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Chapter 312 Stop

According to Hendrix’s instructions, the security guards quickly surrounded Maximilian and Victoria.

Victoria nervously grabbed Maximilian’s arm and looked at these men in doubt, “What are you doing?”

“Nothing, just ask your family to leave the amusement park.” Hendrix said seriously.

Remy stood on one side and looked at Maximilian, then turned his eyes to Victoria, and his eyes

became greedy instantly.

The old lady passed her grandson to Remy’s man. She walked to Hendrix and spat at Maximilian.

“You, bastard, dare to beat me and my grandson. Your retribution has come now. You are so poor and

arrogant. Now kneel down and kowtow to make amends for my grandson, or you will die quickly later!”

Victoria looked at the old lady in amazement, and then asked Maximilian in a low voice, “What’s the

matter? Did you hit the old lady?”

Maximilian told Victoria what happened just now. Victoria immediately raised her eyebrows and thought

Maximilian had done nothing wrong. He didn’t have to be polite to them.

The whirligig ran slowly now, and Sissi’s eyes were full of tears when she saw her parents surrounded

by a group of people.

Seeing that the whirligig stopped, Sissi ran quickly in the direction of Maximilian.

“You get out of the way. Why do you surround my father? You can’t surround my father.” Sissi ran as

she cried.

The fat boy, who was held by the old lady, saw Sissi’s figure and his eyes lit up immediately. He pointednovelbin

to Sissi and said, “Grab her and bring her to me. I want her to be my toy.”

A security guard wanted to please Remy, turned and rushed to Sissi, stopped her and held her up.

Sissi struggled in the arms of the guard. She patted the shoulder, neck and face of the guard with her

little hands. She accidentally scratched his cheek with her fingers.

The guard was furious. He was about to slap Sissi’s face with a wave of his hand. “You want to die,

don’t you? How dare you scratch my face?”

“No, let go of my daughter!” Victoria saw the security guard was going to beat Sissi, and shouted at the

top of her voice. She wanted to rush to save Sissi.

A group of guards stepped forward and blocked Victoria’s way.

“You wanna die!” Maximilian’s eyes were cold and he strode forward. He drove away a group of

security guards blocking the road.

The guard’s palm was about to fall on the girl’s face, and Sissi shouted “Dad” with her eyes closed in


When Sissi felt the strong wind of palm falling, Maximilian grasped the wrist of the guard. Then

Maximilian squeezed hard and crushed the wrist bone of the guard.

The crowd heard a scream, and Maximilian had pulled Sissi out of the guard’s arms and held her in his

own arms.

“My hand is broken!” The guard covered his broken wrist and made a heartrending cry.

“You dare to touch my daughter. It’s my kindness not to kill you.” Maximilian said coldly, raising his foot

and kicking it at the security guard’s waist. The guard flew out more than ten meters and fell to the

ground motionless.

Hendrix was stunned. He wanted to drive Maximilian out, but he didn’t expect that he didn’t get rid of

Maximilian; on the contrary, his subordinate was almost beaten to death. He was in trouble.

“You are killing people! Hurry to look after Liam. Surround this guy. We can‘t let him run away. I warn

you, you’re in big trouble this time!” Hendrix roared at Maximilian.

The security guards nervously surrounded Maximilian. Maximilian’s violent attack just now made these

guards feel that Maximilian was dangerous, and no one wanted to face Maximilian directly.

A security guard explored Liam’s breath, and when he felt that there was still breath, he was relieved,

“Liam is still alive, and now he is in a coma.”

Remy went to Hendrix and said with a gloomy smile, “Let me do it, or you can’t explain to your boss

about it. Your men can’t do it at all.”

Hendrix nodded in shock. He knew his security guard would not be able to handle it, and they might

cause more trouble. He might as well let Remy do it.

“Let me told my boss first, if they didn’t mind, it would be left to you.”

Remy nodded and asked Hendrix to make a phone call.

“Grandma, I want that little sister to be my toy. Let someone catch her and kill her father. Then she can

be my toy forever.” the fat boy shouted, pointing at Sissi.

The old lady looked at her grandson fondly, “I’ll do it.”

“Remy, come here quickly and let your people kill the poor loser. Catch him and kill him!” The old lady

roared at Remy.

Remy looked at his mother and son who were angry, and didn’t wait for the Hendrix’s reply. With a

wave of his hand, his men replaced the guard and surrounded Maximilian and his family.

The men Remy brought with him had fierce faces and were carrying baseball bats, steel sticks and

other lethal weapons. Sissi was afraid and began to cry.

Maximilian patted her on the back and coaxed her, “We’re not afraid of them. You’ll see dad beat these

little monsters later.”

Hearing what Maximilian said, Sissi wiped her tears and said, “Dad, can you really beat little monsters?

If you can, I won’t cry.”

“Sure, these little monsters will apologize to you later.”

Sissi laughed, put her hands around Maximilian’s neck and her head on Maximilian’s shoulder.

When the old lady saw Maximilian’s fearless manner, her lungs was about to explode because of

anger, “All of you go to beat him, catch this poor man, and beat him to death!”

Remy said with a gloomy face, “Seize this man and beat him to death. Take this woman away. Don’t

hurt the little girl. She’s my son’s toy.”

From the moment he saw Victoria, Remy started thinking about her. At this moment, he wanted to let

his men do it. Naturally, he could not hurt Victoria, because he wanted to take her back.

Remy’s men picked up their sticks and approached Maximilian slowly.

“If you don’t want to suffer, just kneel down. Otherwise, we’ll hurt your wife and child by mistake.”

“Don’t resist at this time. There is nothing you can do except die if you resist. As long as you kneel

down and apologize, and offer your wife and child to us, we will spare your life.”

“Beauty, do you really want to be hurt by mistake? Come here with the child in your arms.”

Hendrix called and saw the scene. He said in a hurry, “Stop, stop.”

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