Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 374 Give You a Chance
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Chapter 374 Give You a Chance

Maximilian shook his head, and didn't care about what Master Benedict said. For Maximilian, the

division of the Dragon Sect never existed.

"I will give you a chance to pledge loyalty to me, and hope you can seize it." Maximilian said lightly.

"So presumptuous! How dare you talk to Master Benedict in this way?"

With fierce light in Orion’s eyes, he stared at Maximilian, with his back bowing slightly, like a cheetah

preparing to hunt.

"Ha ha." Master Benedict raised his head and laughed, "So ignorant. I really don't know where your

confidence comes from. Is it because you have really had a problem with your brain over the past few


"It's you who have the problem with your brain. If you don't show allegiance to me, you will regret your

choice." Maximilian said confidently.

Master Benedict curled his mouth in disdain, shook his head and said, "You are really naive. You must

have watched a lot of animations and really think you have a domineering attitude. Do you think your

boasting will make me kneel down to you?"

"Orion, go and teach him a lesson. Just beat him down on his knees."

Master Benedict looked at Maximilian coldly, and his expression turned arrogant.

Without talking, Orion jumped out from Master Benedict. When Maximilian was still three to five meters

away, he jumped up high, straightened his arms like an eagle, and his curled legs kicked at

Maximilian's head.

"Flashy." Maximilian said in a cold voice, his right hand suddenly rose up, and his fists slammed into

Orion’s foot that was kicking.

"Huh! The strength of my leg is not something you can bear!" With a stern cry, the falling speed was a

little faster, but the strength condensed on his legs became stronger.

The acceleration of the fall greatly strengthened the power of Orion’s leg. Using this trick, Orion was

enough to knock the ground out of a big hole.

Bang! Their fists and feet collided together, and the sullen smile on Orion’s face disappeared, which

was replaced by a shocking surprise.

Maximilian was motionless like Mount Tai, and he didn't get kicked to the ground and his bones burst

like he imagined.

"How can it be?" When Orion exclaimed, the sound of his bones burst, followed by intense pain rushed

into his mind.

He gritted his teeth hard, and tried hard to stop himself from crying out.

Everything happened at one second, Maximilian raised a smile, and his right arm smashed again into

Orion’s left foot.

"What!" After all, Orion couldn't hold the pain, and fell from the air with a scream in front of Maximilian.

"How did you do it? How can you have such great power?" asked Orion, who was lying on the ground.

Master Benedict not far away turned gloomy, and felt a sense of anxiety in his heart.

Surprise was Master Benedict’s first reaction, as he thought it would be safe to bring two powerful

bodyguards with him, but he did not expect that Maximilian's strength was beyond his imagination.

How could Maximilian be so strong?

Although Dragon Sect had a lot of martial arts inheritance, he had never heard of Maximilian practicing


If Maximilian was so good, he would not be expelled from the Dragon Sect and live in the H city.

Master Benedict's brows were twisted into a knot, and his head gradually tilted when he racked his


Looking at Maximilian with slanting eyes, Master Benedict got more confused when he thought more.

He couldn't understand how Maximilian got to this point. Perhaps the powerful force was the trump

card that allowed Maximilian to be so arrogant.

Blaker stepped forward and stood diagonally in front of Master Benedict. He not only blocked Master

Benedict’s sight, but also prevented Maximilian from hurting Master Benedict at any time.

Maximilian didn't mean to fight again at all, but bowed his head, smiling at Orion.

"Do you want to know why? It's actually very simple, that is talent. I have a peerless talent given by

God. Just reading books could make me so strong."

Orion wanted to cry, as just reading books could make him so powerful, which was simply


After decades of diligent study and hard training, Orion could reach the current level. He didn’t believe

what Maximilian said. Even a schoolmaster with great memory had to make corresponding efforts if he

wanted to achieve something!

"Maximilian, do you think you can force me into submission? I am not a person who is greedy of life

and fear of death!" Master Benedict said righteously.

Blaker stepped forward again, his muscles swelled up, his expression became extremely tense.

"You are not greedy for life and fear of death? It is a big joke. Among the Eight Dragon Lords, you have

a cunning character, and you are most greedy for life and fear of death. You don't deserve your


"It seems that we cannot have a peaceful talk. The Dragon Queen is coming to H City in the near

future, so get prepared. You will still kneel down to her when you see her. I am leaving."

Master Benedict was so jealous of Maximilian, so he didn't dare to wait any longer, turned around and

walked out.

Blaker strode forward, not getting back following Master Benedict, but guarding the path for Master

Benedict to leave.

Maximilian sneered, and said calmly, "Do I ask you to go?"

"It's not up to you, whether I'm leaving or not!" The pace under his feet was faster when Master

Benedict spoke.

At this moment, Master Benedict wanted the door to be right in front of him. He wanted to pass the

door by just one step, but they were in the inner workshop, and there was still some distance from the


Maximilian stood up and chased in the direction of Master Benedict.

"Master, go!" Blaker screamed, raised his fists and rushed towards Maximilian.

Maximilian's speed was as fast as lightning, and his figure collided with Blaker.

Blaker was like being hit by a high-speed train, flying upside down into the air.

Puff! Blood spurted from his mouth, and he felt as if his internal organs were broken, and the fierce

pain came from inside his body.

"Master, hurry, hurry up!” Blaker exhausted his last strength to shout, but the sound from his mouth was

faint like mosquitoes and flies.

Maximilian floated to Master Benedict like wind, and his palm stretched out to grab his neck.

Master Benedict felt a cold all over, his hairs all stood up, and his shocked soul was about to fly away.

“Cassius, protect me!” Master Benedict was screaming madly in his heart.

When Maximilian's palm was about to touch his back neck, his back rose up and a gray shadow


The gray shadow collided with Maximilian's palms, making a violent sound.

A violent air current burst out from between Maximilian and the gray shadow, and then the gray shadow

instantly dissipated, leaving only the whirring sound of the air current to tell the existence of the gray


Master Benedict was shaking by the air current and standing there unsteadily, and then he fell to the

ground with a sound, rolling away far away.

Maximilian grasped the palm of Master Benedict, and was blocked by the appearance of the gray

shadow. The violent power that the gray shadow exploded during the collision caused Maximilian's arm

to numb slightly.

Slightly surprised, Maximilian looked around vigilantly, looking for the gray shadow that had blockednovelbin

him just now.

The response seemed to disappear completely, and Maximilian didn't notice anything wherever he

could see.

Master Benedict panted, looking at Maximilian who was not far away, his heart trembling, and he

secretly thanked Cassius for her protection.

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