Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 510 Great Finale
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Chapter 510 Great Finale

Marcus curled his lips and wanted to say something more, "Andrew hung up the phone suddenly. I still

have many things to tell him. Forget it, let’s give him two days." Marcus said slyly.

Maximilian and others couldn't help but feel that Marcus was like a child. He must revenge right away

and couldn’t wait overnight. The family chatted for a while, and when Laura was back, Maximilian went

into the kitchen and started cooking.

After a happy meal, Maximilian watched TV with the family for a while, and then his phone rang. Seeing

that it was Canaan calling, Maximilian said to Victoria and left the house. Flora also followed Maximilian

and left.

Laura looked at their backs and said, "Victoria, there is something wrong with Flora. Why is she

hanging out with Maximilian all day?"

"Maximilian goes to teach Canaan to practice driving. He wants to match Flora with Canaan, so he took

Flora out. Mom, don't worry about it." Victoria explained.

"How can I not worry about that? You must write your name on the villa’s proprietary certificate. In case

Maximilian goes out to mess around, you just directly kick him out of the house." Laura said.

"Maximilian will not mess around, and you should not talk nonsense." Victoria scowled and ended the

topic directly.

Maximilian and Flora got into Canaan's car, and Canaan drove straight to the boxing stadium.

"Master, it's the finale tonight. I just checked it, and your opponent is Camfil, who has won the

championship several times in a row. That guy is a dominant power in the International Underground

Boxing Tournament!"

"Huh? He is so powerful!" Flora let out a cry of surprise and was vaguely worried about Maximilian.

"Yes, he is very powerful. I checked his information. Basically his opponent could not survive ten moves

in front of him. The most important thing is that the death rate of his opponents is 100%. He is called a

killing machine!" Canaan told Maximilian about the information he found out, but Maximilian listened


Flora on the side grabbed Maximilian's arm nervously, "It looks so terrifying. Maximilian, are you sure?

If you are not sure, do not go. Anyway, we didn't say that we must go."

Maximilian smiled lightly, "How can I not go? I still count on them to send me more money."

"Uh ... is money so important? How about I give you all my savings, so you don’t have to participate in

such a dangerous competition?" Flora showed her concerns

"You should keep your savings and spend it on yourself. I don't need your money." Maximilian shook

his head and rejected Flora decisively.

Flora pouted and felt that Maximilian was too ungrateful.

“I am a super invincible and beautiful girl, and everyone likes me. Why do you reject me all the time?”

Flora thought.

Canaan suppressed his laughter and said, "Master gave Miss Victoria an industrial park. Flora, how

much is your savings? It's not enough for the master to give Miss Victoria a gift."

Flora's face instantly became ugly, glared viciously at Canaan,

This time, Canaan directly drove the car into the boxing stadium.

Maximilian got out of the car and said, "You should sit in the corner as much as possible when you go

in, and be careful not to conflict with others; otherwise I may not have time to help you."

"You just rest assured. We will definitely not provoke others."

"I know you will not provoke others, but Flora is so beautiful. It is inevitable that she will be coveted by


Seeing Maximilian worried about her, Flora had a sweet smile on her face, "Then I'll pretend to be ugly.

Wait for me to get in the car and put on my makeup."

Flora sat back in the car, took out her bag, and started to put on makeup. When Flora got out of the carnovelbin

again, she had changed her appearance.

"Well, you, you make me want to vomit." Canaan felt an urge to vomit. He didn’t know how Flora could

make her beautiful face so ugly. It was simply too cruel.

"Vomit? You should swallow it all back." Flora grumbled.

However, Maximilian found it quite amusing and said with a smile, "Your makeup skills are really

amazing. Now I'm relieved. You can go in."

Canaan and Flora walked towards the main entrance, and Maximilian walked alone towards the side


When Maximilian walked to the side door, Connor came out, "Mr. Lee, you're here."

"Why do you look so bad?"

"I'm worried about you. Your opponent today is too strong. He is the famous King of Underground

Boxing, Camfil!"

Connor's face was full of sorrows. Although he had seen Maximilian’s strength, the legend of Camfil

was too impressive. And before that, Connor had often heard of Camfil's name.

Maximilian smiled indifferently and said, "It is OK. It's just an ordinary match, and he's not that


"Yes, but I think you should still be careful." Connor sent Maximilian into the dressing room.

After Maximilian changed into his boxing uniform, he walked into the lounge. The finale was the grand

finale. There were fights between the third and fourth, fifth and sixth before his game.

Maximilian estimated it would be until about ten o'clock when his turn came. With nothing to do,

Maximilian took out his cell phone and played games.

At the same time, Harley walked into Camfil's lounge with a silver box surrounded by several


Seeing Harley walking in, Colletti enthusiastically went up and hugged him, "Oh, my good friend, finally

you come."

"Colletti, I don't think we have such a good relationship, so you don't have to be so passionate." Harley

said indifferently.

Colletti raised his eyebrows. Although he was unhappy, he suppressed his unhappiness because they

needed Harley's help.

"Well, let me see the upgrade drug you bring. When do we need to inject it?"

Harley looked at Camfil, "He is strong enough. I have analyzed his physical condition through the

video. I brought him an enhanced version, which is enough to increase his physical strength, speed

and other aspects. I believe Maximilian will die this time."

"Oh, my God, you are really an angel who has come to spread the gospel. I almost fall in love with you.

Then give Camfil a shot." Colletti said eagerly.

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