Young Lord of The Dragon Sect

Chapter 289 Kneel down and apologize!
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Chapter 289 Kneel down and apologize!

Taylor rolled into the meeting room. Although his heart was full of humiliation, he still kept a smile in

front of Maximilian's mighty power, and he dared not show the slightest inner emotion.

Seeing someone rolling in, Leon and others were a little surprised, and then a group of people burst

into laughter.

"Where do you rubbish find an actor who acted so well. You let him in and he really rolled in. In the

future, I will hire a few of these actors. They are definitely good companions for pretending to be


"It's a bit too shameless for the money; it's really a big laugh for you to be the Stone Family Patriarch

like this."

"How much does the actor cost? I will pay ten times the price. You just have to crawl over and bark

twice for me."

Leon and others joked with Taylor, and all the anger in Taylor's heart shifted to Leon and others.

"Mr. Lee, I have rolled in. These people are disrespectful to you. Please let my people vent the anger of

you." Taylor kept the posture of rolling in and said very sincerely.

Maximilian smiled, "Good attitude. Get up, and they will be left to you to clean up."

"Thank you, Mr. Lee, I will do it well and teach them a good lesson."

Taylor breathed a sigh of relief and felt that according to Maximilian's attitude, as long as he showed

enough sincerity, he should be forgiven by Maximilian.

Standing up from the ground, Taylor looked at Leon and others with cold eyes.

At this moment, Leon and others could see Taylor's appearance clearly. Gradually, Taylor's appearance

overlapped with the photos of Taylor in Leon's memory. Leon and others discovered with horror that the

one who rolled into the door turned out to be the real Taylor, the head of the Stone family!

"Stone, Stone, Taylor, it is really Taylor, the head of the Stone family! This, this is impossible! It must be

my hallucination!"

"I think he is Taylor. Could it be the person who looked like Taylor found by the waste? The real Stone

Family Patriarch won't roll in."

"What's the matter, is the man in front of us the Stone Family Patriarch?"

Leon and others were completely confused. The more they looked, the more they felt that it was Taylor,

but the more they felt that it was Taylor, the colder Leon and others' hearts became.

Taylor really rolled in!

What they were laughing at just now turned out to be the real Stone Family Patriarch!

What would happen if they offended Patriarch Stone?

With a smile on Leon's face that was uglier than crying, he arched his hands and said to Taylor, "Stone,

Patriarch Stone, we didn't know that it was you just now, please forgive us."

"Shit! How dare you be disrespectful to Mr. Lee? That's a crime of treason! Come here!" Taylor roared


The bodyguards outside the door rushed into the meeting room, and looked at Leon and other's


The bodyguards of Leon and others were extremely afraid. Just by looking at the aura of the opponent,

they knew they were not the opponent of Taylor's bodyguards.

"Mr. Moore, we, we are afraid we can't protect you, Patriarch Stone's bodyguards are all elite." the

captain of Leon's bodyguards said nervously.

Leon's face turned pale and he shouted at the bodyguards beside him, "You bastards go back."

Leon also understood it at this time. It was impossible to solve it now. He could only ask for a lighter

punishment. If he asked the bodyguards to resist, it was an act of seeking death.

"Patriarch Stone, we know we were wrong. You can teach us casually, but our family is innocent.

Please don't hurt our family after you teach us a lesson."

Taylor sneered, and then put on a flattering smile, and said to Maximilian, "Mr. Lee, what do you say? It

is said to clear up them all. As long as you say, I will immediately have them wiped out from their


Leon and others shuddered, and they all wanted to cry. They wanted to show off, but who knew they hit

the iron plate.

"Patriarch Stone, you don't have to rush to kill us like this, Maximilian, you..."

Leon's words were no longer heard. He had such a big death feud with Maximilian, and now he had to

beg his enemy for mercy, Leon really couldn't do it.

Maximilian took Victoria to sit down and said slowly, "Whatever you teach, it's best to let me see your


Taylor's heart was stunned, knowing that this matter must be handled well. If it was not handled to

Maximilian's satisfaction, he was afraid that the Stone family could not be forgiven.

"Catch them for me and give them a hard beat first!" Taylor shouted sharply.

The bodyguards stepped forward one after another, catching Leon and others to beat them.

The bodyguards of Leon and others were shrunk in the corners, not daring to take a step forward.

Andrew, Darian and Iris saw this with their eyelids jumping, thinking of the threats against Maximilian

and Victoria just now, and worried that Maximilian would ask Taylor to clean them up later.

"What's the relationship between Maximilian and the Stone Family? The Stone Family Patriarch came

to apologize personally. Why do things look so mysterious?"

"Who can make sense of this? I think I'm dreaming. Do you think Maximilian will retaliate against us


Iris bit her lower lip with her teeth tightly. She was so nervous that she thought about the way

Maximilian was about to beat her, and she would definitely not be able to escape Maximilian's revenge.

How did this damn loser make Patriarch Stone bow his head?

"No, I'm going to slip away quickly; I can't stay here and wait to die!"

Iris moved slowly and wanted to slip away, but when she reached the door of the meeting room, she

was blocked by Taylor's men.

Seeing the serious appearance of Taylor's subordinates, Iris walked back at Darian's side with a sadnovelbin

face, hoping that her father could help her later.

Leon and others had been beaten up for a round, and each of them had been beaten into pig heads,

looking painful and miserable.

"Woo, don't fight, I was wrong, I knew I was wrong. I really knew I was wrong, Maximilian please

forgive me. I can kowtow to you." Leon said miserably.

"We know that we are wrong. We are willing to kowtow to apologize. Please forgive us. We will never

dare to do it again. We will walk around if we see you in the future. Please spare us."

Zakariya and others followed, begging for mercy. The crying appearance of the group was totally

different from their arrogant appearance just now.

Taylor took a peek at Maximilian's face and saw that Maximilian didn't have any expression at all.

Taylor's heart was a little cold, and he knew he would continue to clean up these people.

"Just cry, you can just keep crying! Shut up, kneel to Mr. Lee, and kowtow to apologize! Knock until the

head hurt!" Taylor roared loudly.

Leon and others, who were already injured, enduring the pain all over, knelt down to Maximilian

together, and kowtowed to Maximilian uniformly.

"Fuck! Didn't you eat? You don't have the strength to knock? Don't you know you should make sound if

you want to show your sincerity?"

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