Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 391 International Black Boxing Match
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Chapter 391 International Black Boxing Match

On the other side of the ocean.

A research center was located in the dense forest valley.

Kacper, who was in coma, was lying in the treatment cabin, and he glowed with a purple halo after

being irradiated by the ultraviolet ray.

A group of blue-eyed, golden-haired researchers in white coats observed Kacper outside the treatment

cabin and shook their heads all the time.

“He has fallen into a severe coma, and his brain waves continue to weaken. That is to say, his body

has undergone a primary transformation; otherwise, he would have died on the way back.”

“Asshole, the elementary experimental subject that has finally succeeded with the great difficulty turned

out to be like this. What about the follow-up research? The BOSS is very angry!”

“What we can do is to sustain his life. But I wonder what could hurt the experimental subject like this.

He has very powerful combat effectiveness, after he’d undergone a primary transformation.”

The oldest doctor Charles, who had been gloomy, shook his head, “Take the test results to the meeting

room. Sir Brute is waiting for us.”

“Does BOSS come here in person? Oh my god, we won’t be executed, are we? My soul is trembling.”

The researchers’ faces grew darker, and they felt their hearts trembling when they thought of Sir

Brute’s brutality.

“Hurry up, the matter regarding the experimental subject has nothing to do with us. Even if BOSS

wants to vent his anger, he will only ask someone to make trouble for Yellow Monkey.”

Dr. Charles’s words calmed everyone’s mood. A group of people followed Dr. Charles to the

conference room silently.

After passing through a series of metal doors and undergoing several inspections, Dr. Charles and

others walked into the well-protected conference room.

Sir Brute, gray-haired, sat on the sofa with his eyes closed.

Hearing the footsteps of Dr. Charles and others, Sir Brute slowly opened his eyelids.

“How is Kacper?”

“He has fallen into a severe coma, and his brain waves continue to weaken. He may turn into a

vegetable. After our assessment, it is impossible for him to undergo the second phase of the trial.”

Sir Brute tapped his fingers on the armrest of the sofa twice and said with a gloomy expression, “Is

there any hope of saving him?”

“I’m afraid it’s difficult. It’s hard to tell the problem of the brain.” Dr. Charles gave a vague answer.

“So there’s little hope. The value of the experimental subject is to be squeezed dry. You study how to

improve his physical function as much as possible, and then force him to go through the second phase

trial, and record the test data in detail. Make sure he can complete his mission.”

Dr. Charles and the others froze. Sir Brute meant to ignore Kacper’s current condition.

However, they thought Kacper was only an experimental subject. Many people were already dead in

the transformation experiment, and Kacper was no different.

Kacper was special. After all, he had gone through a phase of transformation, and he was the only one.

“Yes Sir, we will do our best.” Dr. Charles said respectfully.

Sir Brute waved his hand, and Dr. Charles and others left the conference room in neat steps.

After Dr. Charles and others left, Sir Brute’s expression became extremely irritable.

“Damn it! Why did Yellow Monkey run back? Now my plan has been disrupted! Tom! Have you found

the one who hurt Kacper?”

“BOSS, the specific information has been found, but the identity of the opponent is a bit special.”

In his 30s, Tom who had flowing blonde hair and looked like the Lion King, walked out with a iPad.

“Special identity? What special characters are there in the damn Eastern world?”

“Dragon Sect.”

Sir Brute’s hand waving in the air paused for a moment, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

“Oh blast! Who did it?”

Tom handed the iPad to Sir Brute and he saw Maximilian’s photo.

Then Sir Brute began to view the information. After reading all the information and summarizing the

situation of Kacper’s accident, Sir Brute looked shifty-eyed.

“The young lord who was once abandoned by the Dragon Sect is now the heir of the Dragon Sect? But

even if he takes over the Dragon Sect, he shouldn’t ruin my experiment!”

“BOSS, I think this is an opportunity. Order someone to kidnap him. With him, we can negotiate with

the Dragon Sect. I think some oriental classics are of great help to our experiment, but those classics

are in the warehouse of the Dragon Sect.”

Sir Brute pondered for a moment, then opened his eyes and said, “Let’s try it out first. The location of

the latest International Black Boxing Match has not been decided yet. You can arrange it in H City and

find a way to let Maximilian participate in the boxing contest.”

“Okay, I’m going right away. The Black Boxing Match that Willef will participate in must be very exciting.

He is the guy who has won the Black Boxing Championship for ten consecutive years.”

Tom left with a smile and began to arrange the International Black Boxing Match.

At midnight, Connor was awakened by the ringing of the phone.

Seeing the weird caller number displayed on the mobile phone, Connor was stunned and immediately

realized that it was a call from overseas.

“Damn it, how could it be a call from overseas? I don’t even know a foreigner.” Connor murmured but

still pressed the answer button.

“Hello, is it Mr. Connor?” The perfect pronunciation of Mandarin put Connor in a daze.

He looked at the caller ID again. It was indeed the number of an overseas call.

“This is Connor. Who is speaking?”

“I am the organizer of the International Black Boxing Match. I want to expand the business of the

International Black Boxing Match in your country. We have decided initially that this year’s International

Black Boxing Match will be held in H City. I wonder if you have any intention to host it.”

Connor was stunned for a moment, and then he was so excited that his heart beat quickly. Hosting the

International Black Boxing Match was a big deal! Not only could it improve the reputation and status,

but more importantly, it could make money.

After calming down, Connor asked doubtfully, “Why do you arrange it in H City? You are not a liar,


“Don’t worry. Our special team will bring you a formal contract and communicate with you in detail. I

just notify you first.”

“Why are you doing this? What benefits can you get from it?” Connor asked.

“To maintain the freshness of our boxing match, we need newcomers. According to our prediction, ifnovelbin

there are newcomers from the mystic East, the competition will be more fierce and exciting.”

“Who do you want to invite specially?’ Connor frowned, faintly feeling that they were meant for


“We got a fighting video of a man named Maximilian in H City. After watching it, our technical

department thinks he has great potential and wants him to participate in the black boxing match this

year. If you can arrange for him to participate in the competition, then you will have the right to host the

Black Boxing Match this year.”

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