Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 307 I Met Trouble Myself
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Chapter 307 I Met Trouble Myself

The meeting room instantly quieted down, Eduard frowned. He did not expect that his old rival chased

him here in order to cooperate with the Griffith Group.

He sensed something different the moment his old rival appeared, something serious might happen.

Andrew and others completely froze. As they were negotiating with Eduard, another international

famous company came for cooperation? Was it destined that the Griffith Group was going to flourish?

Andrew was immersed in such a sweet dream that he smiled happily.

"Followed by many real estate developers from Geekoo. They said they want to apologize to Mr. Lee."

What the secretary said broke Andrew' sweet dream.

Hearing the words "apologize to Mr. Lee", Andrew suddenly recalled a bad memory.

Not long ago, the master of the Stone Family in the capital city came to apologize to Maximilian. He

could still remember it clearly.

How could there be someone else who came to apologize to Maximilian again? Why was there always

someone who came to apologize to that loser? It didn't make sense.

Andrew froze for a while, and the faces of Darian and some others turned sour. They all felt uneasy

deep in their heart.

Maximilian curled up his lips and winked at Victoria, who immediately calmed down.

Eduard said with a cold face, "Andrew, do you still want to cooperate with me? How dare you contact

my rival!"

"No, I definitely did not contact people of Fraser. There must be a misunderstanding. Secretary, hurry

up and drive the people of Fraser and those real estate companies out!"

At the time, Andrew was shouting at the door, the door to the conference was pushed open, "Who are

you people? This is the conference of the Griffith Group. How can you just barge in like this? Get the

hell out of here!" Andrew roared in anxiety.novelbin

Eduard stared at one of the tall and skinny foreigners with an angry expression.

"Kroopf, this is not the place for you to come, you should leave now." Eduard said coldly.

Kroopf was CEO of Fraser Pharmaceutical Group, and he shrugged his shoulders and shook his head

to Eduard.

"Eduard, I came to see how you are doomed. I heard from a great prophet that there is a miraculous

Mr. Lee in the East, so I came thousands of miles across the ocean to meet him and express my

sincere respect to him."

After Kroopf said these respectfully, he turned to bow to Maximilian.

People of the Griffith family stared at him in disbelief. They found it impossible that Kroopf even bowed

to Maximillian. He was the CEO of an internationally renowned pharmaceutical company!

When he came to the country, he would be welcomed by many bigwigs. But he was bowing to that

loser, Maximilian.

Eduard's face was gloomy, and he felt that things were totally out of his control.

Wyatt, Corey and the other people coming with Kroopf were all surprised. They already had a deep

discussion with Kroopf and wanted to pay the money for the cooperation between the Griffith family

and Fraser, Kroopf never gave them a positive answer.

At first, Corey and the others wanted to apologize with money. But they never expected that Kroopf

would bow to Maximillian before talking.

It was strange, really strange. Maximilian must be a distinguished man. They heard what Kroopf said

clearly, it was a prophet that led him here.

Victoria looked at Maximilian in a daze. She really couldn't figure out what was the relationship between

the prophet Kroopf talked about and Maximilian.

Maximilian nodded slightly as a reply to Kroopf.

Wyatt came back to his senses first. He came forward and said with a smile, "Mr. Lee, Corey and the

others kept begging, so I had no choice but to bring them here to apologize to you. Please forgive me

for our uninvited visit."

"We are sorry, we spoiled our sons and didn't educate them properly. And we even want to take

revenge on you. It is all our fault. Please forgive us, Mr. Lee."

As Corey said this, he bowed to Maximilian with other real estate bosses.

Eduard was standing aside to watch what was going on. And the more he watched it, the angrier he


"Is this the way you treat your future business partners? We are doing business, can you be more


Andrew did not dare to show any hesitation. He turned to the group of people with Corey and said,

"Gentlemen, please leave first and do not disturb our discussion with President Eduard. If you want to

make amends with that loser Maximilian, wait until after our discussion."

Kroopf raised his eyebrows and smiled as he extended his hand to his assistant.

The assistant quickly took out a document from the file case and give it to Kroopf.

"Fantastic! Mr. Lee, since Eduard didn’t respect you at all, I will teach him a lesson. The great prophet

said that if we help you teach Eduard a lesson, the fortune will come to Fraser Pharmaceutical Group."

Kroopf said with a slight bow.

Eduard's eyes instantly turned red. He failed to make Maximilian kneel to him yet. And now his rival

came to help Maximilian. He really felt it intolerable.

"Kroopf! You son of bitch! Shame on your connection with such a loser like Maximilian. How dare an

idiot like you come to provoke me? Fraser Pharmaceutical Group is bound to get nothing in the bidding

next month."

Seeing Eduard was so angry and almost crazy, Kroopf said with a smile, "I think you might make a

mistake! The one who is bound to get nothing is you. I have understood what the prophet's guidance

meant, Mr. Lee is sure to help our group."

After saying that, Kroopf threw the document in his hand to Eduard "Open your damn eyes and look at

it carefully. These are the test results of the health care products from your company. The carcinogenic

exceeds the standard."

"No way!" Eduard roared as he picked up the document.

After reading it twice, Eduard's face instantly turned pale.

"You are slandering me. It must be you who is plotting against me. When I figure out the truth, I will

make you pay for it!"

Eduard picked up the documents and was about to leave. He even had no time to care about the gun

wound on his lap.

It was more important for him to deal with the emergency; otherwise, his companies were doomed.

His men hurriedly followed and left in a hurry.

Andrew and others of the Griffith Group froze as they saw this. How could a business negotiation turn

into a fight?

"President Eduard, please wait, we haven't finished our negotiation yet!"

Franklin couldn't help but chased Eduard outside the door.

Eduard looked at Franklin, who came to chase him angrily and said while glaring at him "Bullshit! I am

in trouble myself. I'll deal with that loser Maximilian when I'm done with it."

"Next time if you can't make that Maximilian kneel down to me, you will never be able to cooperate with


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