Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 358 Teach Him A Lesson
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Chapter 358 Teach Him A Lesson

“I’m close. I don’t want to die. Please, I was wrong. Let me go. I can barely breathe.” Woody said with

his hoarse voice. He was extremely nervous.

“Now can you smell death?” Maximilian asked with a smile.

Woody felt that Maximilian was like a devil when he smiled.

Because of the fear, a warm stream flowed down his thighs.

“I, I can feel it, the smell of death.” Woody said with his voice cracked. Now he thought it was the most

regrettable thing he had ever done.

Maximilian threw Woody beside the car and said with despise, “Such a loser. If you don’t have the

power, then you’d better lay it low.”

“I was wrong. I swear I’ll keep it low from now on.” Woody begged as he covered his neck with his

hands while wriggling on the ground.

Addison grinned. Though he could not see how miserable Woody must be, he could imagine it.

Maximilian kicked Woody, “Drive now. Don’t waste my time.”

“My hand is broken. I can’t drive.” Woody said with frustration.

He intended to say he wanted to go to hospital, but he decided to shut up.

Maximilian shook his head and opened the safety of the pistol. Then he pointed Woody with it. “I heard

that a man’s potential can be fully stimulated when he wants to survive. I’m sure you can drive well

under my gun.” Staring at the black hole of the pistol, Woody swore inwardly.

He had seen some mad men, but he had never seen anyone like Maximilian, because a crippled driver

might lead to an accident. But he didn’t dare to say what he was thinking. If Maximilian was provoked,

he might take a bullet.

Feeling wronged, Woody got into the car with frustration while enduring the pain on his right hand. He

used his left hand to start the engine, put the gears and drove away slowly.

“I can only drive like this since I can only use one hand. I don’t dare to drive faster.” Woody said to

Maximilian meekly.

Maximilian nodded absently, and then he closed his eyes to rest in the seat.

In the abandoned factory, Aston’s bodyguards had prepared for Maximilian’s arrival. Except the two

guards always by Aston’s side, there were other men busing around in case Maximilian would harm

their master.

Aston frowned after he had been play with his phone for quite a while, as Woody had not returned.

“What happened to him? It’s been so long. The time he took was enough for him to go there and come

back several times!”

“Young master, please don’t worry. Let me make a call.”

The guards dialed Woody’s number, but Woody could not pick his phone since he was using his only

functioning hand to drive.

Woody heard his phone ringing, and he kept casting glances at Maximilian, hoping that Maximilian

would help him check who the caller was. But he dared not to say it. It was not until the ringing stopped

that he felt relieved.

The bodyguard put the pone down with confusion and said with dissatisfaction. “He didn’t answer the

phone. Perhaps something happened to him.”

Aston hesitated for a moment and lowered his head to continue playing with his phone. “Let’s not hurry.

We just keep waiting. Since Woody’s phone is not dead, then it’s not something serious.”

Although he felt worried inside, he still seemed calm, because he believed that a leader must be

confidant in front of his followers.

He thought of Jarven’s calmness during the war and tried to be calm. Finally he heard footsteps.

Maximilian walked into the factory with Woody in his hands, Addison trailing behind.

Woody then wobbled toward Aston with his left hand on his right wrist.

“Why didn’t you answer my call?” The bodyguard shouted at him.

“I, I offended Mr. Lee and he taught me a lesson. My right hand is broken, so I drive with the other

hand. That’s why I’m late and didn’t answer your call.”

Woody told them what happened with frustration. His story made Aston and his guards felt chilly on

their spines.

They wondered if this man had any humanity at all. Let a crippled man drive? How bold this man must


Maximilian threw Addison to the ground near Aston’s feet and said with a smile, “You followers didn’tnovelbin

know the rules, so I taught them a lesson.”

“Who do you think you’re? Our young master’s followers are not for you to teach!” The guard shouted.

“Keep quiet! Show some respect to Mr. Lee. Woody made a mistake, so he deserves it. In fact, I should

thank Mr. Lee for it.” Aston said with ease.

“Where’s my chair? I assume the young master won’t keep me standing during the discussion.”

Maximilian sounded very kind. But Aston didn’t believe that Maximilian was a kind person. As he

looked at the fake smile on Maximilian’s face, he believed this man could change his mood very


“Bring Mr. Lee a chair. Choose the best one.”

The guard left and fetched a luxury leather chair from the warehouse. Then he put it behind Maximilian.

“Please sit down. This is not a cozy place, but don’t blame us for it.” Aston said politely.

Maximilian sat down and said, “So tell me what you want to cooperate.”

Aston cast a glance at Addison and winked at the guard, who then dragged Addison out. “Woody,

come with me.”

Then Woody left with the guard. He wanted to stay away from Maximilian as far as possible, because

this man scared him to death.

After Addison was taken away, Aston took out a cigar and put it into his mouth. “I have a professional

cutthroat organization. Many top killers have joined in, so I wonder if you are interested. I just took a big

order. If we succeed, you can get 50 million dollars.”

“I don’t care about your damn organization, but I’m interested in the order.”

Aston’s face turned somber. He was not satisfied with Maximilian’s answer because he wanted

Maximilian to be one of his cutthroats.

However, the somberness on his face was soon replaced by a smile, because he was confident about

his plan B.

If Maximilian could complete that mission, Aston could easily make Maximilian afraid of doing anything

out of line, even if Maximilian refused his offer now.

“Alright, since you are not interested, I won’t force you on that. After all, nothing forcibly done is

agreeable. But I need you not to tell others about it. If you can keep it a secret, I can tell you.”

“I’m good at keeping secrets.”

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