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Chapter 370 Bet

Master Benedict was in the basement of the villa, with two beauties in his arms. These days in H City,

for the sake of safety, he didn’t leave the door, and he always stayed in the basement.

After all, Maximilian was in H city. Although he disdained Maximilian, the Dragon Sect Guards around

him couldn’t be underestimated. But at the moment, holding two beauties in his arms, he was a little

uneasy, as if something big was going to happen.

Seeing Master Benedict’s face a little serious, a beautiful woman picked up her wine cup and handed it

to his lips, “Drink wine, and you will be happy afterward.”

He laughed, hugged the beauty and said, “It’s boring to drink from a cup. Feed me with your mouth.”

“You are so bad.” The beauty took a sip from her glass, and then put her red lips to his lips.

He was about to suck out the wine from the beauty’s mouth when his mobile phone rang suddenly.

He paused for a moment, pushed the beauty away rudely, “Who’s calling me? It spoiled my good


He picked up the phone and looked at the screen, the caller ID “Wilfred Collins” on the screen, his

brows twisted tightly.

“Why did the old man call me?” He muttered, hesitated for a moment, and when the phone was about

to hang up automatically, he pressed the Accept button.

“Hey, old bastard, why do you call me?” He said rudely.novelbin

Wilfred was not happy. However, because of Maximilian’s order, he did not scold Benedict.

“I don’t want to talk nonsense to you. Maximilian wants to see you.”

“Maximilian? See me? Are you trying to ambush me? Do you think I’m an idiot? I won’t be fooled by

you so easily.” Master Benedict said with a sneer.

“What’s the use of ambushing you? The Dragon Queen will come right away. We ambush you? We

might as well attack the Dragon Queen directly. Do you really think Maximilian would pay any attention

to you? For him, you are just a small role.”

Wilfred’s words made his face red with anger. He wanted to rush to Wilfred and tear his mouth.

“Do you know you made me angry? The guards around Maximilian are not worthy of my action, but I

pity him and never use force against him.”

“Don’t say anything useless, just say you’re going or not? If you don’t go, I’ll reply to Maximilian.”

Master Benedict fell into silence, whether to see Maximilian or not was a difficult choice. It was risky to

go, but if he didn’t, he was curious about what Maximilian wanted to say to him.

Curiosity, like a cat’s paw, scratched his heart. The more curious he felt, the more he wanted to see


“You send me his address first, and then I’ll think about it and get back to you in half an hour.”

“You are still so timid. I will give you half an hour to think about it as you wish.”

Wilfred hung up and sent the location of Maximilian to him.

Master Benedict took a look at the location and said gravely, “Check this location. Besides, check

Maximilian’s movement today and the location of his guards.”

“Yes.” His men took out their computers and began to search the city monitoring system to investigate

the movements of Maximilian and Dragon Sect Guards.

Soon the information gathered up, and Maximilian’s whereabouts showed up.

“Maximilian is in an abandoned factory on the outskirts of the city. The abandoned factory is owned by

the Brooks in the provincial capital. According to the data, that factory is used as a foothold for killers

and mercenaries.”

“Monitoring around the abandoned factory shows that Aston and his bodyguards are the first group to

enter today. The second group is more than a dozen killers, and Maximilian is the third group. But

mercenary regiment led by Kaur came finally.”

“Dragon Sect Guards are now more than 20 kilometers away from Maximilian. According to sources,

they should be protecting Victoria Griffith, Maximilian’s wife.”

The information was read out one by one. Master Benedict smoked and thought silently.

“He didn’t take the guard with him. Instead, he mixed with a group of killers and mercenaries. Did he

want to rely on killers and mercenaries to deal with me? How na?ve! I think he’s a loser in H City, and

his IQ has been reduced.”

Master Benedict had a disdainful smile when he thought of the rumors that Maximilian was a waste.

As long as there was no Dragon Sect Guards around him, killers and mercenaries were not difficult to

handle. Master Benedict felt this was a great opportunity.

If he can catch Maximilian, torture him, and then turn him into an obedient young master, after bringing

him to the Dragon Queen, she would be very satisfied.

Master Benedict was soon seduced by the interests and felt as if he saw a bright future.

He took out his mobile phone to dial Wilfred’s number, and said with a happy smile, “Wilfred, you, old

thing, do you think your life is hopeless now? So, you want to betray Maximilian directly?”

“Don’t talk nonsense, just because he doesn’t listen to my advice. I warn you that you’d better be

honest when you see him. If you dare to do harm him, I’ll chase to the ends of the earth and kill you!”

“I’m afraid of what you said. I’ll talk about it after I meet that loser. It’s humiliating enough for the noble

young master to be a son-in-law He has been a waste for several years. The image of the Dragon Sect

has been totally destroyed by him.”

Wilfred was speechless for a while. Maximilian’s image in recent years was really a big threat to the

Dragon Sect. If Maximilian’s history spread out in the future, the Dragon Sect will become jokes among

those ancient forces.

When he hung up, he tapped his fingers on the table twice, “Make arrangements now. We’ll go to the

abandoned factory. Be careful on the way. When you get to the factory, you should strengthen our

security and make a plan to deal with those mercenaries and killers.”

“Yes.” His bodyguards took action one after another and began to prepare for his trip.

Master Benedict looked at the shadow in the room and said solemnly, “Cassius, my safety depends on

you this time. I don’t trust them.”

“Rest assured, with me, no one can hurt you.”

Master Benedict nodded and closed his eyes.

After a while, the staff came to report the plan. Master Benedict got up and walked out. A gray shadow

floated out of the room.

The gray shadow did not attract anyone’s attention, and quietly overlapped with Master Benedict’s


Master Benedict’s steps paused slightly, and then a faint smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

“Cassius is reliable. It costs me so much to keep him, but it’s not in vain. As the saying goes, seek

wealth in danger. I’ll take a chance this time.”

The well-prepared Master Benedict got on the customized bullet proof Benz, and the team started

slowly, drove out of the villa and headed for the abandoned factory.

After the motorcade drove away, Cassius walked out of the villa. Under the sunshine, his shadow was

almost absent.

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