Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 395 The Temptation of the Fengshui master
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Chapter 395 The Temptation of the Fengshui master

Victoria walked to the construction site together with Master Stevens while being surrounded by a

group of disciples.

Mint was left with six disciples. He stared at Maximilian with hostility, treating Maximilian as a villain.

Andrew, Darian, and others breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Master Stevens was not angry.

“You rubbish, what came over you? How dare you offend Master Stevens? Do you want him to get

angry and ruin the geomantic omen of our house?” Andrew scolded Maximilian angrily.

Maximilian ignored Andrew but squinted at Master Stevens and others at a distance. He always felt a

little uneasy in his heart as if something bad was about to happen.

Seeing Maximilian ignore him, Andrew suddenly became angry. He felt Maximilian didn’t save his face

in public, so he pushed Maximilian hard.

“I’m talking to you! Why are you pretending to be deaf? Master Stevens is nice so he let you go. But

you should admit your mistake and quickly apologize to Mint.”

Mint held his hands in front of him and looked at Maximilian with a faint smile, “Well, this guy looks like

a hard bone, but I don’t need to teach him a lesson now. When the master is happy, he will naturally

come back to teach this rubbish a lesson.”

“What do you mean?” Maximilian looked at Mint with murderous intent in his eyes.

“Well, you won’t understand what I said to you. You will naturally know it tomorrow. It may surprise you,

hahaha.” Mint laughed wildly.

Victoria and Master Stevens walked shoulder to shoulder. There was a distance of two meters between


Master Stevens’s eyes kept wandering over Victoria. Besides, he kept leaning against Victoria’s side.

The distance quickly changed from two meters to one meter, and from one meter to half a meter.novelbin

As Master Stevens got closer, Victoria became more and more nervous.

“Master Stevens, don’t you look at the geomantic omen? Why don’t you take a look at it with a

compass?” Victoria said nervously.

“Hehe, I have reached the level where I can count yin, yang, and crypt by pinching my fingers. So I

don’t need a compass. I wonder if you have any idea about eternal youth? I have a set of exercises

that can keep you young after practicing.”

Master Stevens used the verbal tricks that he used to hook up with women. No woman wanted to be

old. Every woman wanted to be young forever.

In the past, this topic would arouse great interest in women. If he spoke a few words of the ancient

prose, he would be able to make women’s blood boil.

“Young forever? It’s impossible. Everyone will grow old.” Victoria shook her head and said.

“It is just an analogy. As long as you practice with me, you will be guaranteed to age slowly. By the time

you are sixty years old, you will only look a few years older than you are now.”

Victoria was a little convinced this time. She had heard similar legends.

“I wonder the kind of cultivation method you mentioned. How can I learn it?”

Seeing Victoria was tempted, Master Stevens was secretly delighted, “The practice method is the

secret method passed down from my master. As long as you become my disciple and stay with me

wholeheartedly, I can teach you and enlighten you.”

“That won’t work. I’m still busy with family affairs.” Victoria shook her head and said.

Master Stevens frowned. When he said this in the past, women would often ask to be nominative


“I won’t delay your business. If you become my nominative disciple, I can teach you the secret

technique tonight, and then you can practice at home.”

Master Stevens said while looking shifty-eyed.

Victoria pondered for a moment. Because of women’s beauty-loving nature, she was a little intrigued by

Master Stevens’ statement.

“Cultivation is not dangerous, right? I heard that a lot of people have problems with the practice.”

Victoria said kinkily.

“Ha ha ha, those were people who didn’t follow a famous master to practice. There won’t be such a

thing when you follow me. After dinner, you just follow me to my room to practice. It is also a fate

between you and me.”

Seeing Victoria being quite wary, Master Stevens lowered his request as long as he could lure Victoria

into his room. After entering the room, Victoria would have no choice.

Victoria kept silent for a moment and then said in a low voice, “I’ll ask my husband’s opinion later and

see what he says.”

Master Stevens looked at Victoria in surprise. Just then, he looked vicious while thinking of

Maximilian’s attitude just now.

“Well, this is the opportunity I gave you, so I hope you will consider it carefully. If your husband stops

you, it will be really regrettable.”

Victoria took a deep breath, shook her head, and said, “Master Stevens, please take a good look at the

geomantic omen first.”

“Alright.” Master Stevens looked around and used his right thumb to keep pinching the other four

knuckles as if he was deducing something.

After a while, Master Stevens stopped the calculation and said solemnly, “This place is extremely

dangerous and ominous. If you break ground here, I am afraid that disasters will continue, so will the


“What?” Victoria let out a cry of exclamation. She was shocked by what Master Stevens said.

“Really? Master Stevens, are you wrong?” Victoria asked nervously.

“I can’t be wrong. If you don’t believe it, just start the work. Someone will die during three days of work.”

Master Stevens said conclusively.

Victoria didn’t know whether to believe it or not. According to the reputation of Master Stevens, she

should believe it.

“So is there a way to crack it?”

“There is a way to crack it, but I will suffer a lot from it.” Master Stevens shook his head but he was

smug in his heart.

He said it to destroy her defenses, so she would eliminate her vigilance and worship him instead. As

long as Victoria regarded him as an idol, he would be able to take from her whatever he pleased in the


After successfully hooking up with Victoria, Master Stevens planned to let his disciples smash

Maximilian’s limbs and throw him to the border to fend for himself.

“In that case, please talk to my uncle and others about the situation. My uncle is in charge of the major

affairs in the family.”

Master Stevens smiled and nodded, “Okay, let’s talk to Mr. Andrew. But if you really want to crack the

evil geomancy here, I still need you to give me a little hand.”

“Me? How can I help you?” Victoria was puzzled.

“This is as far as I can tell you, but it must be a small favor within your ability.” Master Stevens said with

an unpredictable expression on his face.

Victoria nodded, “As long as I can do it, I will do my best.”

“If you are willing to help, it will be much easier then.”

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