Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 350 Get on My Nerves!
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Chapter 350 Get on My Nerves!

Maximilian had no idea of how powerful he could be either. Although the Dragon Sect had the most

masters of martial arts with almost all the books of martial arts and Taoism practice, there had never

been a certain conclusion on whether there was any superior power in the world. Many masters had

once felt a kind of interaction with the heaven, so they thought there might be a level of some magic

power just as what was written in legends. But no masters in the Dragon Sect had ever reached that

level of power. As a result, Maximilian was not sure how powerful he could be. After all, there might be

more powerful man somewhere in the world who hadn’t shown up yet.

Kacper was unhappy with Maximilian’s reply. Maximilian said he was just one of those who were

working on becoming a real powerful man, while he was powerful enough to tackle Curz who had the

blood of King Kong. What a poser! It was Kacper who was supposed to show off. But Maximilian had

just stolen his show, which really pissed him off.

He stared at Maximilian nastily. Then he took a deep breath and decided to leave first and come back

when he was powerful enough to defeat Maximilian.

He quickly stepped back. When he was about to run away by crashing the window, Maximilian moved

as well. Kacper ran as fast as a blast of wind while Maximilian was as fast as the lightning. Maximilian

stood in front of Kacper in no time. Kacper felt as if his blood was going to freeze at the sight of

Maximilian’s fast speed. Before he could react, Maximilian had got hold of his neck. He felt suffocated

but he could only struggle by beating Maximilian’s chest hard with his hands.

Maximilian sneered and then he exerted his strength and threw Kacper directly upward.

Bang! Kacper hit on the ceiling, which caused the broken parts of the ceiling to fall off. Feeling the

piercing pain, Kacper’s pupils became redder. Kacper’s muscles started to expand because of the rage

and his flood flew quickened, his power intensified. He twisted his waist in the air and landed steadily

behind Maximilian.

“You really get on my nerves!” Kacper said angrily.

Maximilian turned around to look at Kacper and shook his head in disgust, “So that’s what you’ve got?

This should be your transformation the second time, right? It’s really weird.”

“This is high-tech. I’m the only one that has been successfully transformed through the gene

experiment. Let me show you what I’ve got.” Kacper pretended to be furious with a scary look while he

was thinking about how to get out of there. Even with the support of the furious power, he really didn’t

think he would be a match of Maximilian. Maybe it was because he was so terrified by Maximilian’s

power earlier that he had no better solution to avoid being caught by Maximilian than running away.

Hana and other on-lookers were struck dumb. What they have seen was much more exciting than the

scenes in movies. They felt it was so unreal as if they had traveled into the world of movies.

“Is there such a powerful man in the real world? If that’s the case, wouldn’t the world have collapsed? It

must be an illusion.” Hana tried to convince herself. She felt she would go mad if she couldn’t convince

herself that this was all about an illusion.

Maximilian was kind of interested in the high technology Kacper had mentioned. He didn’t corner

Kacper further, but talked to him as if they were chatting.

“Tell me about the gene experiment. I have heard a little about it. It seemed that it hadn’t made it. It’s

kind of interesting to finally meet the guinea pig that had gone through it successfully.”

Kacper was totally pissed off by Maximilian’s words. He was the first one who had been transformed

successfully through gene experiment. And Maximilian spoke of him as if he were an animal to be

watched in the zoo. How dare he?

“I didn’t serve as a guinea pig. I’m the first one who made it in the gene experiment. You won’t

understand the technology that has been applied even if I tell you. We’d better not interfere with each

other, just like well water does not intrude into the river. If you dare to hurt me, you will not only be

hunted down by countless people, your family as well as Victoria’s family will also be affected.”

Maximilian didn’t give a dime to Kacper’s threat. “None of these will have any impact on me. They will

only end up in death if they come after me. You can try to threaten me in another way.”

Kacper was lost for words. He had just said his most threatening words. How come he felt he was

threatened by Maximilian instead? He was silent and stared at Maximilian with fear while trying to

figure out how to convince Maximilian to let him go sound and safe.

At that moment, Nicolas had arrived at the outskirts of H City with his subordinates. Having answered a

phone, one of his subordinates said loudly, “Master, we have located Maximilian. He’s in the resort not

far away.”

“Great! It looks like God lends us a hand. It’s God’s will for me to do away with Maximilian, and he

happens to be around. Confirm the location and check out the surrounding environment on the 3D

map. We’d better catch Maximilian alive this time.”

“Yes, sir!”

The bus took a U turn and headed towards the resort. Joan, Nicolas’s best man was checking out the

topography on his laptop. After checking, he laughed, “It’s quite simple. Team one and team two stay

by both sides of the villa, in case anyone escapes from the window. And the rest break in from the front

door. Given that they are here for fun, they won’t take any weapons with them. The situation is in our

favor, so we should be able to catch him alive without efforts. Brace yourself and check your weapons.”

With a click sound, the disciples started to check their weapons and load their guns, getting ready for

the fight. Nicolas took out a pair of jabs and placed them on his hands. He smiled with excitement. “As

long as I can catch Maximilian, I will be able to ride on Master Benedict’s coattails and reach the peak

of my career. I’m finally becoming a disciple of the Dragon Sect.” Nicolas thought to himself with

excitement. He felt the fate favored him again.

The bus crashed open the gate of the resort fiercely. Soon several disciples controlled the working staff

of the resort. Followed by the rest disciples, Nicolas headed towards the villa in the middle of the resort.novelbin

He spotted Carl’s body right outside the door of the villa when he was about 100 meters away from the

villa. The motionless body, the blood stains on the floor and the smell of blood in the air indicated that it

was a scene of the murder.

“Attention! Be ready to fight! Someone must have come earlier. I hope Maximilian is not dead yet.”

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