Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 545 Is Maximilian Here?
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Chapter 545 Is Maximilian Here?

Wallace commanded his combatants to complete the deployment.

After confirming that there was no danger around, Wallace pressed the call button on the headset.

"All deployment has been completed. No danger has been found. The environment is assessed as

safe, and the transaction can be carried out now."

Rodriguez raised his brows, "Contact them now. First check Thompson's state. After making sure there

is no problem, I will exchange hostages with him."

"Okay, as you wish." Wallace took four of his combatants and strode towards Connor. Connor's

subordinates were panicked. Just seeing Wallace's ferocious aura, they were frightened.

Connor's subordinates were at most a bunch of hooligans. Compared with the professional

mercenaries Wallace led, they were far left behind.

Seeing the panic in the eyes of Connor's subordinates, Wallace showed a triumphant smile on his face,

feeling the satisfaction of conquering.

"Look, these are just hooligans. They even let us deal with these people."

"Hehe, just take it as a practice. I don't know how the nightlife is here? It would be perfect if you can

find some beautiful girls here."

"I haven't played with a yellow-skinned beauty yet. Hurry up and finish the mission. I can't wait." The

combat team members were talking excitedly, none of them treated Connor and his men seriously.

In the MPV, Canaan swallowed hard, shaking slightly in fear.

"Master, are you alright? I feel a little bit uneasy."

Looking at the stuttering Canaan, Flora couldn’t help rolling her eyes.

"You look like this again, can you be more courageous? You are as timid as a chick, which

embarrasses Maximilian.”

"This is me. When I was a child, I had PTSD, and I tend to perceive fear when I look at those ferocious

people.” Canaan’s lips trembled.

Maximilian took out a cigarette and handed it to Canaan, "Come on, smoke a cigarette to calm down.

Don’t get so nervous, and just think as if you are driving."

"How can I regard this as driving? If it is really driving, I won't be afraid."

Canaan took the cigarette from Maximilian, struck the zippo twice before igniting it. Then he lit the

cigarette and took a sigh.

"Ahem." Canaan coughed with tears streaming down from the smoke.

Flora rolled her eyes and wondered if she should pretend to be afraid so she can hide in Maximilian’s


Leaning to Maximilian’s side, Flora hugged Maximilian’s waist tightly with both hands. Maximilian’s

body shook suddenly, and turned his head to look at Flora, "Don't hold me! I have to go down when

there is an emergency."

"Then I'll let you go. I am very scared now." Flora pretended to be scared and said.

Maximilian was completely speechless to Flora, thinking that he should ignore her taking advantage of

him, so he could pay more attention to what happened outside.

Wallace walked up to Connor, and said with a dismissive expression, "I want to confirm Thompson's

physical and mental conditions first."

"How about my son? I also want to confirm my son's physical and mental conditions first." Connor said

in a deep voice.

Click! The bolt was pulled, and the four combatants behind Wallace had already raised their rifles.

"Fuck! You have no right to bargain with me. We’re already polite not to shoot you guys directly."

"In your words, don't be shameless, or the outcome will be regretful for you." The combat team

members yelled loudly. All of them seem to be unbeatable.

Although Connor's subordinates touched the guns at their waist, none of them dared to pull it out.

"Connor, let them take a look. It’s okay. Just take one look."

"Yeah, these people are so arrogant, and their firepower is powerful. We are not their opponents at all."

Connor's men persuaded. Connor was also a bit frightened, so he took their advice, nodded and said,

"Bring Thompson here."


Soon the two younger men escorted Thompson here. These days, Thompson had been pampered.

Except for moving freely, he was treated according to the highest standards. Thompson saw Wallace

and others as if he saw his relatives.

"Oh, my God, you are here at last! Hurry up and take me out of this god damn place. I'm going back to

retire, and I can be a cowboy!"

"Damn Thompson, it seems you are still normal. For you, we came here from thousands of miles away.novelbin

You are really damned annoying." Wallace said jokingly.

"No, no, I should die in my ranch, not here. Take me back quickly!"

Wallace looked at Thompson carefully. After confirming that Thompson was totally fine, he raised his

hand and moved the headset

"Rodriguez, it's totally normal here. Thompson is also fine."

"Okay, then get ready for the exchange."

Rodriguez patted Willis besides him, "Lucky boy, follow me, the transaction is about to start. But I hope

you will be obedient. If you move, you will only get shot."

"Don't worry, I will never move. I am obedient." Willis nodded in fear.

Rodriguez took Willis out of the car and walked over there slowly. Connor kept his gaze on his son.

Seeing that his son was safe and sound, he couldn't stop the tears rolling in his eyes.

"Dad!" Willis yelled.

When he wanted to run towards Connor, Rodriguez put his gun against the back of Willis's head. "Have

you forgotten what I just said?" Rodriguez said grimly.

Willis stopped the pace and nodded hard, "I, I remember, but I was just too excited, so, so..."

"Walk over there slowly. What we want is time. I don't want any more accidents."

"Ok! Ok!" Willis suppressed his excitement and walked over slowly.

The scene just now made Connor frightened, and Connor was relieved to see his son safe and sound.

"Hurry up and exchange it. let's release them at the same time!" Connor shouted.

Rodriguez smiled, shook his head and said, "We are not in a hurry. I want to know if Maximilian is

here? I really want to see him."

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