Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 298 Because of Maximilian?
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Chapter 298 Because of Maximilian?

Eduard raised his head, looked at Maximilian with disdain, and said with a sarcastic smile, "What younovelbin

can treat him, of course, is to keep him as a waste. If he wants to be a dog, I don't mind keeping him as

a dog."

"My dog eats 1thousand dollars a day. If he wants to be my dog, he can live a comfortable life. Maybe

I'll arrange a woman for him one day."

Victoria was about to argue when Laura heavily coughed twice and replied.

"Eduard's dog lives a good life, Victoria, don't be silly. Maximilian's salary of one month cannot compete

with Eduard's expenses for a dog. He is less than a dog. What are you protecting him for?"

"You are right. This waste is less than a dog, and it's less than a dog in every aspect." Eduard laughed

with pride.

At this time, the door of the room was pushed open, and the foreman came in with a group of beauties

in palace costumes and a sumptuous meal.

"Hello, everyone. We are here to serve the dishes." The foreman said politely, and the group of

beauties began to serve.

“First-class abalone.”

“Kobe beef.”

"French black truffle foie gras..."

The dishes on the table were totally different from those ordered by Eduard. These dishes were not

even on the menu.

Jennifer asked suspiciously, "Are you serving the wrong dishes? We didn't order these dishes."

"Mr. Lee is a VIP of our Manager Thomas. He specially instructed us to cook special dishes for Mr. Lee

when he came."

"These dishes are not on the menu. Only the most distinguished guests can enjoy them when they

come. All the raw materials are transported by air from all over the world within 24 hours to ensure the

best flavor of the food."

The foreman introduced it carefully, which made Jennifer and Eduard’s face look bad.

Just now Eduard humiliated Maximilian during ordering. It was disgraceful enough when he failed. Now

Maximilian was a distinguished guest here. Eduard felt that he has been slapped in the face repeatedly.

Laura and Marcus were a little surprised, but Thomas was so respectful to Maximilian when they were

at Hugo Wright's birthday party. Looking at the rich food at the table, they immediately felt that it was

not so difficult to accept.

But Maximilian, a waste, did he really have such a good relationship with Thomas? And was it good

enough for Thomas to send such a feast for free?

Maximilian nodded slightly to the foreman and said politely, "Tell Thomas that I have received his


"Yes, please enjoy your time. If you need anything, feel free to tell me."

The foreman took the ladies in palace costumes out of the room.

There was a dead silence in the room. Jennifer and Eduard looked terrible. They wanted to turn over

the table.

"These dishes are not bad, but they may not be as good as those Mr. Eduard had overseas, but it

should be OK to make do with them." Maximilian said with a smile.

Eduard's cheek twitched and said with a sneer, "Do you think such a little trick can win you a round?

You can't compete with me. These dishes are the worst rubbish to me.”

"The worst rubbish, why do you invite Victoria here for dinner? Do you want to cheat her with rubbish?

You are too insincere.” Maximilian said lightly.

Eduard's face suddenly flushed and felt like burning. Maximilian beat him with his own words. Eduard's

heart was about to burst.

"You bastard! I don't mean that. I mean, what's related to you is rubbish. You are the most disgusting

person in the world! A loser.”

Seeing her son's pratfall, Jennifer knew he can't stay here any longer. Otherwise, it would only make a

fool of him.

"Eduard, shut up." Jennifer stopped Eduard, and then apologized to Laura and smiled, "Laura, my son

is in a bad mood and needs to go back first. Excuse us, we will be leaving now."

"Jennifer, please don’t. We'll teach this waste a lesson. Don’t leave, at least until we finished the meal."

Laura said quickly.

Jennifer shook her head, pulled Eduard whose eyes were to blow out fire and said in a low voice, "Let’s

go. Are you not humiliated enough?"

Eduard, like a fierce beast, gave Maximilian a brutal look and followed Jennifer out of the room.

Watching Jennifer and Eduard leave, Laura's face immediately darkened.

"Maximilian! You've got quite a skill, don't you? You dare to contradict others! Are you going to

contradict me?” Laura pounded the table and yelled.

"No, you are Victoria's mother, and you are the same as my mother to me. How dare I contradict you?"

Maximilian laughed neither hostile nor friendly.

"Nonsense. If you treat me as your mother, you will divorce Victoria immediately! I'm so angry that

you've spoiled everything today.”

Laura gasped. Marcus looked up at Maximilian and said, "What's your relationship with Thomas?

These dishes worth a lot of money. How is he willing to give it to you?"

"I have nothing to do with Thomas. He is so respectful to me for the sake of Wilfred Collins." Maximilian

said lightly.

It was really because of Wilfred Collins. Surprise and happiness were mixed in Marcus’s mind.

“So what’s your relationship with Wilfred Collins?” Marcus got to the bottom of this.

"His little grandson likes to play with me. He occasionally asks me to handle his grandson. When

Thomas meets him occasionally, he thought Wilfred and I were sworn friends, so he wants to flatter me

and fawn on Wilfred."

Maximilian explained without hesitation, there was no even a slightest abnormality in his expression.

Marcus sighed. His hope was shattered. He thought Maximilian might have a deep relationship with

Wilfred Collins.

But it was reasonable. If Maximilian had a deep relationship with Wilfred, Wilfred would offer him some

help, and he would not be who he was now.

"Were you bullying people by flaunting your powerful connections? You are just a bully under the

protection of others. Eduard is angry with you. Are you very proud of it? You bastard, do you know you

are hurting Victoria by doing this?" Laura screamed with anger.

"Mom, don't be like this. I am very happy to be with Maximilian. I don’t expect him to be rich, and we

just want to have a peaceful life."

Laura wiped the tears from her eyes and said, "Why don't you understand my pains? Do you think I

want to be a villain? I’m doing this for your happiness."

The door of the room was opened again, and Jennifer and Eduard rushed into the box in panic.

" Jennifer, why are you back?"

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