Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 403 The Young Man Is Respectable
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Chapter 403 The Young Man Is Respectable

Early the next morning.

Andrew sat on the presiding seat in the conference room with a stony face, looking at Darian, Victoria,

Maximilian, and all the executives of the company.

"The new factory construction should be progressed as soon as possible. Vitoria, you are the person in

charge, you must start the construction work within three days. If not, you will be demoted." Andrew

said coldly.

After last night, Andrew learned the news from all connections, and all said that the plot was sealed by

the police as it was the crime scene. The specific unsealing date depended on the progress of the


With these messages, Andrew felt that he could push Victoria, as he couldn't let Victoria get stronger

and stronger in the company.

Many executives looked at Andrew in a surprise, and felt that Andrew's request was simply irrational.

The general manager of the infrastructure construction department hesitated for a moment, and felt

that he should say something. Otherwise, if Victoria couldn’t make it, he would be blamed as well.

"Mr Griffith, it is an impossible to start it in three days. I just contacted the acquaintances in the police

bureau, and there is no possibility of unsealing for now."

"No possibility? The company keeps you all for nothing? Difficulties means impossible! Do you want to

dawdle in the company? This is a great event for the development of the company, and no one can

drop the ball now! Victoria, you should show your opinion first!" Andrew shouted.

The infrastructure construction manager bowed his head with a bitter face, and felt that this time he

was going to take the blame.

Victoria took a glance at Maximilian, but she was still uncertain. Although Maximilian said yesterday

that he had made it, there was no substantive action over there, and the land was still in a state of


Maximilian smiled and nodded to Victoria, "The unsealing documents will be sent here soon."novelbin

Andrew raised his eyebrows, looked at Maximilian with disdains, and thought Maximilian was telling


"Are you kidding? I just called to verify it, but the police said that the unsealing would be possible until

the case was closed. The case of six lives can't be settled casually. What nonsense do you talk here?

Are you going to impede the progress of the construction?"

Andrew’s voice became more and more cold, and he finally patted the table and shouted, "You loser

are not qualified to sit here, get out of here! Victoria, you can't take him into the company in the future! "

"Uncle, why don't you believe in Maximilian? We will definitely start the construction within three days.

Before that, I hope you don't blame him. If we don't make it, you can dispose of us at your will." Victoria

abruptly retorted to Andrew to defend Maximilian.

Andrew was so angry that he almost had a heart attack, and remained speechless for a long time,

pointing to Victoria.

Crunch! The secretary pushed open the door of the conference room, and whispered, "Chief Carr of

the police station is here."

"Oh?" Andrew changed his face, smiled quickly and went to the door of the conference room and said,

"Hurry! Please ask Chief Carr to come in."

Chief Carr entered the conference room, and Andrew stretch out his hand to shake hands with him.

However, Chief Carr directly ignored Andrew's hand.

Andrew smiled awkwardly, "Chief Carr, please sit down. I don't know what you come here for."

Chief Carr scanned all the people in the conference room. When he saw Maximilian, he suddenly

smiled and trotted to Maximilian.

"Mr Lee, the unsealing document for the land has been completed. I’m here to send it to you. If you

have any need in the future, call me directly. I have arranged police force to be stationed at the

construction site for safety purposes."

Chief Carr’s attitude was extremely humble, which was in great contrast with the pride just now.

Andrew stood still, gawked at Chief Carr pleasing Maximilian, and felt bad in his heart.

‘What the hell was this? I can't reach Chief Carr even with all my efforts. How come he becomes like

dog in front of Maximilian!’

Darian and the executives were all astonished. They couldn't imagine that the legendary Chief Carr,

who never saved face for others, was so humble before Maximilian.

Maximilian took the document and glanced at it. He smiled with satisfaction and said, "Thank you for

your hard work. Good job."

"If you have any affairs, just tell me. I will definitely try my best to service you." Chief Carr smiled and


"OK, I will definitely call you if I need. See you." Maximilian said lightly.

"Yes, yes." Chief Carr nodded his head a few times, stood still, and put on his cold face again, as if the

humble appearance was just an illusion.

Andrew and others watched the captain leave, speechless.

Maximilian took the file and snapped it on the table, which made Andrew and others come back to their


"The unsealing document of the land parcel is here. Any doubts?" Maximilian looked at Andrew.

Andrew blushed, knowing that Maximilian was humiliating him, and ground his teeth with extreme hate,

imagining he could pounce on him and kill him.

"It seems that it won't take three days, and the construction can start today. Vitoria, contact Drew, and

let his people go to the construction site." Maximilian said with great momentum.

Looking at Maximilian's sharp-edged look, Andrew and others had some bad feelings in their hearts.

Why was this man who used to be a waste so powerful now? This momentum was beyond Andrew's


Victoria showed a strange look in her eyes. When she looked at Maximilian, she gradually showed a

sweet smile and said softly, "OK, I will contact him."

She took out her mobile phone and called Drew. After Victoria finished the call, she said, "It will officially

start at 12:00 p.m. If anyone has questions, he can pay us a visit."

"The young man is respectable. Vitoria is becoming more capable now. Time flies. We are old."

"Maximilian is really good. I think we all misunderstood Maximilian before. Just looking at Chief Carr's

respectful attitude, I almost thought I was dreaming."

The executives said flattery, intending to have a good relationship with Victoria.

Andrew and Darian had a rather ugly face now, and Andrew said in depress, "You are dismissed!"

Victoria joined hands with Maximilian and walked out of the conference room, and the executives also

went out of the conference room.

Darian said sullenly, "What is going on? Chief Carr is so respectful to that waste!"

"Who knows!" Andrew got depressed on the back of the chair, and lit a cigarette.

"Andrew, this won’t work! You must curb their momentum!"

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