Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 553 Making Profits at Other’s Cost
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Chapter 553 Making Profits at Other’s Cost

Samuel’s words were so serious that Marcus was extremely uneasy.

“Father, it’s not like that. Even if Victoria is the president, she’s still your granddaughter.”

“Hump!” Samuel snorted then he said with his eyes closed, “She has forgotten the Griffith family and

our family business after she became the president and had a good life! You think that you have

nothing to do with our family business since you have sold your shares?”

“Well, Victoria is not in office in the family business, so she can’t get involved in it even if she wants to.”

Marcus said resignedly.

Maximilian squinted, realizing they were acting. They may have planned to gain some benefits from

Topyuan Group.

Andrew said discontentedly, “Marcus, stop talking nonsense. The order of our family business has

dropped greatly after Victoria left. It must have something to do with your daughter!”

“I was confused why you were so straightforward when you sold your shares. It seems that you have

found a cash cow and plan to ruin our family business after leaving, so you can show off in front of us.”

Darian added.

After hearing the rebuke of Andrew and Darian, Marcus didn’t know how to explain to them. They were

prejudiced against him. So they wouldn’t believe it no matter what Marcus said. Besides, Marcus knew

it was not the key point. They talked about these things just as an excuse.

“Why don’t you say something? Dare you not admit it? How despicable of you to do so? How could you

face our father and our ancestors after ruining the business of Griffith group?” Andrew roared angrily.

Marcus’s face turned pale and he kept wiping the sweat on his forehead.

“No, we didn’t do anything wrong to our family. Please trust us, father.”

“Marcus, I don’t want to say something useless. Since Victoria is capable, just ask her to give our

family business some help. Topyuan Group is also in the medicine business, right? Let Topyuan Group

give some orders to our company.” Samuel finally spoke out his purpose.

With a wry smile, Marcus said with difficulties, “Victoria is just a president and she has just taken office.

She can’t do it like this. The most important thing is that Victoria is not the only one in charge of the


“Are you trying to refuse it? Are you going to stand by since you know our family business is in danger?

How could I have an ungrateful son like you?”

Samuel was furious, as if he was going to strangle Marcus to death.

Marcus turned his head hastily and looked at Maximilian, hoping that Maximilian would help him out.

“Grandpa, Uncle Andrew and Uncle Darian, you may have some misunderstandings. Although

Topyuan Group is engaged in the pharmaceutical industry, its main products have not yet been

developed, that is to say, Topyuan Group currently has only a framework.”

Samuel and the other two frowned and looked at Maximilian with puzzlement.

Maximilian continued, “What’s more, as far as I know, the product Topyuan Group is going to launch is

proprietary medicine, which has nothing to do with what Griffith group produces. How could we place

an order to your factory?”

“Even if Victoria is the president, she has the power and decides to help you, the help she could offer

has to be within a certain scope. In light of current situation, there is no way to offer help to our family


After Maximilian said these, the three was still angry, but they had no reason to refute Maximilian.

Feeling disgraced, Samuel glared at Andrew and complained that Andrew didn’t make the situation


Andrew gritted his teeth and said, “That’s what you say! Even though you are right, Topyuan Group can

underwrite the products of our company to help our family!”

“That’s not helping our family, but benefiting our family at the cost of Topyuan’ interests. In that case,

I’m afraid Victoria would be ousted in less than a month. Is this what you want?” Maximilian asked.

Andrew’s cheek twitched, then he glared at Maximilian, “Don’t be alarmist! You can procure our

products and sell them out with higher price, then you can make profits. So that’s not benefiting us at

the expense of others, but help Victoria’s performance in Topyuan Group!”

Samuel nodded to agree with Andrew.

“Andrew is right on this. As long as you sell the products procured by our family business to make

profits, it’s beneficial for us all.”

“Ah!” Maximilian sneered and looked at the three with disdain. “It seems you still don’t know why your

orders have declined sharply. Just look at your products. Considering your out-dated technology and

production line, the high cost as well as products with high price and poor quality, how could your

company scores successes in the market competition?”

“Don’t say that the previous performance is good, since those orders are what I won over for you! I

didn’t want Victoria to work so hard, so I made use of some connections and asked Wilfred to arrange

for someone to sign orders with you and purchase your products!”

After Maximilian finished talking, everyone present at the room was dumbfounded.

There were clear that the products produced by their family enterprises were of poor quality and high

price, hence its poor market competitiveness. They had thought that Victoria could get the orders

because she pleased other bosses with her beauty.

But what Maximilian said just now was beyond their expectation.

“You are talking nonsense! You are just a worthless wretch. It can’t have something to do with you! Do

you think who Wilfred is? You think you can ask him to do anything for you? Stop daydreaming here!”

Andrew pointed to Maximilian’s nose and growled, feeling that Maximilian was telling a lie.

Maximilian smiled thinly, and then shook his head and said, “You can call the clients who have

canceled the order in the past two days, and ask them why they signed the contract with Griffith group.

You can see if they were ordered by Wilfred to do so. Then you’ll know everything.”

Seeing Maximilian’s calm manner, Samuel frowned and almost believed what he said.

Samuel was an old man who had experienced a lot, so he could figure out whether Maximilian was

telling a lie or not in some degree. Samuel believed Maximilian didn’t lie by seeing that Maximilian was

calm and relaxed.novelbin

“Then what’s the relationship between you and Wilfred? Why did he follow what you said? Samuel


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