Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 317 Want to See Mr. Lee
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Chapter 317 Want to See Mr. Lee

"You are not asking someone to do things at all. If you treat me with this attitude, I'd better not take you

there, so as not to be ashamed." Maximilian said lightly.

Facing the strong hostility of the Wright family, Maximilian was a little angry. If they weren't Victoria's

relatives, he wouldn't bother to take care of them.

"You fucking dare to put on airs! Letting you lead the way is to show you respect, you are really fucking

shameless." Alfie said angrily, rolled up his sleeves and was about to fight.

Drew waved his hand and stopped Alfie, "Why bother with the trash? It will make our hands dirty if we

hit him."

"Then what should we do? The development of the Topyuan Group's land is a big deal. We must meet

the mysterious Mr. Lee." Alfie finished speaking and glared at Maximilian, "We are not talking about

you, an idiot."

"Ha ha." Maximilian chuckled lightly and didn't pay attention to Alfie’s words.

"The contract was signed by Mr. Xavier and me. I will visit him and ask about it by the way."

Visiting Xavier, the general manager of the Topyuan Group, was Drew's last trump card. He originally

hoped that Victoria and the mysterious Mr. Lee really had an affair. But seeing Maximilian, who looked

indifferent, the hope in his heart had collapsed. Had it not been for teasing Maximilian, Drew would

have left alone.

"Mr. Xavier can't do anything about it. Both the start of construction and the funding need Mr. Lee's

approval and signature. This is not easy." Tommy shook his head and sighed.

Maximilian started playing with his mobile phone, ignoring Drew's trio at all.

Seeing Maximilian playing a mobile game, Alfie slapped the table angrily, "You trash, stop playing

games. Call the boss of the Topyuan Group. Can't you arrange it? You’d better call him now to let us

hear if it is true."

"You are so annoying. If you think I can't arrange it, just say it, I'll leave immediately." Maximilian stood

up and said.

"You dare to talk back. You fucking don't understand what we're saying to you, do you? Just call if I ask

you to call."

"Ah ha. Do you think everyone is as boring as you? If you interrupt his work, your contract will be

cancelled, let alone the visit." Maximilian said with a smile.

Looking at Maximilian's smile, Drew's brows wrinkled tightly.

Anyway, he was definitely going to the Topyuan Group today, and he could take Maximilian with him,

even though it was fighting a losing battle. If Maximilian was really useless, he would teach him a


Drew made up his mind, got up and said, "Stop talking about nonsense. Now I will set off to the

Topyuan Group, and hope you are really useful."

Maximilian smiled faintly, turned and walked out. Alfie stared at Maximilian's back in dissatisfaction, and

said loudly, "Drew, do you really believe in this waste? If he can arrange for us to meet the mysterious

Mr. Lee, I will eat shit in live streaming."

"Then you should start to prepare for it, as I am waiting to watch your live broadcast." Maximilian said

without turning his head.

"Fuck! This scumbag is so damn irritating, I just want to kill him! "

"Calm down. Let's see the situation first. Don't cause any problems at this time."

The three of Drew left the gate of the Wright family, took Maximilian into the car, and drove to the office

of Topyuan Group.

Alfie, who was sitting in the passenger seat, stared at Maximilian in the back seat, as if he was going to

flay and swallow Maximilian alive.

Maximilian looked at the phone, completely ignoring Alfie.

Tommy patted Alfie on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Alfie, don't do this. If he really can't arrange

our meeting later, let's teach him a lesson later."

"Huh, does this still need proof? This waste certainly can't manage it. If he can arrange for us to seenovelbin

the boss of the Topyuan Group, the sow will be able to climb the tree!"

Drew stared at Alfie, and Alfie stopped talking. Everyone remained silence in the car.

More than half an hour later, the car stopped in front of the office building of Topyuan Group.

When Drew looked at the door of Topyuan Group, he just saw Xavier who had a short stature, was

crowded by a few department managers. They just walked in.

"That's Mr. Xavier. Get out of the car and follow me to meet him."

As soon as Drew finished speaking, he pushed the car door with his hand and rushed out like a

predator cheetah.

Alfie and Tommy didn't dare to neglect it. They got out of the car quickly and ran over.

Maximilian glanced at Xavier's figure and shook his head slightly. He continued to lower his head and

play with his phone in the car, without any thought of catching up.

The three of Drew suddenly rushed over, which shocked Xavier, "What are you doing? Security


"Mr. Xavier it's me. I am Drew. I signed the contract for the development and construction of the

wasteland. Have you forgotten?"

Drew bowed his waist with a flattering smile on his face.

Xavier settled down and regained the style of a general manager, and said slowly, "Oh, it's you. You are

short-tempered and not stable at all. It almost made me think someone was robbing me."

"It's my fault. Please forgive me, Mr. Xavier. I don't get the news of your development, so I am too

worried." Drew said with a flattering smile.

Xavier glanced at Drew, shook his head and said, "What are you worrying about? I have said that this

matter needed to be signed by the big boss, and I had no authority. You should go back and wait for the


"Please, Mr. Xavier. How about we go to your office and talk about it?"

Drew's waist was bent again, and his attitude became more respectful.

Xavier thought for a while and nodded slightly, "I'll give you half an hour."

"Thank you for your understanding, Mr. Xavier. Let me call the elevator."

Drew had completely lost the arrogance in the Wright family, and waited with Xavier like his grandson.

He helped press the call button, and then stretched out his arm to block the elevator door.

Alfie and Tommy were dumbfounded. They thought it was Drew's aggressiveness that shocked Xavier

to get such a big deal. But now it seemed that it was not the case at all.

Alfie and Tommy stood in the corner of the elevator with their heads hung down, both feeling a little low.

They thought they couldn't be so ignoble for the sake of cooperation.

The three of Drew followed Xavier to the office. Xavier sat in the chair and didn't mean to let them sit

down at all.

"You guys please tell me your intentions first."

Xavier said casually, picked up the file on the table and looked at it, as if he didn't care what Drew said.

Drew showed a pleased smile, like a pet dog wagging his tail, and said respectfully.

"We are all ready, just waiting for the plan and date. So we want to see Mr. Lee."

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