Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 560 No. 1 Badge
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Chapter 560 No. 1 Badge

While handing out the file, Doctor Hughes approached Victoria and took a deep breath. He could even

smell her fragrance in the air.

Maximilian frowned slightly and looked at Doctor Hughes with disapproval.

Doctor Hughes noticed the dissatisfaction in Maximilian’s eyes and felt dissatisfied in his heart.

‘I’m a doctor, but you are a kept man, so I’m better than you. How dare you be dissatisfied with me! It’s

so unworthy for her to marry you. What a pity I didn’t know her earlier!

“Ahem.” Reggie noticed the atmosphere soured and coughed softly, “Doctor Hughes, go on.”

“Well, after we comprehensively calculated the cost, we strongly recommend using Transplant Wild

Ginseng with a history of 20 years as the raw material, and we recommend purchasing the Transplant

Wild Ginseng Planting Base to ensure the future supply of raw materials.

After reading the file carefully, Victoria said joyfully, “Good job. Your suggestion is great. I think it is

feasible. Vice President Reggie, what do you think?”

“Of course, I also strongly support Doctor Hughes’s suggestion.”

Watching both Victoria and Reggie support his suggestion, Doctor Hughes raised his head triumphantly

and squinted at Maximilian, somewhat provocative.

“I disagree.” Maximilian said lightly.

Doctor Hughes’ facial expression changed and looked at Maximilian angrily.

“Why do you disagree? I think it is the most reasonable suggestion!” Doctor Hughes roared loudly.

Victoria glanced at Doctor Hughes in surprise, wondering why he was so angry in an instant.

“Hughes, calm down. Loudness is not necessarily persuasive.” Reggie winked vigorously at Doctor

Hughes while speaking.

Doctor Hughes didn’t know Maximilian was the big boss, but Reggie knew it.

Besides, it was Reggie who recruited Doctor Hughes. Reggie intended to train Doctor Hughes as his

trusted follower.

At this time, if Doctor Hughes conflicted with the big boss, it wouldn’t be good.

“I indeed spoke louder, but this is because what he said is too irritating. He is not a member of the

company. How could he disagree with my suggestion? He is not qualified!”

“Furthermore, I am a dignified medical doctor. What qualifications does he have to question my

suggestion? My suggestion is inferred from the data, which is completely in line with the science!”

Maximilian smiled disdainfully, thinking that Doctor Hughes was really blunted.

“You don’t think I have the qualification to question you based on two reasons. One is that I’m not an

employee of the company, and the other is that I am not qualified to question you, right?”

“Yes!” Doctor Hughes held his head up, like a proud cockerel.

Maximilian took out a badge from his pocket and waved it at Doctor Hughes, “Then look at my badge


Doctor Hughes looked at the badge in Maximilian’s hand and then his eyes gradually widened. Thenovelbin

number on the badge was 0001!

This meant that Maximilian was the company’s first employee!

“President Victoria should be the first employee!” Doctor Hughes said in exasperation.

“Honey, let him see your badge.” Maximilian said lightly.

Victoria gave Maximilian an angry stare and put her badge on the table.

“Doctor Hughes, my husband is the founder of Topyuan Group, so he is the company’s first employee

and my badge is 0002. You don’t need to be surprised.”

“Founder?” Doctor Hughes was so shocked that his brain was about to explode. He certainly

understood the meaning of the word “founder”.

He regretted what he had said just now.

Doctor Hughes didn’t expect to offend the founder of the company inadvertently!

Reggie covered his face with his hands helplessly, not knowing what to say.

Maximilian put away his badge and said, “Let’s talk about the second reason. I have created the

Topyuan Group and got the prescription. Do you think I cannot question you?”

The cool perspiration redoubled on Doctor Hughes’s forehead. Shame and regret intertwined in his

heart, which made him feel complicated in his heart.

“Although you are the founder and you get the prescription, you don’t major in medicine, so you are still

not qualified to question me in the medical area!” Doctor Hughes straightened his neck and said.

At this moment, Doctor Hughes was so embarrassed and angry that he was ready to risk everything.

He thought of those historical figures that did not bow to the power and felt that he could not be

suppressed by Maximilian.

“Even if you fire me, I still want to say that my suggestion is reasonable. If you don’t follow my

suggestion, it means you are silly and you cannot run Topyuan Group well in the future!”

“Doctor Hughes! Shut up!” Reggie grabbed Doctor Hughes and even wanted to cover his mouth.

Doctor Hughes said indignantly, “Truth can be gleaned from lively debates. If he has the ability, tell me

the unreasonable aspects. As long as he convinces me, I can kneel to give him and call him Grandpa.

Victoria sighed lightly. She thought that Doctor Hughes should be a person with a high IQ but a

extremely low EQ. Now she couldn’t help Doctor Hughes smooth things over at all.

“Remember what you said and don’t regret it later.” Maximilian said with a smile.

“Whoever refuses to admit is a loser. No, whoever refuses to admit is a grandson!”

“Then Let me tell you the improper aspects of your suggestion. You said your suggestion is based on

cost accounting. Then tell me the costs of both solutions you calculated, accurate to the price of a pill.”

Doctor Hughes calculated in his mind, “The cost of Transplant Wild Ginseng with a history of 20 years

is $1.5 per capsule, and the cost of Transplant Wild Ginseng with a history of 10 years is 50 cents per


“What’s the cost of the imported blue pill? And what are the costs of similar domestic products? How

much is the marketing promotion? How much profit should the retailer add? How much do we have to

set the ex-factory price to have enough profit in your plan?”

Maximilian asked a lot of questions, which made Doctor Hughes confused. Doctor Hughes never

considered these issues before.

“The cost of the imported blue pill is very low, less than one dollar. The costs of similar domestic

products are usually no more than 30 cents. Well, I don’t understand marketing, so what?”

Maximilian sneered, and his eyes were full of contempt.

“Because you don’t understand marketing and cost accounting, you only calculate from the cost of raw

materials. If the cost of a pill is $1.50, plus marketing and promotion expenses, the cost of a pill should

be at least $3 or more. If we add 30% profit, then the factory price of a pill will be $4!”

Reggie patted Doctor Hughes on the back, “Hughes, your suggestion is really not feasible.”

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