come back for trouble again. You rushed into my house, and my family was frightened, so I

have to teach you a lesson."

"You guys hurry up and go. I'll hold him!" Zach endured the pain and sat up from the ground. He

intended to risk his life to cover for their escape.

The two juniors looked at each other, turned around without saying a word, and ran away.

Maximilian took the key out of his pocket. After inserting his finger tip into the key ring, he suddenly

opened it. The key ring instantly burst into four pieces and shot at the two fleeing.

Before Zach’s two juniors ran into the elevator, the key rings' four blades had shot into their knees.

Feeling a sharp pain on their knees, the two ran so wildly that they lost their balance suddenly, and fell

to the ground with a thud, like dying puppies.

"My leg! My knee seems to be broken!"

"Mine too, my knee hurts. It hurts!"

Seeing their blood flowing wildly from their knee sockets, Zach instantly felt miserable. He had seen

Maximilian's movements just now. Maximilian only used a key ring, and it was able to penetrate the

knees of his two juniors.

Although the two juniors’ Kung Fu was not very good, they were much stronger than ordinary men.

"This is a lesson for you. If someone comes to me again, you should tell him or her that I don't like

anyone to come to my house. If you want a fight, you’d better make an appointment with me in

advance." Maximilian said coldly, turned around, and walked back.

Walking to the door, Maximilian used both hands to flatten the deformed door. Of course, it's impossible

to resume its previous appearance, but the door could probably be closed for now.

Seeing Maximilian repairing the deformed door, Marcus and Laura's eyes almost popped out.

"Maximilian, how strong you are!" Laura said with some trepidation.

Thinking about her harsh attitude towards Maximilian all these years, and then looking at Maximilian's

strength at this moment, Laura was a bit dazed.

She was unharmed just because of Maximilian’s good temper. If it were someone with a bad temper,

he might kill her. Laura didn’t dare to think of the consequences at the moment.

Maximilian smiled at Laura and said, "Mom, it has nothing to do with my strength, but mainly relies on

dexterity. I think we can move to the villa tomorrow, and this house should remain vacant."

Laura was going to say no, but after a glance at the closed door, she changed her idea and said,

"Okay, it is up to you. But the housewarming party has not been arranged yet."

"There's no hurry. Let's move in first, and then hold the housewarming banquet in a few days."

Marcus nodded slightly and said, "Don't worry about the housewarming banquet. It's OK if we move in

first. We have to make a list first and discuss who we want to invite."

"There are so many people I want to invite. I want to invite all my relatives, my former classmates and

old friends. We are moving to the best villa in H City, of course we should let everyone know about it."

Laura could not wait to go to the TV station to make an advertisement so that everyone in H City would

know that she had moved into the hilltop villa.

Marcus thought Laura was too vain. But when he wanted to make a list, he was just like Laura and

wanted to invite everyone to show his current state.

"It is easy to invite others. But shall we invite Andrew or not?” Marcus frowned and said.

The last time he and Maximilian went home, the relationship between him and Andrew became worse.

At this time, it was a big problem whether he should invite Andrew or not.

It would be fine if Andrew didn't go. If Andrew showed up in the housewarming banquet and caused

some trouble, it would make Marcus embarrassed.

Laura said with a stern face, "How can we not invite him? We must invite him. Let him see hownovelbin

beautiful our new house is.”

Marcus smacked his mouth but felt uneasy in his heart. He looked at Maximilian involuntarily,

"Maximilian, what do you think?"

"I think we must invite him. Although our relationship with Uncle Andrew is not good, it is inappropriate

to not invite him. If he comes and looks for trouble, someone naturally will clean him up."

Maximilian had already thought about it. When the time came, all the big wigs in H City would be

invited, and Andrew would not dare to make trouble. If Andrew did make trouble, then he should bear

the consequence.

"Since you have a solution, I will inform him. Let's make it next weekend." Marcus looked around after


When no one objected him, he picked up the phone on the table.

The phone was quickly answered, and Andrew's impatient voice came out, "What do you want?"

"Andrew, I just call to inform you that my family will hold a housewarming banquet next weekend."

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