Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 405 Infernal Affairs
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Chapter 405 Infernal Affairs

Benedict had no concern for his face, and admitted his mistakes humbly to the Dragon Queen.

The Queen was quite satisfied with his performance. She smiled, nodded and said, "Come on, don't act

with me here. I know what you want. As long as you do things well, you will have a bright future."

Harley’s hands paused slightly, and then continue to knead her legs.

With regard to the Queen’s mind, Harley was somewhat confused, and felt that she should make an

example at this time, and use the life of Benedict to establish her authority.

However, Harley pressed his doubts to the bottom of his heart, and his role was just a slave now.

Benedict was like receiving amnesty, knowing that he passed it.

"Thank you for your understanding. I will definitely work hard in the future. I will never commit such a

mistake again. I will report to you in advance."

"You are a wise man. I won't say anything superfluous. Since you said you would lurk around

Maximilian to find the key, I believe you. I will hand over your business to others for the time being.

When you find the key, you will go back to take charge of the business. I will give you a big reward at

that time."

What the Queen said indifferently made Benedict tremble violently. This was to completely take his

power and businesses away, and he would never take it back.

Benedict experienced something he did to others. Dragon Queen completely ruined him this time. If henovelbin

could not find the key, he would never have power in the Dragon Sect.

With a sad face, Benedict said, "I am afraid this is not the best idea. There are quite a lot of businesses

in the hands of other lords. What I am responsible for are all trivial matters. It is not appropriate for

them to take care of it."

"Nothing is inappropriate. Finding the key is the top priority. Even a pig in your position would be able to

do it. Take it easy."

Seeing her firm attitude, Benedict did not dare to try any more, and said sadly, "Then I will try my best

to find the key. What if I can't find the key? Do you have more clues?"

"No, I haven't seen the Dragon Sect key either. Try your best. If you can't find it, you will not go back to

Dragon Sect. OK, I'm a little tired. You can leave now."

Benedict hesitated, bent down and said, "I hope you can give me a hand."

"Say it."

"Maximilian is always wary of me. I should win his trust, so when you meet Maximilian, maybe I will do

something to offend you."

"Huh." The Dragon Queen smiled lightly, and said faintly, "It doesn't matter if you offend me. As long as

you can find the key, you can offend me any times you want. But if you can't find it, you will see..."

Dragon Queen made a series of laughter which made Benedict feel creepy.

Although her words weren’t finished, Benedict knew what she meant, and certainly it was not

something good. The extinction of his entire family was a light punishment, and what was worse was

that they might die a horrible death.

"I will try my best, so I will leave now." Benedict bowed and backed out of the living room, and the two

maids slowly closed the door.

Harley looked up at the Dragon Queen and said with a smile, "You are really wise. You take his power

away with a simple word. After that, he will be totally alone, but how could his business be handed over

to others..."

"You are still too naive. Benedict’s business is messy, and giving it to others will make them feel proud.

Proud guys are stupid." Saying these words, the Dragon Queen glanced at Harley deeply.

Harley was a little nervous, and hurriedly lowered his head, continuing to message her legs.

The Dragon Queen evoked a smile, full of pride as she could play with such a group of men.

‘It would be better if I could get the key, then the Dragon Sect would be mine!’

‘Then I will take charge of Dragon Sect!’

Benedict’s car left the manor. The assistant looked at him in pale, and was afraid to even have a


Thinking carefully on every detail of meeting with the Dragon Queen, he felt more scared, and

considered he underestimated her before. She was definitely not a simple woman!

Now between Maximilian and the Dragon Queen, he felt he was caught all over.

Rubbing his forehead, Benedict took out a cellular phone and dialled Maximilian’s phone.

"Young Master, I am Benedict. I saw the Dragon Queen just now, and I want to inform you of some


Although through telephone, Benedict still had a flattering smile on his face, as if Maximilian was right

in front of him.

"Have you seen her? What did she say?"

"When she came up, she scolded me and took all the businesses I was responsible for. Now I am an

army of one, and she asked me to stay with you, gain your trust, and then help her find the key."

Benedict made up his minds. Since both sides suspect him, he should lean against both ends first, and

wait until the situation becomes clear, and then choose one side.

Being a double dealer was not easy, but there was a way out if he managed it. If Benedict was still

faithful, he would come to a bad end.

Maximilian frowned, as the key was mentioned again, and even the Dragon Queen was willing to send

a dragon lord to look for the key, which made his heart shake.

Originally, Maximilian firmly believed that the key had nothing to do with him, but what the Dragon

Queen did now made him think that she meant it.

"Did she give you any new clues, such as what the key looks like?" Maximilian asked.

Benedict said with a wry smile, "I asked, but she said she didn't know. She said she had never seen the

key at all, and she didn't know what the key looked like. All of us are blind, and finding the key is all by


Maximilian was completely speechless. He felt that the Dragon Queen was delusional to come up with

the key. Otherwise, how could she bet that the key is in his hand as she had never seen it before?

"Then take your chances slowly. I can only express regret for your losing business."

Benedict covered his face with his right hand, thinking he would not need him to feel sorry. The real

business was to find the key quickly, but what the hell was this key?

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