Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 309 Handle It Out
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Chapter 309 Handle It Out

"An industrial land? That's quite suitable. You just transfer this land to my wife. Hurry up and bring your

sons back to Geekoo. I don't want to see them anymore."

Seeing that Maximilian accepted their apology, Corey and others were relieved.

They let their employees finish the procedures and transfer the land to Victoria.

Iris got jealous with red eyes and said in a sharp voice, "You can't give it to Victoria, it should be

considered as our family property anyway! Why should it go to Victoria personally?"

Franklin agreed, "Yes, it should be considered as our family’s property. Victoria, you have to be

prospective. It is useless under you."

Maximilian sneered and said, "Are you sure you can take it?"

Corey looked at the Griffiths with a cold face, "Do you still have us in your eyes. This is a gift we give to

Mr. Lee personally. If you are really so shameless, we won't be polite to you anymore."

"You really go too far. If you dare to disrespect Mr. Lee and Miss Victoria again, you will be the enemies

of the whole real estate circle."

Hearing THAT all the real estate developers took a stand, Iris and Franklin didn't dare to say anymore.

Andrew suppressed the anger in his heart and said with an awkward smile, "They are still young and

na?ve. You can send the land to whoever you want, as it has nothing to do with us."

After Victoria and Corey's men finished the procedure, she held the documents and walked to

Maximilian in panic.

Then, Maximilian stood up and said, "Victoria, let's go."

Maximilian left with Victoria, followed by Wyatt and others from Geekoo. Only the Griffith family

members were left in the conference room.

Andrew gloomily took out a cigarette, and sullenly lit it and smoked.

"Dad, should we just watch and see Victoria sign the contract? And such a big piece of land, they give

it to her without a blink of eyes." Franklin said with jealousy red eyes.

"Shouting for what? We can't rush. Let's take it slowly. They will be ours someday." Andrew said slyly.

"But we should think of a way. The contract is signed by Victoria, nothing serious. Just let Franklin and

Iris be in charge of it. But the land, we should think of a way to get back." Darian was also jealous with

red eyes.

Andrew nodded slightly and thought silently.

He smoked several cigarettes and said, "There is no hurry now. Let's get it arranged sometime after.

They will hand everything out obediently."

Maximilian and Victoria left the company and drove aimlessly on the road.

"Maximilian, why do I feel like I am dreaming. Those real estate developers suddenly give us a piece of

land." Victoria said in a trance.

"Not so big. Just a 500-acre area, even not enough to build several buildings." Maximilian said casually.

"You seem like a real estate tycoon saying this. Just a 500-acre area? It is useless in our hands and my

uncle must be coveted on it in his heart. Something bad may happen to us afterward."

Victoria was still worried that her family member might cause trouble. It was after all such a big land

and she couldn't build a factory on it for she was not competent and was short of money.

"No hurry. Since someone gives it to us today, maybe someone else will send the plant and equipment

later. Slowly, we will have them all."

After Maximilian finished this, he looked at the road and said with a smile, "Let's go and see Sissi,

okay? We can ask the doctor about her situation. If her situation permits, we can take her to the

amusement park.

Victoria nodded hard, "Okay, I miss Sissi too."

Victoria drove all the way to the hospital. After the car was parked, they went to find the physician in

charge of Sissi's treatment.

The physician was very polite when he saw Maximilian and Victoria arrive. He knew that the two of

them were introduced by the dean.

"Hello, you are here to see Sissi, right? Just sit down and have a cup of tea first."

"We are here to see Sissi. We want to know Sissi's recent condition to see if it is suitable for us to take

her to the amusement park. After all, she has been in the hospital for quite a long time and she must

feel bored." Victoria said with concerns.

"Sissi has finished the bone marrow transplant for a while and her recovery is good after the operation.

She is now in the clinical observation period. You can take her to the amusement park, but she cannot

take part in dangerous and exciting activities like a roller coaster, pirate ship, and so on."novelbin

The doctor introduced Sissi's condition to them carefully and asked them to pay attention to some


After that, the physician sent Victoria and Maximilian to the inpatient area.

Sissi was walking in the corridor of the inpatient area with a doll in her hand.

When she saw Victoria and Maximilian, she immediately ran over with a smile. "Mom and Dad, you're

finally here. I thought you didn't want me anymore."

Sissi was a little aggrieved as she said this.

Victoria squatted down and hugged Sissi into her arms, "Good girl. Recently your dad and I are too

busy to see you, I am really sorry, Sissi."

"It's nothing. I just miss you guys. I want daddy to scoot me."

Maximilian carried her in his arms and looked at his daughter with a smile. Then he said, "Sissi,

mommy and I will take you to the amusement park today, do you want to go?"

Sissi's eyes lit up and she nodded her head, "Yes, I want to go to the amusement park so badly. Are we

going now?"

"Yes, let's go now, let's go." Maximilian walked outside with Sissi in his arms.

Sissi happily wrapped his arms around Maximilian's neck and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "Mua,

Daddy is the best. I'm going to the amusement park, wow."

Seeing how happy Sissi was, Victoria couldn't help crying, and tears welled up in her eyes. She wiped

the tears and quickly followed her husband and daughter.

They took Sissi into the car and left the hospital, and then the three of them went to the amusement,

which was located on the outskirts of the city and was overcrowded on weekends.

It was a weekday today, so there were not many people in line at the ticket counter.

Sissi clung to Maximilian, and Victoria said with a smil, "You take Sissi to buy the tickets. I'll get some

water and snacks."

Maximilian nodded and led Sissi towards the ticket office. Then the two of them stood at the end of the

line to wait.

In front of Maximilian stood an old woman in her sixties, holding a chubby little boy.

When the chubby boy saw Sissi standing behind him, he reached out to grab Sissi.

Sissi hid behind Maximilian, "Daddy, he grabbed me."

The little boy disdainfully twitched his mouth and said in a loud voice, "Your father wears such ragged

clothes. He must be a poor man. You just play with me and I will ask my father to arrange a job for


Maximilian was so angry that he even laughed upon hearing this. He said, "Auntie, take care of your


"My grandson is fine. He is absolutely right that you are a poor man. It's your blessing that my

grandson wants to play with your daughter.

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