Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 483 Sleep Together
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Chapter 483 Sleep Together

Canaan waited for three seconds, and every second seemed to be as long as a year. But the slap

didn’t fall, so Canaan dared to open his eyes.

He tilted his head and saw that the palm was only a short distance away from him. Canaan could not

help being afraid.

Seeing Reid’s wrist caught by Maximilian, Canaan felt at ease. Canaan hurriedly retreated behind

Maximilian and cried out with gratitude, “Master!”

“Don’t shed tears. It’s a disgrace to me.” Maximilian said with a smile.

Canaan wiped his eyes in a hurry, not letting himself cry.

Reid glared at Maximilian and tried to pull his wrist back, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t

break free. Maximilian’s hand was like vise, holding his wrist tightly.

“Let go of my hand!” Reid roared angrily.

“Why should I listen to you? You are going to slap my apprentice. Now you have to give me an

explanation.” Maximilian said coldly.

Canaan introduced such a good villa to him at the cost price. Maximilian had accepted his great favor.

Anyway, he would help Canaan at this moment.

“Shit! Are you out of you mind? How dare you want us to explain to you! I’m Canaan’s uncle! What’s

wrong with asking friends to help discipline him? Who are you? Mind your own business.” Hamid yelled

like a vicious dog.

Maximilian picked his eyebrows and hit Hamid’s face with his left hand as fast as lightning.

In an instant, Hamid was out of the door with this mighty slap, screaming.

Lying on the ground, Hamid felt that his eyes were full of stars, and his brain was buzzing.

“Give... give me a hand.” Hamid said with difficulty.

Reid and others were stunned. Maximilian’s lightning-fast backhand just now shocked them.

‘So fast, so powerful, it doesn’t look like what human beings can do.’ Reid thought.

Reid’s eyes moved away from Hamid and finally fell on Maximilian’s hand that was holding his wrist.

For a moment, Reid felt cold all over his body and wondered if he would end up like Hamid.

‘No! That would be too humiliating, I must start first!’ he mused.

He made the decision immediately, raised his right foot suddenly and tried to kick Maximilian’s belly,

intending to hit Maximilian hard first.

Maximilian smiled calmly, shook his head slightly, “You are weak, really.”

When Maximilian spoke, his hand holding Reid’s wrist had been released. Then his elbow suddenly

sank and hit Reid’s right knee.

With a crisp sound, Reid’s knee broke, and then his right leg was bent into a V-shape with his toes

facing up, which looked very strange.

“Ouch! My leg, my knee is broken!” Reid let out a howl and stepped back with his left leg. In a hurry, his

body lost balance and he leaned back. Then he fell on the ground and uttered a more tragic wail.

Hamid was shocked by Reid’s cry, and his humming head suddenly woke up.

Covering half of his red and swollen cheek and looking at Reid, Hamid was so shocked. Reid, who was

once regarded by Hamid as extremely powerful, was now wailing like a dying dog. Looking at his

abnormal bent right leg, Hamid felt cold and sweaty.

‘Is that a human fist can do? I’m afraid he is from the Legendary Super Saiyan!’

Reid’s companions were also frightened by Maximilian’s ability. The group of people completely lost the

arrogance they had at the beginning. They dragged Reid from the ground and ran out like crazy. They

didn’t dare to say a word.

The most powerful one was Reid. He was not Maximilian’s opponent, so others dared not face

Maximilian directly.

“Don’t go, wait for me, take me with you!” Hamid got up from the ground in a hurry and ran to keep upnovelbin

with them.

Canaan burst out laughing, feeling relieved, “You are so powerful. My uncle should be taught this way.

If only someone in our family had the ability of you.”

“Let’s get down to business first, Wagner. Let’s sign the house purchase contract.” Maximilian said with

a smile.

Wagner responded and said, “Ok. Mr. Lee, this way, please.”

Wagner was scared by the scene just now. At this moment, Wagner realized Maximilian’s power and

why he was surrounded by beautiful women and the reason Canaan flattered him like that. Because he

was capable enough!

Maximilian and others followed Wagner to the sales department. They signed and sealed the contract.

Maximilian paid with his card, which was $2.27 million in all.

Victoria looked at Maximilian’s card. Her cheeks were bulging lightly. She wanted to talk to Maximilian

after they back to home.

Maximilian took up the signed contract and put it into Victoria’s hand. He looked at Victoria with his

doting eyes.

“Honey, we have a big house now. We can let Flora sleep in the guest room, so we can sleep together.”

Maximilian was close to Victoria’s ear and said softly.

Victoria blushed instantly and beat Maximilian gently, “Don’t talk nonsense, so many people are here.”

“It’s not illegal to whisper to my wife.” Maximilian complained playfully.

Victoria rolled her eye toward him, and gently pinched his cheek, “Behave well, and I will reward you

when we go back.”

Looking at Victoria and Maximilian’s intimate interaction, Flora felt a burst of sadness.

Canaan said, “When you want to move in, let me know, master. I’ll arrange a motorcade to help you.

It’s very convenient.”

“OK, I’ll tell you then. Let’s go back first.”

Maximilian took Victoria’s hand and walked out. Flora pursed her mouth and followed them silently.

After Canaan told Wagner a few words, he quickly kept up with the crowd.

Driving back to the city, Victoria took Maximilian by the arm. She said uneasily, “How can we tell my

parents that we bought the house today. I’m afraid they can’t accept it.”

“Nothing is unacceptable. Let me tell them. After seeing the house, they must be pleasantly surprised,

not frightened.” Maximilian said happily.

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