Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 432 Too Cruel
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Chapter 432 Too Cruel

After Maximilian appeased Aston for a while, Aston was full of fighting spirit and decided to summon

the courage to start a business with Maximilian. At least he should make the Brooks family be a first-

class family.

Flora went to check Uncle Dixon. Victoria comforted her, winked at Maximilian, and signaled that

Maximilian could leave.

Maximilian patted Aston's shoulder and said with a smile, "We'll leave first."

"Take your time. If you have anything to do, just call me. Although I can't move these days, the Brooks

family has a large number of people at your disposal."

Maximilian smiled, waved his hand, and left with Victoria and Flora.

After leaving the inpatient building, Victoria took her phone and shook it at Maximilian, "My mom sent a

text message, saying Drew will be here soon. So let's get Drew and Flora together.”

Flora pouted and gently shook Victoria's arm. The reluctance was written all over her face.

"Then let's meet, maybe Flora and Drew fall in love at first sight." Maximilian said jokingly.

"I won't fall in love with a man at first sight." Flora held her neck up like a haughty white swan.

Maximilian shrugged his shoulders and looked towards the hospital parking lot with his hand on the

pergola. He happened to see Drew trotting over.

Drew ran over with a smile on his face and froze for a moment when he saw Flora, then forced himself

to look away.

This girl was too beautiful and looked exactly like an elf, but it looked like she was Maximilian's woman,

so he shouldn't think about it.

Auntie Laura was unreliable. This girl was Maximilian's woman, but Auntie Laura intended to introduce

her to him. Wasn't this purely trying to hurt him?

After Drew looked away, he respectfully said to Maximilian, "Maximilian, I was forced by Auntie Laura.

In fact I have a girl I like, I'm really sorry about this today, I'll buy you dinner to make amends."

Flora immediately became at ease and thought Drew was quite smart. She didn't have to worry about

being entangled anymore.

Maximilian rubbed his chin and said, "Laura wants to match you up. You have to behave and ask

Victoria to take two photos to prove that I really take you to see each other. I think you will find a cafe to

have a chat. I still have something to do. When I'm done, let's have dinner together."

Drew scratched his head and was wondering what Maximilian meant. But Drew didn't want to

understand, and just did what Maximilian said, as long as he restrained himself from being tempted by


"Well, there is a cafe across the street, we will sit here. You can go to work if you have anything." Drew

said reluctantly .

Victoria handed the car keys to Maximilian and said, "Pay attention to your safety."

"Don't worry, safety always comes first. Just wait for me." Maximilian took the keys and walked towards

the parking lot.

Drew, Victoria, and Flora walked towards the cafe opposite the hospital.

Looking at Maximilian's back, Flora pulled Victoria and asked, "Victoria, you didn't even ask him what

he was going to do. What if he does something bad?"

"Maximilian will not do bad things. he must have something serious to do." Victoria said with certainty.

"Victoria, you are so sure about him." Flora said somewhat sourly.

"Oh, it's not reassurance. It's mutual trust."

Flora bowed her head and did not say anything, thinking that it was all because there were not enough

chips to betray. If there were enough chips in front of him, Maximilian would definitely betray Victoria.

If bring down the Dragon Queen was used as a bargaining chip to help him, she wondered if

Maximilian would betray Victoria.

Flora pondered silently, but did not notice that Victoria was carefully observing her expression.

Maximilian drove out of the parking lot and dialed Connor's phone number while driving.

The phone was quickly answered. And Connor's voice was slightly nervous, "Mr. Maximilian."

"Why do you sound nervous? What is going on in the past two days? How is the preparation for the

underground boxing match?" Maximilian asked casually.

Connor looked around and then hid inside the innermost grill of the bathroom.

"Mr. Maximilian, many boxers have already arrived. I have been with them these past two days. But

people often stare at me, so I dare not call you. Those boxers are so crazy!"

Maximilian frowned slightly and asked suspiciously, "Are you being restricted from personal freedom?"

"No, but it's almost the case. In short, it's hard to say. I think you'd better not participate in this boxing

match. In these two days of training, many boxers were beaten to death. It was too bloody and cruel!"

"I'm not ignorant. I have seen a lot of ruthless characters in the past. But I have never seen a ruthless

character like these people. Once they killed someone, they just opened the head to eat the brains. It's

simply inhumane!"

After saying this, Connor recalled the bloody scene. He could not help but shudder twice and felt ill.

When he saw that scene as an audience, Connor was scared to pee. But the boxers who were

watching the battle beside him were all smiling, and it seemed they were accustomed to such brutal


Maximilian understood Connor's situation, and he estimated that Connor was scared enough in the

past few days.

"Okay, can you come out? Let's meet and talk about the current situation."

"Well, if I want to go out, I have to apply to them. I'll go talk to them now."

"Okay. I'll be waiting for you at the dessert shop opposite the training hall."

Connor hesitated and whispered, "Don't be so close, I'm really afraid that they will find trouble for us.

Let's make an appointment far away from the combat gym. It doesn't matter if it takes some time."

Maximilian smiled and said, "That's fine, I'll send you the location, and you can come directly to me


"Okay, I'll come to you later."

Maximilian hung up the phone, looked around, and stopped at the door of a cafe not far away.

After parking the car, Maximilian went into the cafe and asked for a private room. Then he sent the

location to Connor.

Connor looked at the location sent by Maximilian, smoked two cigarettes in the bathroom block to calm

his mind, and figured out how to apply to Thompson and Colletti.

Connor was worried that he would cause trouble if he said he wanted to see Maximilian. After all, the

purpose of those people was Maximilian.

After thinking for a long time, Connor finally came up with a way to conceal the situation and walked out

of the bathroom to find Thompson, who had been tracking him recently.

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