Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 506 What a talent you are
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Chapter 506 What a talent you are

Between the main hall and the kitchen of the restaurant was a transparent thick glass wall, which was

designed for straightly showing the customers how those cooks handle ingredients and make dishes.

For the restaurant’s owner, it was really a hard choice to make when he adopted the kind of design,

intending to attract more diners. For years, food safety had been a topic of growing concerns for the

public. Given the limited funds, the owner turned to use the type of ordinary thicker glass instead of

tough enough armored glass.

However, at the moment, Maddox was thrown hard right on the glass by Maximilian.

There was no way that such a plain glass can still stay sound when a man was thrown right at it with

tremendous speed and weight. It was the second when Maddox’s body hit the glass wall that it broke

into pieces, making a shattering noise.

The glass wall came crashing down with bang and clattering, and its pieces splashed everywhere. But

it failed to stop Maddox from the air, causing him to fly into the kitchen and be pitched right into the

boiling stockpot.

Inside the stockpot was bone soup, which was made to add unique flavor to some distinctive dishes.

And now, the poor Maddox, being pitched into the stockpot upside down, was struggling not to cry out,

as the scalding hot broth would rush into his mouth and aggravate his pain if he did so.

Feeling scalded inside and out, Maddox was desperately struggling in the stockpot and waving his legs

insanely above the pot opening.

Struggling in the scalding hot stockpot, Maddox exhausted all the strength he had to kick the wall,

pushing both the stockpot and himself down from the cooking stove.

As the ceramic stockpot of half-human height hit on the ground and broke into pieces, its contents

flowed out and covered the ground, and the heavily scalded Maddox, with his festered and red skin,

was also emerged.

It was this moment that Maddox began to regret --- why did he ever dare to show his ignorant courage,

ignore the advice of Hopkins and come to provoke such a demon like Maximilian?

“Please! Somebody, do something and help me!” said the poor Maddox with faint breath and feeble


Those coolies and cooks were scared to death, trembling in the corner, and dared not to move a single


The restaurant owner was also befuddled and watched Maddox with a puzzled look, wondering

whether he would pick his fault and extort his money after flying into the kitchen in this way.

Hamid and Maddox’s disciples were dumbfounded and stared at the twitching Maddox lying on the wet

ground with dull looks in their eyes.

Surprised at what he saw, Canaan turned to Maximilian and asked him in a low voice, “Master, is that

really okay? What if Maddox is dead?”

“Well, I think those guys here clearly know how to fix that.” said Maximilian.

Shrugging his shoulders and turning to those muzzy disciples, Maximilian yelled “Why are you guys still

standing right there like a bulk of fools? You’d better call the ambulance before your master really dies.”

Those bewildered disciples were brought back from their day dreaming, rushing into the kitchen with

panic one by one.

“Master! Are you alright? Hey, is there anyone who can call the ambulance?”

“Shall we cool him with cold water first? There is a saying that wiping the ashes of the cooking pan on

the skin can cure the scald. How about we have a try on that?”

“I think wiping honey is the right choice. How about we mix them both and see if it is better?”

Frustrated by the current situation, the disciples kept figuring out how to ease the pain of their master

with some ridiculous folk prescriptions.

Soon the ambulance came and Maddox was stretchered into it by the medical staff. With Maddox

inside, the ambulance left with a long lasting sound of whistle.

Neither any of Maddox’s disciples nor Hamid dared to provoke or even speak to Maximilian again, they

bowed their heads and pass him in silence, daring not to have a single glance at him.

It was at the moment when Hamid was about to pass by that Maximilian stopped him with his arm.

For an instant, Hamid could feel the freezing fear drilling deep into his bones. “Wh… what’re you gonna

do?” he asked, with uncontrollable tremble in his body and voice.

“Since everything is caused by you, don’t you think we should have a nice talk here?”

“Well... I don’t think we have much to talk about.” Waving his hand and hastening to get away from

Maximilian, Hamid was stopped again by Maximilian, with a forceful hand on his shoulder.

“Now here is my warning, behave well and stay away from Canaan --- he is my apprentice. If you dare

to fuck with him, I will fix you.”

Hamid had no other choice but to bow his head under Maximilian’s stressful threat. “No! Never and

ever! I won’t do that anymore. That will never happen again, and you have my word!” He answered with

continuous and terrified nods.

“Very good. Now, get the hell out of here.”

Feeling like being given a great absolution, Hamid ran wildly to catch up with Maddox’s disciples and

drove to the hospital restlessly together with them. They came here with swaggers and had never

expected that they would leave like a group of homeless puppies.

Canaan thumbed up to Maximilian and said, “They must know clearly how mighty you are now, my


“Ha, let’s take our way back. I still need you to cover me tonight for the boxing match.” Maximilian said.

“You can completely rest assured on this matter, master. I’m still going to bet on you tonight and make

another fortune!” Canaan answered with a grin on his face.

It was known that betting on Maximilian at boxing match would bring one as much fortune as robbing a


Raising his eyebrow and slightly closing his eyes, Maximilian said, “Well, then please do me a favor,

bet on me in my name too, for one hundred million dollars tonight.”

“What did you..?”

Stunned by Maximilian’s words, Canaan said to himself in his mind, to bet a total of one hundred million

dollars makes no different from robbing the dealer.

“Your cruelness really surprised me, master... Well, now I’ve decided to bet a hundred million dollars

tonight on you too. Then I would like to invest in a car racing club with the money. How about that? Of

course, I would give you 90 percent of the shares, my master.” Canaan said.

“What a wonderful decision I made!” thought Canaan, cheering for this wise proposal. He might be able

to ride on Maximilian's coattails by making him a substantial shareholder.

Hearing that, Maximilian muttered to himself that it was a gorgeous plan. To fund a club could not only

bring him more profits, but was also convenient for him to stretch his network.

“Sounds great, but 90 percent of the share is too much.” said Maximilian in a plain tone.

“You must be kidding saying that it is ‘too much’. You see, if I have not bet on your victory yesterday,

there will still be only ten million dollars in my pocket instead of a hundred million dollars by now. The

fortune I have made is undoubtedly your investing fund.” Canaan responded.

“What a talent you are!”

Persuaded thoroughly by Canaan’s suggestion, Maximilian patted Canaan on his shoulder and said to

him with a delighted laugh, “Then, as you have proposed, I would be glad to take the 90 percent

majority shares!”

“It would be the most reasonable and profitable deal we have ever made! Please feel free to instruct

me on that, Master. I will manage the car racing club properly, making it the most influential club thatnovelbin

even the richest guys couldn’t wait to join in.”

Canaan was ambitious and passionate about this matter, imagining how the club would make money,

where to settle down the auto factory, and who the member of his F1 racing team should be in the

future. And having a top ranked speed racer as Maximilian, his team would never fail in any F1 races.

Maximilian got back to his office along with the daydreaming Canaan.

Stepping into the office, Maximilian found that there was only Flora in the office.

“Where is Victoria? Where did she go?” asked Maximilian.

“Sister Victoria went out for a meeting. Her uncle told me that in the phone just now.” answered Flora in

an obedient manner.

“What kind of meeting?” asked Maximilian again suspiciously.

“I’m not sure, maybe you should check it for yourself.” said Flora.

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